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public static function LayoutBuilderLock::preRender in Layout Builder Lock 8

Applies lock settings to the Layout Builder element.


array $element: The Layout Builder render element.

Return value

array The modified Layout Builder render element.


src/LayoutBuilderLock.php, line 57






public static function preRender(array $element) {

  // Attach library.
  $element['#attached']['library'][] = 'layout_builder_lock/edit';

  // Determine if this section is overridden.
  $overridden = FALSE;

  /** @var \Drupal\layout_builder\SectionStorageInterface $section_storage */
  $section_storage = $element['#section_storage'];
  if ($section_storage instanceof OverridesSectionStorageInterface && $section_storage
    ->isOverridden()) {
    $overridden = TRUE;

  // Users who can bypass the lock sections can do everything on overrides.
  if ($overridden && self::hasBypassLockSettingsPermission()) {
    return $element;

  // Users who can manage the lock settings on default can do everything.
  if (!$overridden && self::hasManageLockDefaultPermission()) {
    return $element;
  $section_number = 0;
  for ($i = 0; $i < $section_storage
    ->count(); $i++) {

    // Get settings, continue if empty.
    $settings = [];
    try {
      $settings = array_filter($section_storage
        ->getThirdPartySetting('layout_builder_lock', 'lock', self::NO_LOCK));
    } catch (\OutOfBoundsException $ignored) {
    if (empty($settings)) {
    $default_components = [];
    try {
      if ($section_storage instanceof OverridesSectionStorageInterface) {
        $default_components = $section_storage
      else {
        $default_components = $section_storage
    } catch (\OutOfBoundsException $ignored) {

    // Calculate the section number, taking into account the 'add section'
    // links.
    $section_number = $i * 2 + 1;

    // Ignore non existing section numbers.
    if (!isset($element['layout_builder'][$section_number])) {
    foreach ($element['layout_builder'][$section_number] as $name => $item) {

      // Add new section link before.
      if (isset($settings[self::LOCKED_SECTION_BEFORE])) {
        unset($element['layout_builder'][$section_number - 1]);

      // Add new section link after.
      if (isset($settings[self::LOCKED_SECTION_AFTER])) {
        unset($element['layout_builder'][$section_number + 1]);

      // Remove or configure section links.
      if (isset($item['#url'])) {

        // Sections can not be deleted at all.
        if ($name == 'remove') {

        // Configure section link.
        if ($name == 'configure' && isset($settings[self::LOCKED_SECTION_CONFIGURE]) && !self::hasManageLockOverridesPermission()) {
      elseif (isset($item['#layout'])) {
        foreach (Element::children($item) as $region_key) {

          // Track if we have non default blocks in this section.
          $has_custom_block = FALSE;
          foreach (Element::children($item[$region_key]) as $item_key) {
            if ($item_key == 'layout_builder_add_block') {
              if (isset($settings[self::LOCKED_BLOCK_ADD])) {
            elseif (isset($item[$region_key][$item_key]['#contextual_links'])) {

              // Do not apply the block operation lock settings to blocks that
              // were added in the override. Also set the custom block
              // variable to TRUE so we don't remove the region classes for
              // this section.
              if ($overridden && !isset($default_components[$item_key])) {
                $has_custom_block = TRUE;
              $allow_moving = TRUE;
              $layout_builder_remove_block_operations = [];
              $block_operations = [

              // Do not allow moving blocks.
              if (isset($settings[self::LOCKED_BLOCK_MOVE])) {
                $allow_moving = FALSE;
                unset($block_operations[array_search('move', $block_operations)]);
                $layout_builder_remove_block_operations[] = 'layout_builder_block_move';

              // Do not allow updating blocks.
              if (isset($settings[self::LOCKED_BLOCK_UPDATE])) {
                unset($block_operations[array_search('update', $block_operations)]);
                $layout_builder_remove_block_operations[] = 'layout_builder_block_update';

              // Do not allow deleting blocks.
              if (isset($settings[self::LOCKED_BLOCK_DELETE])) {
                unset($block_operations[array_search('remove', $block_operations)]);
                $layout_builder_remove_block_operations[] = 'layout_builder_block_remove';

              // Alter the default operations in case the count of operations
              // is not equal to 3. Empty is fine too, which means the user
              // won't be able to do anything at all with this block.
              if (count($block_operations) != 3) {
                $element['layout_builder'][$section_number][$name][$region_key][$item_key]['#contextual_links']['layout_builder_block']['metadata']['operations'] = implode(':', $block_operations);

              // Add the operations to remove in a custom metadata element so
              // we can remove the contextual link later.
              // @see layout_builder_lock_contextual_links_view_alter().
              if (!empty($layout_builder_remove_block_operations)) {
                $element['layout_builder'][$section_number][$name][$region_key][$item_key]['#contextual_links']['layout_builder_block']['metadata']['layout_builder_lock'] = implode(':', $layout_builder_remove_block_operations);

              // If moving is not allowed, remove the default layout builder
              // classes on this block and add our own so we can reset the
              // pointer and padding.
              if (!$allow_moving) {
                foreach ([
                ] as $class) {
                  if (isset($element['layout_builder'][$section_number][$name][$region_key][$item_key]['#attributes']['class']) && is_array($element['layout_builder'][$section_number][$name][$region_key][$item_key]['#attributes']['class'])) {
                    $key = array_search($class, $element['layout_builder'][$section_number][$name][$region_key][$item_key]['#attributes']['class']);
                $element['layout_builder'][$section_number][$name][$region_key][$item_key]['#attributes']['class'][] = 'layout-builder-block-locked';

          // Do not allow to move blocks into this section.
          if (isset($settings[self::LOCKED_SECTION_BLOCK_MOVE]) && !$has_custom_block) {
            if (isset($element['layout_builder'][$section_number][$name][$region_key]['#attributes']['class']) && is_array($element['layout_builder'][$section_number][$name][$region_key]['#attributes']['class'])) {
              $key = array_search('js-layout-builder-region', $element['layout_builder'][$section_number][$name][$region_key]['#attributes']['class']);
  return $element;