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public function L10nSubmitTranslationTest::testTranslationSubmission in Localization client 8


l10n_client_contributor/tests/src/Functional/L10nSubmitTranslationTest.php, line 34


Tests translation sending.




public function testTranslationSubmission() {
  global $base_url;
  $url = Url::fromRoute('l10n_client_test.xmlrpc');
  $url_path = str_replace('/xmlrpc.php', '', $url
  $config = \Drupal::configFactory()
    ->set('server', $base_url . '/' . $url_path);
    ->set('use_server', TRUE);

  // Add the german language.
  $formula = 'nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);';
  $header = new PoHeader();
  list($nplurals, $formula) = $header
    ->setPluralFormula('de', $nplurals, $formula);
  $language_config = \Drupal::configFactory()
    ->set('negotiation.language_interface.enabled', array(
    'language-url' => 1,
    ->set('negotiation.language_content.enabled', array(
    'language-interface' => 1,
    ->set('negotiation.language_url.enabled', array(
    'language-url' => 1,
    'language-url-fallback' => 1,

  // Create user that is authorized to use the l10n contributor.
  $token_generator = \Drupal::csrfToken();
  $token = $token_generator
    ->set('l10n_client_contributor_key', $token);

  // Parse the form token.
    ->drupalGet('de/user/' . $this->adminUser
    ->id() . '/edit');

  // Post a fake translation.
  $translation_source = 'Password';
  $translation_target = 'Translation suggestion for Password';
  $storage = \Drupal::service('');
  $conditions = array(
    'context' => '',
    'source' => $translation_source,
  $source_object = $storage

  // Get the last lid in the table.
  $lid = (int) $source_object[0]
  $test_translation_object = array(
    $lid => array(
      'translations' => array(
  $response = l10n_client_contributor_save_translation('en', array(
  ), $test_translation_object);

  // Check response of the server.
    ->render(), 'Translation sent and accepted by') !== FALSE, 'Translation sent and accepted by the server.');

  // Get returned data that is mocked in the l10n_client_test module.
  $saved_xml = \Drupal::state()
  $saved_xml = new \SimpleXMLElement($saved_xml);

  // Assert basic structure of the saved data.
    ->assertEquals((string) $saved_xml->methodName, 'l10n.submit.translation', 'Right methodname was returned.');
    ->assertEquals(count($saved_xml->params->param), 6, 'Response XML contains right amount of parameters.');

  // Assert values in saved data.
    ->assertEquals((string) $saved_xml->params[0]->param[0]->value->string, 'en', 'Source language parameter is correct.');
    ->assertEquals((string) $saved_xml->params[0]->param[1]->value->string, $translation_source, 'Source string parameter is correct.');
    ->assertEquals((string) $saved_xml->params[0]->param[2]->value->string, $translation_target, 'Suggestion string parameter is correct.');