function LdapAuthorizationBasicTests::testFlags in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 7
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 8.2 ldap_authorization/tests/BasicTests.test \LdapAuthorizationBasicTests::testFlags()
- 7.2 ldap_authorization/tests/BasicTests.test \LdapAuthorizationBasicTests::testFlags()
flag (binary switches) tests clumped together
- ldap_authorization/
tests/ BasicTests/ BasicTests.test, line 158
function testFlags() {
// TODO: Fix failing tests, excluding to make branch pass.
$this->ldapTestId = 'Flags';
$this->serversData = 'BasicTests/';
$this->authorizationData = 'BasicTests/';
$this->authenticationData = 'BasicTests/';
$this->consumerType = 'drupal_role';
* test: LDAP_authorz.Flags.enable
$user = $this
$jkool = $this->testFunctions
'name' => 'jkool',
'mail' => '',
), TRUE, $user);
list($new_authorizations, $notifications) = ldap_authorizations_user_authorizations($jkool, 'query');
// just see if the correct ones are derived.
$roles1 = $new_authorizations[$this->consumerType];
$consumer_conf_admin = ldap_authorization_get_consumer_admin_object($this->consumerType);
$consumer_conf_admin->status = 0;
$consumer_conf_admin = ldap_authorization_get_consumer_admin_object($this->consumerType);
list($new_authorizations, $notifications) = ldap_authorizations_user_authorizations($jkool, 'query', $this->consumerType);
// just see if the correct ones are derived.
$roles2 = isset($new_authorizations[$this->consumerType]) ? $new_authorizations[$this->consumerType] : array();
->assertTrue(count($roles1) == 1 && count($roles2) == 0, 'disable consumer configuration disallows authorizations.', $this->ldapTestId . '.enable');
* LDAP_authorz.Flags.onlyLdapAuthenticated (I) - create normal user and apply authorization query
$consumer_conf_admin->onlyApplyToLdapAuthenticated = 1;
$consumer_conf_admin->status = 1;
// remove authmap for jkool then test
$jkool = user_save($user, array(
'name' => 'jkool',
'mail' => '',
user_set_authmaps($jkool, array(
'authname_ldap_authentication' => NULL,
list($new_authorizations, $notifications) = ldap_authorizations_user_authorizations($jkool, 'query');
// just see if the correct ones are derived.
$roles = isset($new_authorizations['drupal_role']) ? $new_authorizations['drupal_role'] : array();
->assertTrue(count($roles) == 0, ' only apply to ldap authenticated grants no roles for non ldap user.', $this->ldapTestId . '.enable');
user_set_authmaps($jkool, array(
'authname_ldap_authentication' => 'jkool',
* LDAP_authorz.Flags.applyOnLogon (IV.B) - execute logon and check that roles are applied
* LDAP_authorz.Flags.revokeRoles (IV.C) - select this option, grant user role not deserved, and execute manual call
// set correct roles
list($new_authorizations, $notifications) = ldap_authorizations_user_authorizations($jkool, 'set');
$consumer_conf_admin->onlyApplyToLdapAuthenticated = 0;
$consumer_conf_admin->revokeLdapProvisioned = 1;
// add an underserved, ldap granted drupal role
$jkool = user_load($jkool->uid);
$data = array(
'roles' => array(
3 => 'administrator',
'data' => array(
'ldap_authorizations' => array(
'drupal_role' => array(
'administrator' => array(
'date_granted' => 1304216778,
$jkool = user_save($jkool, $data);
$was_set = isset($jkool->roles[3]);
//debug('user load jkool1, was_set='. $was_set); debug($jkool);
// apply correct authorizations. should remove the administrator role.
list($new_authorizations, $notifications) = ldap_authorizations_user_authorizations($jkool, 'set', $this->consumerType, 'logon');
// debug('authorizations'); debug(array($new_authorizations, $notifications));
$jkool = user_load($jkool->uid);
// debug('user load jkool'); debug($jkool);
->assertTrue($was_set && !isset($jkool->roles[3]), ' revoke ldap granted roles when no longer deserved.', $this->ldapTestId . '.revokeRoles');
* LDAP_authorz.Flags.regrantRoles IV.C) - select this option, execute manual call to get deserved roles, remove a role, execute manual call to get deserved roles, make sure role regranted
* LDAP_authorz.Flags.createRoles IV.C) - select this option, delete some roles or make sure they don't exist. manually execute. check role created and granted to user
// take roles away from user
$jkool = user_load($jkool->uid);
$data = array(
'roles' => array(),
'data' => array(
'ldap_authorizations' => array(),
$jkool = user_save($jkool, $data);
$consumer_conf_admin->createConsumers = 1;
// make sure role doesn't exist
if (in_array('guests', array_values(user_roles()))) {
$guest_role_deleted = !in_array('guests', array_values(user_roles()));
// set authorizations for user. this should create role
list($new_authorizations, $notifications) = ldap_authorizations_user_authorizations($jkool, 'set', 'drupal_role', 'logon');
$jkool = user_load($jkool->uid);
$guest_role_recreated = in_array('guests', array_values(user_roles()));
$roles_by_name = array_flip(user_roles());
// debug('roles_by_name'); debug($roles_by_name);
$jkool_granted_guest = isset($jkool->roles[$roles_by_name['guests']]);
->assertTrue($guest_role_deleted && $guest_role_recreated && $jkool_granted_guest, ' create consumers (e.g. roles)', $this->ldapTestId . '.createRoles');