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public function LdapAuthorizationConsumerOG::mappingExamples in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 ldap_authorization/ldap_authorization_og/LdapAuthorizationConsumerOG.class.php \LdapAuthorizationConsumerOG::mappingExamples()
  2. 7.2 ldap_authorization/ldap_authorization_og/LdapAuthorizationConsumerOG.class.php \LdapAuthorizationConsumerOG::mappingExamples()

* Get list of mappings based on existing Organic Groups and roles * *


associative array $tokens of tokens and replacement values: * @return html examples of mapping values


ldap_authorization/ldap_authorization_og/LdapAuthorizationConsumerOG.class.php, line 533




public function mappingExamples($tokens) {
  if ($this->ogVersion == 1) {
    $groups = og_get_all_group();
    $ogEntities = og_load_multiple($groups);
    $OGroles = og_roles(0);
    $rows = array();
    foreach ($ogEntities as $group) {
      foreach ($OGroles as $rid => $role) {
        $example = "<code>ou=IT,dc=myorg,dc=mytld,dc=edu|gid=" . $group->gid . ',rid=' . $rid . '</code><br/>' . '<code>ou=IT,dc=myorg,dc=mytld,dc=edu|group-name=' . $group->label . ',role-name=' . $role . '</code>';
        $rows[] = array(
    $variables = array(
      'header' => array(
        'Group Name',
        'OG Group ID',
        'OG Membership Type',
      'rows' => $rows,
      'attributes' => array(),
  else {

     * OG 7.x-2.x mappings:
     * $entity_type = $group_type,
     * $bundle = $group_bundle
     * $etid = $gid where edid is nid, uid, etc.
     * og group is: entity_type (eg node) x entity_id ($gid) eg. node:17
     * group identifier = group_type:gid; aka entity_type:etid e.g. node:17
     * membership identifier is:  group_type:gid:entity_type:etid
     * in our case: group_type:gid:user:uid aka entity_type:etid:user:uid e.g. node:17:user:2
     * roles are simply rids ((1,2,3) and names (non-member, member, and administrator member) in og_role table
     * og_users_roles is simply uid x rid x gid
     * .. so authorization mappings should look like:
     *    <ldap group>|group_type:gid:rid such as staff|node:17:2
    $rows = array();
    foreach ($this->ogs as $entity_type => $entities) {
      foreach ($entities as $entity_id => $entity) {
        foreach ($entity['roles'] as $rid => $role) {
          $group_role_identifier = ldap_authorization_og_authorization_id($entity_id, $rid, $entity_type);
          $example = "<code>ou=IT,dc=myorg,dc=mytld,dc=edu|{$group_role_identifier}</code>";
          $rows[] = array(
            $entity['name'] . ' - ' . $role,
    $variables = array(
      'header' => array(
        'Group Name - OG Membership Type',
      'rows' => $rows,
      'attributes' => array(),
  $table = theme('table', $variables);
  $link = l('admin/config/people/ldap/authorization/test/og_group', 'admin/config/people/ldap/authorization/test/og_group');
  $examples = <<<EOT

Examples for some (or all) existing OG Group IDs can be found in the table below.
This is complex.  To test what is going to happen, uncheck "When a user logs on" in IV.B.
and use {<span class="php-variable">$link</span>} to see what memberships sample users would receive.

{<span class="php-variable">$table</span>}

  $examples = t($examples, $tokens);
  return $examples;