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Files in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 8.2

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description ldap_user/ ldap_user/
ldap_user.install ldap_user/ldap_user.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the LDAP User module.
ldap_user.module ldap_user/ldap_user.module Module for the LDAP User Entity
ldap_user.test ldap_user/tests/ldap_user.test
ldap_user.test.manual.txt ldap_user/tests/ldap_user.test.manual.txt /********************************************** * this is a summary of how to test ldap_user manually. * it attempts to cover all facets of the automated simpletests … ldap_user/ ldap_user/ theme functions for ldap_user module ldap_user/ functions related to REST webservices for LDAP User module ldap_views/ ldap_views/
ldap_views.install ldap_views/ldap_views.install Install functions for the ldap_views module.
ldap_views.module ldap_views/ldap_views.module ldap_views/ Definition of ldap_views module ldap_views/ Defines a default ldap_view ldap_views/handlers/ Basic textfield argument to handle known ldap attributes ldap_views/handlers/ Basic textfield argument to handle dynamic ldap attributes ldap_views/handlers/ LDAP field handler ldap_views/handlers/ LDAP field handler ldap_views/handlers/ Basic textfield filter to handle string filtering commands including equality, contains, not contains, etc. ldap_views/handlers/ Basic textfield filter to handle string filtering commands for a generic ldap attribute Includes new criterias ldap_views/handlers/ Base sort handler for a ldap attributes ldap_views/handlers/ Base sort handler for a ldap attributes ldap_views/plugins/ Defines the default query object which builds and execute a ldap query
LICENSE.txt LICENSE.txt GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991 Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but…
LICENSE.txt ldap_views/LICENSE.txt GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991 Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but…
manual_tests.txt ldap_authorization/tests/manual_tests.txt A summary of tests to do manually. These should all be duplicated in simpletests. Queries for group memberships and nested group memberships are in the LDAP Servers module. LDAP Authorization testing is thus about the actual granting of…
MSTMG.notes.txt ldap_sso/MSTMG.notes.txt Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway Overview of authentication in Forefront TMG About authentication in Web…
Og1Tests.test ldap_authorization/tests/Og1Tests.test
Og2Tests.test ldap_authorization/tests/Og2Tests.test
README.developers.txt README.developers.txt General LDAP Project Notes LDAP Servers is base module or api module. General LDAP functions belong in LDAP Servers. -------------------------------------------------------- Case Sensitivity and Character Escaping in LDAP…
README.developers.txt ldap_user/README.developers.txt provisioning = creating or synching ... to drupal or to ldap ========================================== LDAP User Data Structures in Drupal User Object ========================================== 'data' => array ( …
README.Drupal8Migration.txt README.Drupal8Migration.txt ------------------ Configuration Work: ------------------ X Check in ldap 7.x-2.x-dev into drupal 8 branch for diffing X Convert .info files to .info.yml files X add config directories and default settings files X deal with standard variables that…
README.testframework.txt ldap_test/README.testframework.txt Summary of simpletest framework for LDAP_* modules Configuration Sources for LDAP Simpletests: -- ldap_test/<module_name> (e.g. contain functions such as ldap_test_ldap_servers_data() that return arrays of…
README.txt ldap_test/test_ldap/README.txt Notes on LDAP Implementations for…
README.txt ldap_feeds/README.txt - Documentation: - LDAP Feeds Example: Synch LDAP Data to Drupal User - LDAP Feeds Query Fetcher Example:
README.txt ldap_sso/README.txt ======================================= LDAP Single Sign-On ======================================= To use the single sign-on feature, your web server must provide an authentication mechanism for LDAP. The only authentication mechanism used in…
README.txt ldap_user/README.txt LDAP User Module The core functionality of this module is provisioning and storage of an ldap identified Drupal user based on ldap attributes. In Drupal 6 this functionality was in ldap_synch, ldap_provision, ldap_profile, etc. This has been moved…
README.txt ldap_authorization/README.txt Vocubulary of LDAP Authorization and its Code ---------------------- "Consumer" ---------------------- The "consumer" or entity that authorization is being granted. Examples: Drupal role, Organic Group…
README.txt ldap_authorization/ldap_authorization_og/README.txt LDAP Authorization Organic Groups: ---------------------- LDAP Authorization OG Storage: ---------------------- OG authorizations are stored in form gid-rid from the tables og (og.gid) and og_roles (og_roles.rid). E.G. 1-2, 2-3, 3-4. OG in Drupal 7…
README.txt ldap_help/ldap_test_script/README.txt This script is intended to help separate LDAP Drupal module configuration and bugs from LDAP server, ldap php extension, and related connectivity and LDAP permissions issues. It uses the php ldap extension functions like ldap_connect(),…
test.php ldap_help/ldap_test_script/test.php
TODO.txt ldap_feeds/TODO.txt - add ldap token evaluation to feeds such that multiple attributes can be parsed - add functionality to populate user->data['ldap_user'] and other user populating data - simpletests - documenation of use cases - inclusion of sample feeds…
TODO.txt ldap_user/TODO.txt LDAP User To dos -- need to move data in admin/config/people/ldap/user on hook update. -- need ldap_user_update() hook to change ldap_authentication to ldap_user in authmaps table. -- add in password provisioning options to ldap user -- implement…
_dev_notes.txt ldap_query/_dev_notes.txt Properties:field_name --------------------- queryNumericId: query_numeric_id qid name sid status baseDn: base_dn array filter: filter attributes: attributes sizelimit: sizelimit timelimit: timelimit deref: deref * LDAP_DEREF_NEVER - (default)…


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