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public function DisplayInternalLogicTest::testBlockMapping in Layout 8.2

Test the various block remapping scenarios allowed for by the assorted Display types.

This includes remapping a Display's blocks to a new layout, binding an UnboundDisplay with a layout to generate a new Display, and releasing a Display from its layout binding to generate an UnboundDisplay.


lib/Drupal/layout/Tests/DisplayInternalLogicTest.php, line 83
Definition of \Drupal\layout\Tests\DisplayInternalLogicTest.


Tests the API and internal logic offered by Displays.




public function testBlockMapping() {

  // Remap from twocol to onecol. All blocks are expected to move to the one
  // and only region and be sorted by their original weights.
  $expected = array(
    'middle' => array(
  $two_to_one = clone $this->twocol;
    ->getAllSortedBlocks(), $expected);

  // Remap from onecol to twocol. Since the blocks are assigned the 'content'
  // region type, and twocol's 'left' region has that type, the blocks are
  // expected to move to there and be sorted by their original weights.
  $expected = array(
    'left' => array(
    'right' => array(),
  $one_to_two = clone $this->onecol;
    ->getAllSortedBlocks(), $expected);

  // Bind the unbound display to the twocol layout:
  // - Block 1 is assigned the 'content' region type, so is expected to be
  //   mapped to the 'left' region, which has that type.
  // - Block 2 is assigned the 'aside' region type, so is expected to be
  //   mapped to the 'right' region, which has that type.
  // - Block 3 is assigned the 'nav' region type, and there is no twocol
  //   region with that type, so it is expected to be mapped to twocol's
  //   first region, which is 'left'.
  $expected = array(
    'left' => array(
    'right' => array(
  $unbound_to_twocol = $this->unbound
    ->getLayoutInstance(), 'unbound_to_twocol');
    ->assertTrue($unbound_to_twocol instanceof Display, 'Binding the unbound display successfully created a Display object');
    ->getAllSortedBlocks(), $expected);

  // Generate an unbound display from the twocol display.
  $expected = array(
    'block.test_block_1' => array(
      'region-type' => 'content',
      'weight' => 100,
    'block.test_block_2' => array(
      'region-type' => 'aside',
      'weight' => 0,
    'block.test_block_3' => array(
      'region-type' => 'content',
      'weight' => -100,
  $twocol_to_unbound = $this->twocol
    ->assertTrue($twocol_to_unbound instanceof UnboundDisplay, 'Unbinding the twocol display successfully created an UnboundDisplay object');

  // We can use Equal instead of Identical, because for this, array order and
  // integer vs. string data types do not matter.
    ->getAllBlockInfo(), $expected);