You are here in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 7


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// $Id:,v 2011/02/08 06:01:00 johnbarclay Exp $

 * @file
 * test configurations for LdapServerTest.class.php
 * file name should be of form LdapServerTestData.<sid>.inc
 * where sid is the server id data is used for.
$test_data = array();

 * $test_data['properties'] are all the initial properties of the instantiated LdapServerTest object
$test_data['server']['properties'] = array(
  'sid' => 'ldapfeeds',
  'name' => 'Test LDAP Server 1 for LDAP Authorization',
  'inDatabase' => TRUE,
  'status' => 1,
  'ldap_type' => 'ad',
  'address' => '',
  'port' => 389,
  'tls' => FALSE,
  'basedn' => array(
    'ou=campus accounts,dc=ad,dc=myuniversity,dc=edu',
    'ou=guest accounts,dc=ad,dc=myuniversity,dc=edu',
  'binddn' => 'cn=service-account,dc=ad,dc=myuniversity,dc=edu',
  'bindpw' => 'goodpwd',
  'user_dn_expression' => 'user_dn_expression',
  'user_attr' => 'sAMAccountName',
  'mail_attr' => 'mail',
  'ldapToDrupalUserPhp' => NULL,
  'testingDrupalUsername' => 'jdoe',
  'groupObjectClass' => 'group',

 * method responses are stored in array $test_data['methodResponses']
 * where keys are:
 * <method_name>
 * parameter1,
 * parameter2,
 * ...
 * and value is the response test ldap server is expected to return. values
 * can be scalar, array, object, etc, depending on what the method being mimicked
 * is expected to return
$test_data['server']['methodResponses']['connect'] = LDAP_SUCCESS;
$test_data['server']['search_results']['objectclass=user']['ou=campus accounts,dc=ad,dc=myuniversity,dc=edu'] = array(
  0 => array(
    'count' => 4,
    'dn' => 'cn=jkool,ou=campus accounts,dc=ad,dc=myuniversity,dc=edu',
    'mail' => '',
    'cn' => 'jkool',
    'sn' => 'kool',
  1 => array(
    'count' => 4,
    'dn' => 'cn=bkool,ou=campus accounts,dc=ad,dc=myuniversity,dc=edu',
    'mail' => '',
    'cn' => 'bkool',
    'sn' => 'kool',
  2 => array(
    'count' => 4,
    'dn' => 'cn=rkool,ou=campus accounts,dc=ad,dc=myuniversity,dc=edu',
    'mail' => '',
    'cn' => 'rkool',
    'sn' => 'kool',
  'count' => 3,
$test_data['server']['search_results']['(member=cn=jkool,ou=guest accounts,dc=ad,dc=myuniversity,dc=edu)']['ou=groups,dc=ad,dc=myuniversity,dc=edu'] = array(
  0 => array(
    'count' => 1,
    'dn' => 'cn=content editors,ou=groups,dc=ad,dc=myuniversity,dc=edu',
  'count' => 1,

 * fake user data array below 'attr' should mimick ldap user result data
$test_data['server']['users']['cn=jdoe,ou=campus accounts,dc=ad,dc=myuniversity,dc=edu']['attr'] = array(
  'dn' => 'cn=jdoe,ou=campus accounts,dc=ad,dc=myuniversity,dc=edu',
  'mail' => array(
    0 => '',
    'count' => 1,
  'sAMAccountName' => array(
    0 => 'jdoe',
    'count' => 1,
  'password' => array(
    0 => 'goodpwd',
    'count' => 1,
$test_data['server']['users']['cn=jkool,ou=guest accounts,dc=ad,dc=myuniversity,dc=edu']['attr'] = array(
  'dn' => 'cn=jkool,ou=guest accounts,dc=ad,dc=myuniversity,dc=edu',
  'mail' => array(
    0 => '',
    'count' => 1,
  'sAMAccountName' => array(
    0 => 'jkool',
    'count' => 1,
  'password' => array(
    0 => 'goodpwd',
    'count' => 1,
  'memberOf' => array(
    0 => 'cn=sysadmins,ou=it,dc=ad,dc=myuniversity,dc=edu',
    'count' => 1,
$test_data['server']['users']['cn=unkool,ou=lost,dc=ad,dc=myuniversity,dc=edu']['attr'] = array(
  'dn' => 'cn=unkool,ou=lost,dc=ad,dc=myuniversity,dc=edu',
  'mail' => array(
    0 => '',
    'count' => 1,
  'sAMAccountName' => array(
    0 => 'jkool',
    'count' => 1,
  'password' => array(
    0 => 'goodpwd',
    'count' => 1,
  'memberOf' => array(
    0 => 'cn=unknown_people,ou=nowhere,dc=ad,dc=myuniversity,dc=edu',
    'count' => 1,
$test_data['server']['users']['cn=verykool,ou=special guests,ou=guest accounts,dc=ad,dc=myuniversity,dc=edu']['attr'] = array(
  'dn' => 'cn=verykool,ou=special guests,ou=guest accounts,dc=ad,dc=myuniversity,dc=edu',
  'mail' => array(
    0 => '',
    'count' => 1,
  'sAMAccountName' => array(
    0 => 'verykool',
    'count' => 1,
  'password' => array(
    0 => 'goodpwd',
    'count' => 1,
  'meMBErof' => array(
    0 => 'cn=sysadmins,ou=it,dc=ad,dc=myuniversity,dc=edu',
    1 => 'CN=NETadmins,ou=it,dc=ad,dc=myuniversity,dc=edu',
    'count' => 2,

 * test users should include service account if one is being used
$test_data['server']['users']['cn=service-account,dc=ad,dc=myuniversity,dc=edu']['attr'] = array(
  'dn' => 'cn=service-account,dc=ad,dc=myuniversity,dc=edu',
  'mail' => array(
    0 => '',
    'count' => 1,
  'sAMAccountName' => array(
    0 => 'service-account',
    'count' => 1,
  'memberOf' => array(
    0 => 'CN=service_accounts,OU=ServiceAccountGroups,DC=ad,DC=myuniversity,DC=edu',
    'count' => 2,
  'password' => array(
    0 => 'goodpwd',
    'count' => 1,