lazy.module in Lazy-load 8
Same filename and directory in other branches
Module file for Lazy-load.
lazy.moduleView source
* @file
* Module file for Lazy-load.
use Drupal\Core\Entity\Entity\EntityViewDisplay;
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface;
* Implements hook_help().
function lazy_help($route_name, RouteMatchInterface $route_match) {
switch ($route_name) {
case '':
$readme = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/');
if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()
->moduleExists('markdown')) {
// Use the Markdown filter to render the README.
$filter_manager = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.filter');
$settings = \Drupal::configFactory()
$config = [
'settings' => $settings,
$filter = $filter_manager
->createInstance('markdown', $config);
return $filter
->process($readme, 'en');
return '<pre>' . $readme . '</pre>';
return NULL;
* Implements template_preprocess_field().
function lazy_preprocess_field(&$variables) {
$config = \Drupal::config('lazy.settings')
$pages = $config['disabled_paths'];
$path_matches = lazy_disabled_by_path($pages);
$element = $variables['element'];
if (!$path_matches && $element['#field_type'] === 'image') {
$entity = $element['#object'];
$entity_type = $entity
$bundle = $entity
$view_mode = $element['#view_mode'];
$field_name = $element['#field_name'];
$render_display = EntityViewDisplay::collectRenderDisplay($entity, $view_mode);
$field_display = $render_display
$image_fields = [];
if (isset($field_display['third_party_settings']['lazy']) && $field_display['third_party_settings']['lazy']['lazy_image']) {
foreach ($variables['items'] as $key => $item) {
$variables['items'][$key]['content']['#item_attributes']['data-lazy-load-fields'] = 'image';
$view_mode = $view_mode === 'full' ? 'default' : $view_mode;
$image_fields["{$entity_type}--{$bundle}--{$view_mode}--{$field_name}"] = TRUE;
* Implements template_preprocess_image().
function lazy_preprocess_image(&$variables) {
if (array_key_exists('data-lazy-load-fields', $variables['attributes'])) {
$config = \Drupal::config('lazy.settings')
$variables['attributes'][$config['src']] = $variables['attributes']['src'];
$variables['attributes']['src'] = $config['placeholderSrc'];
$variables['attributes']['class'][] = $config['selector'];
* Implements hook_page_attachments().
function lazy_page_attachments(array &$attachments) {
$config = lazy_is_enabled();
if ($config) {
$options = [
'errorClass' => $config['errorClass'],
'loadInvisible' => (bool) $config['loadInvisible'],
'offset' => (int) $config['offset'],
'saveViewportOffsetDelay' => (int) $config['saveViewportOffsetDelay'],
'selector' => '.' . $config['selector'],
'skipClass' => $config['skipClass'],
'src' => $config['src'],
'successClass' => $config['successClass'],
'validateDelay' => $config['validateDelay'],
'placeholderSrc' => $config['placeholderSrc'],
$attachments['#attached']['library'][] = 'lazy/lazy';
$attachments['#attached']['drupalSettings']['lazy'] = $options;
* Callback function to check whether lazy is enabled in any text-formats.
* @return mixed Lazy configuration object if enabled, false otherwise.
function lazy_is_enabled() {
$status = [];
$connection = \Drupal::database();
$query = $connection
->query('SELECT, FROM {config} c WHERE LIKE :format', [
':format' => 'filter.format.%',
$filters = $query
foreach ($filters as $key => $filter) {
$filter = unserialize($filter);
if (isset($filter['status']) && $filter['status'] && isset($filter['dependencies']['module']) && in_array('lazy', $filter['dependencies']['module'])) {
$status[$key] = TRUE;
$config = \Drupal::config('lazy.settings')
$image_fields = $config['image_fields'];
if (count($image_fields)) {
foreach ($image_fields as $field_name => $bool_value) {
if ($bool_value) {
$status[$field_name] = TRUE;
return count($status) ? $config : FALSE;
* Implements hook_field_formatter_third_party_settings_form().
* @param \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldDefinitionInterface $field_definition
* @param $view_mode
* @param $form
* @return array
function lazy_field_formatter_third_party_settings_form($plugin, $field_definition, $view_mode, $form, $form_state) {
$element = [];
if ($plugin
->getPluginId() === 'image') {
$element['lazy_image'] = [
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t('Enable lazy-loading'),
'#default_value' => $plugin
->getThirdPartySetting('lazy', 'lazy_image', FALSE),
return $element;
* @param $form
* @param \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state
* @param $form_id
function lazy_form_entity_view_display_edit_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state, $form_id) {
$entity_type = $form['#entity_type'];
$bundle = $form['#bundle'];
$image_fields = [];
if ($fields = $form_state
->getValue('fields')) {
foreach ($fields as $field_name => $field) {
if ($field['type'] === 'image' && isset($field['settings_edit_form']) && isset($field['settings_edit_form']['third_party_settings']) && isset($field['settings_edit_form']['third_party_settings']['lazy']) && isset($field['settings_edit_form']['third_party_settings']['lazy']['lazy_image'])) {
$route_match = \Drupal::service('current_route_match');
$view_mode = $route_match
$image_fields["{$entity_type}--{$bundle}--{$view_mode}--{$field_name}"] = (bool) $field['settings_edit_form']['third_party_settings']['lazy']['lazy_image'];
* Implements hook_field_formatter_settings_summary_alter().
* @param $summary
* @param $context
function lazy_field_formatter_settings_summary_alter(&$summary, $context) {
if ($context['formatter']
->getPluginId() === 'image') {
if ($context['formatter']
->getThirdPartySetting('lazy', 'lazy_image', FALSE)) {
$summary[] = t('Lazy-loading enabled');
* Update `lazy.settings.image_fields` value with currently enabled options.
* @param array $image_fields
function lazy_settings_update(array $image_fields) {
$current_image_fields = \Drupal::config('lazy.settings')
if (empty($current_image_fields)) {
$current_image_fields = [];
$fields = array_merge($current_image_fields, $image_fields);
foreach ($fields as $field_name => $bool_value) {
if (!$bool_value) {
->set('image_fields', $fields)
* Checks whether lazy-load is disabled for the current path.
* @param $disabled_paths
* @return bool
function lazy_disabled_by_path($disabled_paths) {
// Convert path to lowercase. This allows comparison of the same path
// with different case. Ex: /Page, /page, /PAGE.
$pages = mb_strtolower($disabled_paths);
if (!$pages) {
return TRUE;
// Compare the lowercase path alias (if any) and internal path.
$path = \Drupal::service('path.current')
$path_alias = \Drupal::service('path.alias_manager')
// Do not trim a trailing slash if that is the complete path.
$path = $path === '/' ? $path : rtrim($path, '/');
$path_alias = mb_strtolower($path_alias);
$path_matcher = \Drupal::service('path.matcher')
->matchPath($path, $pages);
$path_alias_matcher = \Drupal::service('path.matcher')
->matchPath($path_alias, $pages);
return $path_alias_matcher || $path !== $path_alias && $path_matcher;
Name![]() |
Description |
lazy_disabled_by_path | Checks whether lazy-load is disabled for the current path. |
lazy_field_formatter_settings_summary_alter | Implements hook_field_formatter_settings_summary_alter(). |
lazy_field_formatter_third_party_settings_form | Implements hook_field_formatter_third_party_settings_form(). |
lazy_form_entity_view_display_edit_form_alter | |
lazy_help | Implements hook_help(). |
lazy_is_enabled | Callback function to check whether lazy is enabled in any text-formats. |
lazy_page_attachments | Implements hook_page_attachments(). |
lazy_preprocess_field | Implements template_preprocess_field(). |
lazy_preprocess_image | Implements template_preprocess_image(). |
lazy_settings_update | Update `lazy.settings.image_fields` value with currently enabled options. |