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public property LdapAuthenticationConf::$allowOnlyIfTextInDn in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 ldap_authentication/LdapAuthenticationConf.class.php \LdapAuthenticationConf::allowOnlyIfTextInDn
  2. 7.2 ldap_authentication/LdapAuthenticationConf.class.php \LdapAuthenticationConf::allowOnlyIfTextInDn

Advanced options. whitelist / blacklist options

these are on the fuzzy line between authentication and authorization and determine if a user is allowed to authenticate with ldap


ldap_authentication/LdapAuthenticationConf.class.php, line 44
This class represents an ldap_authentication module's configuration It is extended by LdapAuthenticationConfAdmin for configuration and other admin functions


@file This class represents an ldap_authentication module's configuration It is extended by LdapAuthenticationConfAdmin for configuration and other admin functions


public $allowOnlyIfTextInDn = array();