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19 calls to KalturaHelpers::getKalturaClient() in Kaltura 6.2

field_kaltura_create_node in plugins/field_kaltura/field_kaltura.module
Make sure there is an entry in the node_kaltura table for mixes that are in fields, so we have a common place to store metadata.
KalturaHelpers::getSitePlayers in kaltura_client/kaltura_helpers.php
* oferc * @return: the list of players defined for the account
kaltura_advanced_editor in includes/
kaltura_check_server_status in includes/
kaltura_clone_mix in plugins/node_kaltura_mix/node_kaltura_mix.module
kaltura_contribution_wizard in includes/
kaltura_create_widgets_for_partner in includes/
kaltura_fetch_widget_html in ./kaltura.module
kaltura_get_entries in ./kaltura.module
kaltura_get_entry in ./kaltura.module
Wrapper to retrieve a Kaltura Entry.
kaltura_get_entry_description in ./kaltura.module
helper function to get the description field from kaltura after notification
kaltura_get_my_entries in includes/
kaltura_simple_editor in includes/
kaltura_update_entry_tags in plugins/node_kaltura_entry/node_kaltura_entry.module
kaltura_update_field_entries_tags in plugins/field_kaltura/field_kaltura.module
helper function that calls Kaltura updateEntry service to update the kaltura DB with the metadata of the node which a specific entry belongs to
kaltura_update_kaltura_partner in ./kaltura.module
Helper function that updates partner notification settings at Kaltura server.
kaltura_update_mix_tags in plugins/node_kaltura_mix/node_kaltura_mix.module
node_kaltura_mix_form in plugins/node_kaltura_mix/node_kaltura_mix.module
Implementation of hook_form().
node_kaltura_mix_form_alter in plugins/node_kaltura_mix/node_kaltura_mix.module
Implementation of hook_form_alter().