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public property LdapAuthorizationConsumerAbstract::$defaultableConsumerConfProperties in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 7

@property array $defaultableConsumerConfProperties properties a consumer may provide defaults for should include every item in "default mapping property values" above


ldap_authorization/LdapAuthorizationConsumerAbstract.class.php, line 68
abstract class to represent an ldap_authorization consumer such as drupal_role, og_group, etc. each authorization comsumer will extend this class with its own class named LdapAuthorizationConsumer<consumer type> such as…


@file abstract class to represent an ldap_authorization consumer such as drupal_role, og_group, etc. each authorization comsumer will extend this class with its own class named LdapAuthorizationConsumer<consumer type> such as…


public $defaultableConsumerConfProperties = array(