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public function L10nUpdateInterfaceTest::testInterface in Localization update 7.2

Tests the user interfaces of the interface translation update system.

Testing the Available updates summary on the side wide status page and the Avaiable translation updates page.


tests/L10nUpdateInterfaceTest.test, line 39
Contains L10nUpdateInterfaceTest.


Tests for the l10n_update status user interfaces.


public function testInterface() {

  // Enable the module this test uses for its translations.

  // Exclude l10n_update so no remote translations are fetched.
  $edit = array(
    'disabled_projects' => "l10n_update",
    ->drupalPost('admin/config/regional/language/update', $edit, t('Save configuration'));

  // No language added.
  // Check status page and Translate interface update page.
    ->assertNoText(t('Translation update status'), 'No status message');
    ->assertRaw(t('No translatable languages available. <a href="@add_language">Add a language</a> first.', array(
    '@add_language' => url('admin/config/regional/language'),
  )), 'Language message');

  // Add German language.

  // Drupal core is probably in 7.x, but tests may also be executed with
  // stable releases. As this is an uncontrolled factor in the test, we will
  // mark Drupal core as translated and continue with the prepared modules.
  $status = l10n_update_get_status();
  $status['drupal']['de']->type = 'current';
  cache_set('l10n_update_status', $status);

  // One language added, all translations up to date.
    ->assertText(t('Translation update status'), 'Status message');
    ->assertText(t('Up to date'), 'Translations up to date');
    ->assertText(t('All translations up to date.'), 'Translations up to date');

  // Set l10n_update_test_translate module to have a local translation
  // available.
  $status = l10n_update_get_status();
  $status['l10n_update_test_translate']['de']->type = 'local';
  cache_set('l10n_update_status', $status);

  // Check if updates are available for German.
    ->assertText(t('Translation update status'), 'Status message');
    ->assertRaw(t('Updates available for: @languages. See the <a href="@updates">Translate interface update</a> page for more information.', array(
    '@languages' => t('German'),
    '@updates' => url('admin/config/regional/translate/update'),
  )), 'Updates available message');
    ->assertText(t('Updates for: @modules', array(
    '@modules' => 'Localization Update test translate',
  )), 'Translations avaiable');

  // Set l10n_update_test_translate module to have a dev release and no
  // translation found.
  $status = l10n_update_get_status();
  $status['l10n_update_test_translate']['de']->version = '1.3-dev';
  $status['l10n_update_test_translate']['de']->type = '';
  cache_set('l10n_update_status', $status);

  // Check if no updates were found.
    ->assertText(t('Translation update status'), 'Status message');
    ->assertRaw(t('Missing translations for: @languages. See the <a href="@updates">Translate interface update</a> page for more information.', array(
    '@languages' => t('German'),
    '@updates' => url('admin/config/regional/translate/update'),
  )), 'Missing translations message');
    ->assertText(t('Missing translations for one project'), 'No translations found');
    ->assertText(t('@module (@version).', array(
    '@module' => 'Localization Update test translate',
    '@version' => '1.3-dev',
  )), 'Release details');
    ->assertText(t('No translation files are provided for development releases.'), 'Release info');