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LayoutDerivativesTest.php in Layout 8.2


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 * @file
 * Definition of Drupal\layout\Tests\LayoutDerivativesTest.
namespace Drupal\layout\Tests;

use Drupal\simpletest\WebTestBase;

 * Tests the layout system derivatives.
class LayoutDerivativesTest extends WebTestBase {

   * Modules to enable.
   * @var array
  public static $modules = array(
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Layout derivatives',
      'description' => 'Tests layout derivatives discovery.',
      'group' => 'Layout',

   * Tests for module/theme layout derivatives.
  function testDerivatives() {
    $manager = $this->container
    $definitions = $manager
      ->assertTrue(is_array($definitions), 'Definitions found.');
      ->assertTrue(count($definitions) == 4, 'Four definitions available.');
      ->assertTrue(isset($definitions['static_layout:layout_test__one-col']), 'One column layout found.');
      ->assertTrue(isset($definitions['static_layout:layout_test_theme__two-col']), 'Two column layout found.');

    // Get a one column layout instance. This is defined under the layout_test
    // module.
    $layout = $manager
      ->createInstance('static_layout:layout_test__one-col', array());

    // Verify the expected regions are properly available.
    $regions = $layout
      ->assertTrue(is_array($regions), 'Regions array present.');
      ->assertTrue(count($regions) == 1, 'One region defined.');
      ->assertTrue(isset($regions['middle']), 'Middle region found.');

    // Render the layout and look at whether expected region names and classes
    // were in the output.
    $render = $this
      ->assertText('Middle column');
      ->assertRaw('class="layout-display layout-one-col');

    // Get the two column page layout defined by the layout test theme.
    $layout = $manager
      ->createInstance('static_layout:layout_test_theme__two-col', array());

    // Verify the expected regions are properly available.
    $regions = $layout
      ->assertTrue(is_array($regions), 'Regions array present.');
      ->assertTrue(count($regions) == 2, 'Two regions defined.');
      ->assertTrue(isset($regions['left']), 'Left region found.');
      ->assertTrue(isset($regions['right']), 'Right region found.');

    // Render the layout and look at whether expected region names and classes
    // were in the output.
    $render = $this
      ->assertText('Left side');
      ->assertText('Right side');
      ->assertRaw('<div class="layout-region layout-col-right">');

   * Renders the layout with sample region content.
   * @param \Drupal\layout\Plugin\LayoutInterface $layout
   *   The layout to be rendered.
   * @return string
   *   Rendered HTML output from the layout.
  function renderLayoutDemonstration($layout) {

    // Add sample content in the regions that is looked for in the tests.
    $regions = $layout
    foreach ($regions as $region => $info) {
      $regions[$region] = '<h3>' . $info['label'] . '</h3>';
    return $layout
      ->renderLayout(FALSE, $regions);

   * Test layout functionality as applies to pages.
  function testPageLayout() {

    // The layout-test page uses the layout_test_theme page layout.
      ->assertText('Left side');
      ->assertText('Right side');
      ->assertRaw('<div class="layout-region layout-col-right">');

    // Ensure the CSS was added.
      ->assertRaw(url('', array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,
    )) . drupal_get_path('theme', 'layout_test_theme') . '/layouts/static/two-col/two-col.css');



Namesort descending Description
LayoutDerivativesTest Tests the layout system derivatives.