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README.txt in Language Selection Page 7.2

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 8.2 README.txt
  2. 6 README.txt
  3. 7 README.txt

 * Introduction
 * Installation
 * Maintainers


This module allows you to present visitors of your website with a
landingpage / splash page where they can select the language of their choice,
based on the languages that have been enabled on your Drupal site.

This is useful in situations where you don't want to enforce a default language
to users (e.g. because of political or corporate sensitivities) if they come to
your website without a language preference available (url, cookie, ...)

The language selection page can be overridden through Drupal's template system.

It is recommended that you move the "Selection Page" language detection
method near the bottom.
Preferably you need to have another method of detection activated above it,
such as "URL" or "Cookie"
(via the contrib module,
if you don't want to have users arrive on the language selection page too


1. You need to have the Locale module enabled, and more than 1 enabled
language on your website.
2. Copy the module into sites/default/modules or another directory
that Drupal can find.
3. Enable the module with Drush or through the web interface.
4. Check the status report page to see if everything is good.
5. Go to admin/config/regional/language/configure to configure
language detection and selection
   - enable the "Selection Page" detection method
   - it is recommended to position this method near the bottom,
   just above "Default".

Customize the template by copying the .tpl.php file to your current
theme directory. If you selected "Template in theme", you might want
to add a page--languageselection.tpl.php file to your theme, that removes
any sidebars or regions that could intervene with the language selection task.

Drupal 6 version and initial Drupal 7 port: Pol Dell'Aiera <>
Drupal 7 version: Sven Decabooter <>


View source
  2. ---------------------
  3. * Introduction
  4. * Installation
  5. * Maintainers
  7. ------------
  8. This module allows you to present visitors of your website with a
  9. landingpage / splash page where they can select the language of their choice,
  10. based on the languages that have been enabled on your Drupal site.
  11. This is useful in situations where you don't want to enforce a default language
  12. to users (e.g. because of political or corporate sensitivities) if they come to
  13. your website without a language preference available (url, cookie, ...)
  14. The language selection page can be overridden through Drupal's template system.
  15. It is recommended that you move the "Selection Page" language detection
  16. method near the bottom.
  17. Preferably you need to have another method of detection activated above it,
  18. such as "URL" or "Cookie"
  19. (via the contrib module,
  20. if you don't want to have users arrive on the language selection page too
  21. frequently.
  23. ------------
  24. 1. You need to have the Locale module enabled, and more than 1 enabled
  25. language on your website.
  26. 2. Copy the module into sites/default/modules or another directory
  27. that Drupal can find.
  28. 3. Enable the module with Drush or through the web interface.
  29. 4. Check the status report page to see if everything is good.
  30. 5. Go to admin/config/regional/language/configure to configure
  31. language detection and selection
  32. - enable the "Selection Page" detection method
  33. - it is recommended to position this method near the bottom,
  34. just above "Default".
  36. -------
  37. Customize the template by copying the .tpl.php file to your current
  38. theme directory. If you selected "Template in theme", you might want
  39. to add a page--languageselection.tpl.php file to your theme, that removes
  40. any sidebars or regions that could intervene with the language selection task.
  42. ------------
  43. Drupal 6 version and initial Drupal 7 port: Pol Dell'Aiera
  44. Drupal 7 version: Sven Decabooter