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public property LdapUserConf::$synchMapping in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 8.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 ldap_user/LdapUserConf.class.php \LdapUserConf::synchMapping

array of field synch mappings provided by all modules (via hook_ldap_user_attrs_list_alter()) array of the form: array( LDAP_USER_PROV_DIRECTION_TO_DRUPAL_USER | LDAP_USER_PROV_DIRECTION_TO_LDAP_ENTRY => array( <server_id> => array( 'sid' => <server_id> (redundant) 'ldap_attr' => e.g. [sn] 'user_attr' => e.g. [field.field_user_lname] (when this value is set to 'user_tokens', 'user_tokens' value is used.) 'user_tokens' => e.g. [field.field_user_lname], [field.field_user_fname] 'convert' => 1|0 boolean indicating need to covert from binary 'direction' => LDAP_USER_PROV_DIRECTION_TO_DRUPAL_USER | LDAP_USER_PROV_DIRECTION_TO_LDAP_ENTRY (redundant) 'config_module' => 'ldap_user' 'prov_module' => 'ldap_user' 'enabled' => 1|0 boolean prov_events' => array( of LDAP_USER_EVENT_* constants indicating during which synch actions field should be synched)

) )


ldap_user/LdapUserConf.class.php, line 123




public $synchMapping = NULL;