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Functions in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 8.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
ldap_authorization_update_7105 ldap_authorization/ldap_authorization.install add derive_from_entry_user_ldap_attr field to allow user specification of dn or other identifier.
ldap_authorization_update_7106 ldap_authorization/ldap_authorization.install add nested checkboxes to derive from entry and attributes strategies.
ldap_authorization_update_7107 ldap_authorization/ldap_authorization.install add derive_from_entry_use_first_attr field to and remove description field from ldap_authorization table
ldap_authorization_update_7108 ldap_authorization/ldap_authorization.install add derive_from_entry_entries_attr field to allow user specification of attribute representing group in queries.
ldap_authorization_update_7201 ldap_authorization/ldap_authorization.install moving some groups related fields into ldap server module
ldap_authorization_update_7202 ldap_authorization/ldap_authorization.install remove user ldap authorizations field. its in $user->data now
ldap_authorization_update_7203 ldap_authorization/ldap_authorization.install make all schema field names lowercase in ldap server to deal with cronic case sensitivity issues
ldap_authorization_user_entity_fields ldap_authorization/ldap_authorization.install 2
ldap_authorization_user_login ldap_authorization/ldap_authorization.module Implements hook_user_login() login operation.
ldap_badattr ldap_servers/ this attempts to find bad dns, but should only be used as warningswe as the ldap spec allows for any old character to be escaped and ldap implementations may not follow the spec.
ldap_baddn ldap_servers/ this attempts to find bad dns, but should only be used as warningswe as the ldap spec allows for any old character to be escaped and ldap implementations may not follow the spec.
ldap_feeds_ctools_plugin_api ldap_feeds/ldap_feeds.module Implements hook_ctools_plugin_api().
ldap_feeds_drupal_user_attributes ldap_feeds/ldap_feeds.module 2
ldap_feeds_drupal_user_legend ldap_feeds/ldap_feeds.module add additional data to mapping form for drupal user fetcher 1
ldap_feeds_enable ldap_feeds/ldap_feeds.module Implements hook_enable().
ldap_feeds_feeds_plugins ldap_feeds/ldap_feeds.module Implements hook_feeds_plugins().
ldap_feeds_form_feeds_ui_mapping_form_alter ldap_feeds/ldap_feeds.module show some sample ldap user data to help with mapping interface
ldap_feeds_query_legend ldap_feeds/ldap_feeds.module add additional data to mapping form for ldap query fetcher 1
ldap_help_config ldap_help/ldap_test_script/ 1
ldap_help_connect ldap_help/ldap_test_script/ 1
ldap_help_disconnect ldap_help/ldap_test_script/ Disconnect (unbind) from an active LDAP server. 1
ldap_help_display ldap_help/ldap_test_script/ 1
ldap_help_encodePassword ldap_help/ldap_test_script/
ldap_help_examples ldap_help/ the goal of this function is to illustrate samples from various ldap implementations (AD, openldap, etc) alongside default/common ldap module configurations. The data for the ldaps and the configuration should be the same as is used in the simpletets. 1
ldap_help_form_ldap_servers_settings_alter ldap_help/ldap_help.module
ldap_help_get_ldapauth ldap_help/
ldap_help_get_ldap_authentication ldap_help/ 1
ldap_help_get_ldap_authorization ldap_help/ 1
ldap_help_get_ldap_servers ldap_help/ 1
ldap_help_get_ldap_user ldap_help/
ldap_help_get_server ldap_help/ 1
ldap_help_get_user_settings ldap_help/ 1
ldap_help_help ldap_help/ldap_help.module
ldap_help_issues ldap_help/ @file The ldap_help issues provides a filtered watchdog view for ldap issues. 1
ldap_help_main ldap_help/ @file The ldap_help resources are just links. 1
ldap_help_menu ldap_help/ldap_help.module Implements hook_menu().
ldap_help_parsePHPModules ldap_help/ldap_test_script/ parse php modules from phpinfo 2
ldap_help_parsePHPModules ldap_help/ parse php modules from phpinfo 2
ldap_help_parse_form ldap_help/ 3
ldap_help_phpinfo ldap_help/
ldap_help_show_error ldap_help/ldap_test_script/ 1
ldap_help_status ldap_help/ @file status file for ldaphelp module 1 1
ldap_help_uninstall ldap_help/ldap_help.install Implements hook_uninstall().
ldap_help_update_8000 ldap_help/ldap_help.install Converts default_file_main variable to config.
ldap_help_watchdog ldap_help/ @file The ldap_help watchdog is just a filtered watchdog summary. 1
ldap_help_watchdog_detail_submit ldap_help/ldap_help.module 1
ldap_password_modify ldap_servers/ Modify a password
ldap_pear_asc2hex32 ldap_servers/ Converts all ASCII chars < 32 to "\HEX" 2
ldap_pear_escape_dn_value ldap_servers/ Escapes a DN value according to RFC 2253 1
ldap_pear_escape_filter_value ldap_servers/ from pear net_ldap2-2.0.11 1


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