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l10n_update-translation-update-info.tpl.php in Localization update 7.2

Default theme implementation for displaying translation status information.

Displays translation status information per language.

Available variables:

  • module_list: A list of names of modules that have available translation updates.
  • details: Rendered list of the translation details.
  • missing_updates_status: If there are any modules that are missing translation updates, this variable will contain text indicating how many modules are missing translations.


View source

 * @file
 * Default theme implementation for displaying translation status information.
 * Displays translation status information per language.
 * Available variables:
 * - module_list: A list of names of modules that have available translation
 *   updates.
 * - details: Rendered list of the translation details.
 * - missing_updates_status: If there are any modules that are missing
 *   translation updates, this variable will contain text indicating how many
 *   modules are missing translations.
 * @see template_preprocess_l10n_update_update_info()
 * @ingroup themeable
<div class="inner" tabindex="0" role="button">
  <span class="update-description-prefix visually-hidden">Show description</span>

if ($module_list) {
  <span class="text"><?php

  print $module_list;

elseif ($missing_updates_status) {
  <span class="text"><?php

  print $missing_updates_status;


if ($details) {
  <div class="details"><?php

  print drupal_render($details);
