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1197636.test in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 7


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// $Id$

 * @file
 * see getInfo() for test summary
require_once drupal_get_path('module', 'ldap_authorization') . '/tests/LdapAuthorizationTestCase.class.php';
class LdapAuthorizationTestCase1197636 extends LdapAuthorizationTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'group' => 'LDAP Authorization',
      'name' => 'Issue #1197636',
      'description' => 'ldap authorization. Issue #1197636.  User cannot logon with ldap authorization enabled.',
  function testLogon() {
    $this->ldapTestId = 'Issue #1197636';
    $this->serversData = '1197636/';
    $this->authorizationData = '1197636/';
    $this->authenticationData = '1197636/';
    $edit = array(
      'name' => 'verykool',
      'pass' => 'goodpwd',
      ->drupalPost('user', $edit, t('Log in'));
      ->assertText(t('Member for'), 'New Ldap user with good password authenticated.', $this->ldapTestId);
      ->ldapUserIsAuthmapped('verykool'), 'Ldap user properly authmapped.', $this->ldapTestId);
    $verykool = user_load_by_name('verykool');
      ->assertTrue(is_object($verykool) && @(int) $verykool->uid > 1, 'Ldap user exists with uid > 1.', $this->ldapTestId);
    $correct_roles = in_array('netadmins', array_values($verykool->roles));
      ->assertTrue($correct_roles, 'verykool granted  roles on actual logon "netadmins" drupal roles ', $this->ldapTestId);
