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KalturaClient.php in Kaltura 6.2


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require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/KalturaClientBase.php";
class KalturaAspectRatioType {
  const KEEP_ORIG_RATIO = 1;
  const ASPECT_4_3 = 3;
  const ASPECT_16_9 = 4;
  const KEEP_HEIGHT = 5;

class KalturaBatchJobStatus {
  const PENDING = 0;
  const QUEUED = 1;
  const PROCESSING = 2;
  const PROCESSED = 3;
  const MOVEFILE = 4;
  const FINISHED = 5;
  const FAILED = 6;
  const ABORTED = 7;

class KalturaBatchJobType {
  const CONVERT = 0;
  const IMPORT = 1;
  const DELETE = 2;
  const FLATTEN = 3;
  const BULKUPLOAD = 4;
  const DVDCREATOR = 5;
  const DOWNLOAD = 6;
  const OOCONVERT = 7;
  const PRECONVERT = 10;
  const POSTCONVERT = 11;
  const PROJECT = 1000;

class KalturaDocumentType {
  const DOCUMENT = 11;
  const SWF = 12;

class KalturaEditorType {
  const SIMPLE = 1;
  const ADVANCED = 2;

class KalturaEntryStatus {
  const ERROR_CONVERTING = -1;
  const IMPORT = 0;
  const PRECONVERT = 1;
  const READY = 2;
  const DELETED = 3;
  const PENDING = 4;
  const MODERATE = 5;
  const BLOCKED = 6;

class KalturaEntryType {
  const AUTOMATIC = -1;
  const MEDIA_CLIP = 1;
  const MIX = 2;
  const PLAYLIST = 5;
  const DATA = 6;
  const DOCUMENT = 10;

class KalturaGender {
  const UNKNOWN = 0;
  const MALE = 1;
  const FEMALE = 2;

class KalturaLicenseType {
  const UNKNOWN = -1;
  const NONE = 0;
  const COPYRIGHTED = 1;
  const PUBLIC_DOMAIN = 2;
  const GFDL = 9;
  const GPL = 10;
  const AFFERO_GPL = 11;
  const LGPL = 12;
  const BSD = 13;
  const APACHE = 14;
  const MOZILLA = 15;

class KalturaMailJobStatus {
  const PENDING = 1;
  const SENT = 2;
  const ERROR = 3;
  const QUEUED = 4;

class KalturaMediaType {
  const VIDEO = 1;
  const IMAGE = 2;
  const AUDIO = 5;

class KalturaModerationFlagStatus {
  const PENDING = 1;
  const MODERATED = 2;

class KalturaModerationFlagType {
  const SEXUAL_CONTENT = 1;

class KalturaModerationObjectType {
  const ENTRY = 2;
  const USER = 3;

class KalturaNotificationObjectType {
  const ENTRY = 1;
  const KSHOW = 2;
  const USER = 3;
  const BATCH_JOB = 4;

class KalturaNotificationStatus {
  const PENDING = 1;
  const SENT = 2;
  const ERROR = 3;
  const SHOULD_RESEND = 4;
  const ERROR_RESENDING = 5;
  const SENT_SYNCH = 6;
  const QUEUED = 7;

class KalturaNotificationType {
  const ENTRY_ADD = 1;
  const ENTRY_DELETE = 3;
  const ENTRY_BLOCK = 4;
  const ENTRY_UPDATE = 5;
  const USER_ADD = 21;
  const USER_BANNED = 26;

class KalturaPartnerType {
  const WIKI = 100;
  const WORDPRESS = 101;
  const DRUPAL = 102;
  const DEKIWIKI = 103;
  const COMMUNITY_EDITION = 105;

class KalturaPlaylistType {
  const DYNAMIC = 10;
  const STATIC_LIST = 3;
  const EXTERNAL = 101;

class KalturaReportType {
  const TOP_CONTENT = 1;
  const CONTENT_DROPOFF = 2;
  const MAP_OVERLAY = 4;
  const TOP_SYNDICATION = 6;

class KalturaSearchProviderType {
  const FLICKR = 3;
  const YOUTUBE = 4;
  const MYSPACE = 7;
  const PHOTOBUCKET = 8;
  const JAMENDO = 9;
  const CCMIXTER = 10;
  const NYPL = 11;
  const CURRENT = 12;
  const MEDIA_COMMONS = 13;
  const KALTURA = 20;
  const KALTURA_USER_CLIPS = 21;
  const ARCHIVE_ORG = 22;
  const KALTURA_PARTNER = 23;
  const METACAFE = 24;
  const SEARCH_PROXY = 28;

class KalturaSessionType {
  const USER = 0;
  const ADMIN = 2;

class KalturaSourceType {
  const FILE = 1;
  const WEBCAM = 2;
  const URL = 5;
  const SEARCH_PROVIDER = 6;

class KalturaStatsEventType {
  const WIDGET_LOADED = 1;
  const MEDIA_LOADED = 2;
  const PLAY = 3;
  const PLAY_REACHED_25 = 4;
  const PLAY_REACHED_50 = 5;
  const PLAY_REACHED_75 = 6;
  const PLAY_REACHED_100 = 7;
  const OPEN_EDIT = 8;
  const OPEN_VIRAL = 9;
  const OPEN_DOWNLOAD = 10;
  const OPEN_REPORT = 11;
  const BUFFER_START = 12;
  const BUFFER_END = 13;
  const OPEN_FULL_SCREEN = 14;
  const CLOSE_FULL_SCREEN = 15;
  const REPLAY = 16;
  const SEEK = 17;
  const OPEN_UPLOAD = 18;
  const SAVE_PUBLISH = 19;
  const CLOSE_EDITOR = 20;
  const PRE_BUMPER_PLAYED = 21;
  const POST_BUMPER_PLAYED = 22;
  const BUMPER_CLICKED = 23;
  const FUTURE_USE_1 = 24;
  const FUTURE_USE_2 = 25;
  const FUTURE_USE_3 = 26;

class KalturaUiConfCreationMode {
  const WIZARD = 2;
  const ADVANCED = 3;

class KalturaUiConfObjType {
  const PLAYER = 1;
  const SIMPLE_EDITOR = 3;
  const ADVANCED_EDITOR = 4;
  const PLAYLIST = 5;
  const APP_STUDIO = 6;

class KalturaUserStatus {
  const BLOCKED = 0;
  const ACTIVE = 1;
  const DELETED = 2;

class KalturaWidgetSecurityType {
  const NONE = 1;
  const TIMEHASH = 2;

class KalturaAdminUser extends KalturaObjectBase {

   * @var string
   * @readonly
  public $password = null;

   * @var string
   * @readonly
  public $email = null;

   * @var string
  public $screenName = null;

class KalturaBaseEntry extends KalturaObjectBase {

   * Auto generated 10 characters alphanumeric string
   * @var string
   * @readonly
  public $id = null;

   * Entry name (Min 1 chars)
   * @var string
  public $name = null;

   * Entry description
   * @var string
  public $description = null;

   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $partnerId = null;

   * The ID of the user who is the owner of this entry
   * @var string
  public $userId = null;

   * Entry tags
   * @var string
  public $tags = null;

   * Entry admin tags can be updated only by administrators
   * @var string
  public $adminTags = null;

   * @var KalturaEntryStatus
   * @readonly
  public $status = null;

   * The type of the entry, this is auto filled by the derived entry object
   * @var KalturaEntryType
   * @readonly
  public $type = null;

   * Entry creation date as Unix timestamp (In seconds)
   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $createdAt = null;

   * Calculated rank
   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $rank = null;

   * The total (sum) of all votes
   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $totalRank = null;

   * Number of votes
   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $votes = null;

   * @var int
  public $groupId = null;

   * Can be used to store various partner related data as a string
   * @var string
  public $partnerData = null;

   * Download URL for the entry
   * @var string
   * @readonly
  public $downloadUrl = null;

   * Indexed search text for full text search
   * @var string
   * @readonly
  public $searchText = null;

   * License type used for this entry
   * @var KalturaLicenseType
  public $licenseType = null;

   * Version of the entry data
   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $version = null;

   * Thumbnail URL
   * @var string
   * @readonly
  public $thumbnailUrl = null;

class KalturaFilter extends KalturaObjectBase {

   * @var string
  public $orderBy = null;

class KalturaBaseEntryFilter extends KalturaFilter {

   * This filter should be in use for retrieving only a specific entry (identified by its entryId).
   * @var string
  public $idEqual = null;

   * This filter should be in use for retrieving few specific entries (string should include comma separated list of entryId strings).
   * @var string
  public $idIn = null;

   * This filter should be in use for retrieving specific entries while applying an SQL 'LIKE' pattern matching on entry names. It should include only one pattern for matching entry names against.
   * @var string
  public $nameLike = null;

   * This filter should be in use for retrieving specific entries, while applying an SQL 'LIKE' pattern matching on entry names. It could include few (comma separated) patterns for matching entry names against, while applying an OR logic to retrieve entries that match at least one input pattern.
   * @var string
  public $nameMultiLikeOr = null;

   * This filter should be in use for retrieving specific entries, while applying an SQL 'LIKE' pattern matching on entry names. It could include few (comma separated) patterns for matching entry names against, while applying an AND logic to retrieve entries that match all input patterns.
   * @var string
  public $nameMultiLikeAnd = null;

   * This filter should be in use for retrieving entries with a specific name.
   * @var string
  public $nameEqual = null;

   * This filter should be in use for retrieving only entries which were uploaded by/assigned to users of a specific Kaltura Partner (identified by Partner ID).
   * @var int
  public $partnerIdEqual = null;

   * This filter should be in use for retrieving only entries within Kaltura network which were uploaded by/assigned to users of few Kaltura Partners  (string should include comma separated list of PartnerIDs)
   * @var string
  public $partnerIdIn = null;

   * This filter parameter should be in use for retrieving only entries, uploaded by/assigned to a specific user (identified by user Id).
   * @var string
  public $userIdEqual = null;

   * This filter should be in use for retrieving specific entries while applying an SQL 'LIKE' pattern matching on entry tags. It should include only one pattern for matching entry tags against.
   * @var string
  public $tagsLike = null;

   * This filter should be in use for retrieving specific entries, while applying an SQL 'LIKE' pattern matching on tags.  It could include few (comma separated) patterns for matching entry tags against, while applying an OR logic to retrieve entries that match at least one input pattern.
   * @var string
  public $tagsMultiLikeOr = null;

   * This filter should be in use for retrieving specific entries, while applying an SQL 'LIKE' pattern matching on tags.  It could include few (comma separated) patterns for matching entry tags against, while applying an AND logic to retrieve entries that match all input patterns.
   * @var string
  public $tagsMultiLikeAnd = null;

   * This filter should be in use for retrieving specific entries while applying an SQL 'LIKE' pattern matching on entry tags, set by an ADMIN user. It should include only one pattern for matching entry tags against.
   * @var string
  public $adminTagsLike = null;

   * This filter should be in use for retrieving specific entries, while applying an SQL 'LIKE' pattern matching on tags, set by an ADMIN user.  It could include few (comma separated) patterns for matching entry tags against, while applying an OR logic to retrieve entries that match at least one input pattern.
   * @var string
  public $adminTagsMultiLikeOr = null;

   * This filter should be in use for retrieving specific entries, while applying an SQL 'LIKE' pattern matching on tags, set by an ADMIN user.  It could include few (comma separated) patterns for matching entry tags against, while applying an AND logic to retrieve entries that match all input patterns.
   * @var string
  public $adminTagsMultiLikeAnd = null;

   * This filter should be in use for retrieving only entries, at a specific {@link ?object=KalturaEntryStatus KalturaEntryStatus}.
   * @var KalturaEntryStatus
  public $statusEqual = null;

   * This filter should be in use for retrieving only entries, at few specific {@link ?object=KalturaEntryStatus KalturaEntryStatus}.
   * @var string
  public $statusIn = null;

   * @var KalturaEntryType
  public $typeEqual = null;

   * This filter should be in use for retrieving entries of few {@link ?object=KalturaEntryType KalturaEntryType} (string should include a comma separated list of {@link ?object=KalturaEntryType KalturaEntryType} enumerated parameters).
   * @var string
  public $typeIn = null;

   * This filter parameter should be in use for retrieving only entries which were created at Kaltura system after a specific time/date (standard timestamp format).
   * @var int
  public $createdAtGreaterThanOrEqual = null;

   * This filter parameter should be in use for retrieving only entries which were created at Kaltura system before a specific time/date (standard timestamp format).
   * @var int
  public $createdAtLessThanOrEqual = null;

   * @var int
  public $groupIdEqual = null;

   * This filter should be in use for retrieving specific entries while search match the input string within all of the following metadata attributes: name, description, tags, adminTags.
   * @var string
  public $searchTextMatchAnd = null;

   * This filter should be in use for retrieving specific entries while search match the input string within at least one of the following metadata attributes: name, description, tags, adminTags.
   * @var string
  public $searchTextMatchOr = null;

   * @var string
  public $tagsNameMultiLikeOr = null;

   * @var string
  public $tagsAdminTagsMultiLikeOr = null;

   * @var string
  public $tagsAdminTagsNameMultiLikeOr = null;

   * @var string
  public $tagsNameMultiLikeAnd = null;

   * @var string
  public $tagsAdminTagsMultiLikeAnd = null;

   * @var string
  public $tagsAdminTagsNameMultiLikeAnd = null;

class KalturaBaseEntryListResponse extends KalturaObjectBase {

   * @var KalturaBaseEntryArray
   * @readonly
  public $objects;

   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $totalCount = null;

class KalturaBaseEntryOrderBy {
  const NAME_ASC = "+name";
  const NAME_DESC = "-name";
  const CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt";
  const CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt";
  const RANK_ASC = "+rank";
  const RANK_DESC = "-rank";

class KalturaBaseJob extends KalturaObjectBase {

   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $id = null;

   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $partnerId = null;

   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $createdAt = null;

   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $updatedAt = null;

   * @var string
   * @readonly
  public $processorName = null;

   * @var string
   * @readonly
  public $processorLocation = null;

   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $processorExpiration = null;

class KalturaBatchGetExclusiveNotificationJobsResponse extends KalturaObjectBase {

   * @var KalturaNotificationArray
   * @readonly
  public $notifications;

   * @var KalturaPartnerArray
   * @readonly
  public $partners;

class KalturaBatchJob extends KalturaBaseJob {

   * @var string
  public $entryId = null;

   * @var KalturaBatchJobType
   * @readonly
  public $jobType = null;

   * @var string
  public $data = null;

   * @var KalturaBatchJobStatus
  public $status = null;

   * @var int
  public $abort = null;

   * @var int
  public $checkAgainTimeout = null;

   * @var int
  public $progress = null;

   * @var string
  public $message = null;

   * @var string
  public $description = null;

   * @var int
  public $updatesCount = null;

   * When one job creates another - the parent should set this parentJobId to be its own id.
   * @var int
  public $parentJobId = null;

class KalturaBulkUpload extends KalturaObjectBase {

   * @var int
  public $id = null;

   * @var string
  public $uploadedBy = null;

   * @var int
  public $uploadedOn = null;

   * @var int
  public $numOfEntries = null;

   * @var KalturaBatchJobStatus
  public $status = null;

   * @var string
  public $logFileUrl = null;

   * @var string
  public $csvFileUrl = null;

class KalturaBulkUploadListResponse extends KalturaObjectBase {

   * @var KalturaBulkUploads
   * @readonly
  public $objects;

   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $totalCount = null;

class KalturaCEError extends KalturaObjectBase {

   * @var string
   * @readonly
  public $id = null;

   * @var int
  public $partnerId = null;

   * @var string
  public $browser = null;

   * @var string
  public $serverIp = null;

   * @var string
  public $serverOs = null;

   * @var string
  public $phpVersion = null;

   * @var string
  public $ceAdminEmail = null;

   * @var string
  public $type = null;

   * @var string
  public $description = null;

   * @var string
  public $data = null;

class KalturaClientNotification extends KalturaObjectBase {

   * The URL where the notification should be sent to
   * @var string
  public $url = null;

   * The serialized notification data to send
   * @var string
  public $data = null;

class KalturaCommercialUseType {
  const COMMERCIAL_USE = "commercial_use";
  const NON_COMMERCIAL_USE = "non-commercial_use";

class KalturaConversionProfile extends KalturaObjectBase {

   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $id = null;

   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $partnerId = null;

   * @var string
  public $name = null;

   * @var string
  public $profileType = null;

   * @var bool
  public $commercialTranscoder = null;

   * @var int
  public $width = null;

   * @var int
  public $height = null;

   * @var KalturaAspectRatioType
  public $aspectRatioType = null;

   * @var bool
  public $bypassFlv = null;

   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $createdAt = null;

   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $updatedAt = null;

   * @var int
  public $profileTypeSuffix = null;

class KalturaDataEntry extends KalturaBaseEntry {

   * The data of the entry
   * @var string
  public $dataContent = null;

class KalturaDataEntryFilter extends KalturaBaseEntryFilter {

class KalturaDataEntryOrderBy {
  const NAME_ASC = "+name";
  const NAME_DESC = "-name";
  const CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt";
  const CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt";
  const RANK_ASC = "+rank";
  const RANK_DESC = "-rank";

class KalturaDataListResponse extends KalturaObjectBase {

   * @var KalturaDataEntryArray
   * @readonly
  public $objects;

   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $totalCount = null;

class KalturaDocumentEntry extends KalturaBaseEntry {

   * The type of the document
   * @var KalturaDocumentType
   * @insertonly
  public $documentType = null;

class KalturaDocumentEntryFilter extends KalturaBaseEntryFilter {

   * @var KalturaDocumentType
  public $documentTypeEqual = null;

   * @var string
  public $documentTypeIn = null;

class KalturaDocumentEntryOrderBy {
  const NAME_ASC = "+name";
  const NAME_DESC = "-name";
  const CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt";
  const CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt";
  const RANK_ASC = "+rank";
  const RANK_DESC = "-rank";

class KalturaDocumentListResponse extends KalturaObjectBase {

   * @var KalturaDocumentEntryArray
   * @readonly
  public $objects;

   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $totalCount = null;

class KalturaFilterPager extends KalturaObjectBase {

   * The number of objects to retrieve. Maximum page size is 50.
   * @var int
  public $pageSize = null;

   * The page number for which {pageSize} of objects should be retrieved.
   * @var int
  public $pageIndex = null;

class KalturaMailJob extends KalturaBaseJob {

   * @var int
  public $mailType = null;

   * @var int
  public $mailPriority = null;

   * @var KalturaMailJobStatus
  public $status = null;

   * @var string
  public $recipientName = null;

   * @var string
  public $recipientEmail = null;

   * kuserId
   * @var int
  public $recipientId = null;

   * @var string
  public $fromName = null;

   * @var string
  public $fromEmail = null;

   * @var string
  public $bodyParams = null;

   * @var string
  public $subjectParams = null;

   * @var string
  public $templatePath = null;

   * @var int
  public $culture = null;

   * @var int
  public $campaignId = null;

   * @var int
  public $minSendDate = null;

class KalturaPlayableEntry extends KalturaBaseEntry {

   * Number of plays
   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $plays = null;

   * Number of views
   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $views = null;

   * The width in pixels
   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $width = null;

   * The height in pixels
   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $height = null;

   * The duration in seconds
   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $duration = null;

class KalturaMediaEntry extends KalturaPlayableEntry {

   * The media type of the entry
   * @var KalturaMediaType
   * @insertonly
  public $mediaType = null;

   * Override the default conversion quality
   * @var string
   * @insertonly
  public $conversionQuality = null;

   * The source type of the entry
   * @var KalturaSourceType
   * @readonly
  public $sourceType = null;

   * The search provider type used to import this entry
   * @var KalturaSearchProviderType
   * @readonly
  public $searchProviderType = null;

   * The ID of the media in the importing site
   * @var string
   * @readonly
  public $searchProviderId = null;

   * The user name used for credits
   * @var string
  public $creditUserName = null;

   * The URL for credits
   * @var string
  public $creditUrl = null;

   * The media date extracted from EXIF data (For images) as Unix timestamp (In seconds)
   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $mediaDate = null;

   * The URL used for playback. This is not the download URL.
   * @var string
   * @readonly
  public $dataUrl = null;

class KalturaPlayableEntryFilter extends KalturaBaseEntryFilter {

class KalturaMediaEntryFilter extends KalturaPlayableEntryFilter {

   * @var KalturaMediaType
  public $mediaTypeEqual = null;

   * @var string
  public $mediaTypeIn = null;

   * @var int
  public $mediaDateGreaterThanOrEqual = null;

   * @var int
  public $mediaDateLessThanOrEqual = null;

class KalturaPlayableEntryOrderBy {
  const PLAYS_ASC = "+plays";
  const PLAYS_DESC = "-plays";
  const VIEWS_ASC = "+views";
  const VIEWS_DESC = "-views";
  const NAME_ASC = "+name";
  const NAME_DESC = "-name";
  const CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt";
  const CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt";
  const RANK_ASC = "+rank";
  const RANK_DESC = "-rank";

class KalturaMediaEntryOrderBy {
  const PLAYS_ASC = "+plays";
  const PLAYS_DESC = "-plays";
  const VIEWS_ASC = "+views";
  const VIEWS_DESC = "-views";
  const NAME_ASC = "+name";
  const NAME_DESC = "-name";
  const CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt";
  const CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt";
  const RANK_ASC = "+rank";
  const RANK_DESC = "-rank";

class KalturaMediaListResponse extends KalturaObjectBase {

   * @var KalturaMediaEntryArray
   * @readonly
  public $objects;

   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $totalCount = null;

class KalturaMixEntry extends KalturaPlayableEntry {

   * Indicates whether the user has submited a real thumbnail to the mix (Not the one that was generated automaticaly)
   * @var bool
   * @readonly
  public $hasRealThumbnail = null;

   * The editor type used to edit the metadata
   * @var KalturaEditorType
  public $editorType = null;

   * The xml data of the mix
   * @var string
  public $dataContent = null;

class KalturaMixEntryFilter extends KalturaPlayableEntryFilter {

class KalturaMixEntryOrderBy {
  const PLAYS_ASC = "+plays";
  const PLAYS_DESC = "-plays";
  const VIEWS_ASC = "+views";
  const VIEWS_DESC = "-views";
  const NAME_ASC = "+name";
  const NAME_DESC = "-name";
  const CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt";
  const CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt";
  const RANK_ASC = "+rank";
  const RANK_DESC = "-rank";

class KalturaMixListResponse extends KalturaObjectBase {

   * @var KalturaMixEntryArray
   * @readonly
  public $objects;

   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $totalCount = null;

class KalturaModerationFlag extends KalturaObjectBase {

   * Moderation flag id
   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $id = null;

   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $partnerId = null;

   * The user id that added the moderation flag
   * @var string
   * @readonly
  public $userId = null;

   * The type of the moderation flag (entry or user)
   * @var KalturaModerationObjectType
   * @readonly
  public $objectType = null;

   * If moderation flag is set for entry, this is the flagged entry id
   * @var string
  public $flaggedEntryId = null;

   * If moderation flag is set for user, this is the flagged user id
   * @var string
  public $flaggedUserId = null;

   * The moderation flag status
   * @var KalturaModerationFlagStatus
   * @readonly
  public $status = null;

   * The comment that was added to the flag
   * @var string
  public $comments = null;

   * @var KalturaModerationFlagType
  public $flagType = null;

   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $createdAt = null;

   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $updatedAt = null;

class KalturaModerationFlagListResponse extends KalturaObjectBase {

   * @var KalturaModerationFlagArray
   * @readonly
  public $objects;

   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $totalCount = null;

class KalturaNotification extends KalturaBaseJob {

   * @var string
  public $puserId = null;

   * @var KalturaNotificationType
  public $type = null;

   * @var string
  public $objectId = null;

   * @var KalturaNotificationStatus
  public $status = null;

   * @var string
  public $notificationData = null;

   * @var int
  public $numberOfAttempts = null;

   * @var string
  public $notificationResult = null;

   * @var KalturaNotificationObjectType
  public $objectType = null;

class KalturaPartner extends KalturaObjectBase {

   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $id = null;

   * @var string
  public $name = null;

   * @var string
  public $website = null;

   * @var string
  public $notificationUrl = null;

   * @var int
  public $appearInSearch = null;

   * @var string
   * @readonly
  public $createdAt = null;

   * @var string
  public $adminName = null;

   * @var string
  public $adminEmail = null;

   * @var string
  public $description = null;

   * @var KalturaCommercialUseType
  public $commercialUse = null;

   * @var string
  public $landingPage = null;

   * @var string
  public $userLandingPage = null;

   * @var string
  public $contentCategories = null;

   * @var KalturaPartnerType
  public $type = null;

   * @var string
  public $phone = null;

   * @var string
  public $describeYourself = null;

   * @var bool
  public $adultContent = null;

   * @var string
  public $defConversionProfileType = null;

   * @var int
  public $notify = null;

   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $status = null;

   * @var int
  public $allowQuickEdit = null;

   * @var int
  public $mergeEntryLists = null;

   * @var string
  public $notificationsConfig = null;

   * @var int
  public $maxUploadSize = null;

   * readonly
   * @var int
  public $partnerPackage = null;

   * readonly
   * @var string
  public $secret = null;

   * readonly
   * @var string
  public $adminSecret = null;

   * @var string
   * @readonly
  public $cmsPassword = null;

class KalturaPartnerUsage extends KalturaObjectBase {

   * @var float
   * @readonly
  public $hostingGB = null;

   * @var float
   * @readonly
  public $Percent = null;

   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $packageBW = null;

   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $usageGB = null;

   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $reachedLimitDate = null;

   * @var string
   * @readonly
  public $usageGraph = null;

class KalturaPlaylist extends KalturaBaseEntry {

   * Content of the playlist -
   * XML if the playlistType is dynamic
   * text if the playlistType is static
   * url if the playlistType is mRss
   * @var string
  public $playlistContent = null;

   * Type of playlist
   * @var KalturaPlaylistType
  public $playlistType = null;

   * Number of plays
   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $plays = null;

   * Number of views
   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $views = null;

   * The duration in seconds
   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $duration = null;

class KalturaPlaylistFilter extends KalturaBaseEntryFilter {

class KalturaPlaylistListResponse extends KalturaObjectBase {

   * @var KalturaPlaylistArray
   * @readonly
  public $objects;

   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $totalCount = null;

class KalturaPlaylistOrderBy {
  const NAME_ASC = "+name";
  const NAME_DESC = "-name";
  const CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt";
  const CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt";
  const RANK_ASC = "+rank";
  const RANK_DESC = "-rank";

class KalturaReportGraph extends KalturaObjectBase {

   * @var string
  public $id = null;

   * @var string
  public $data = null;

class KalturaReportInputFilter extends KalturaObjectBase {

   * @var int
  public $fromDate = null;

   * @var int
  public $toDate = null;

   * @var string
  public $keywords = null;

   * @var bool
  public $searchInTags = null;

   * @var bool
  public $searchInAdminTags = null;

class KalturaReportTable extends KalturaObjectBase {

   * @var string
   * @readonly
  public $header = null;

   * @var string
   * @readonly
  public $data = null;

   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $totalCount = null;

class KalturaReportTotal extends KalturaObjectBase {

   * @var string
  public $header = null;

   * @var string
  public $data = null;

class KalturaSearch extends KalturaObjectBase {

   * @var string
  public $keyWords = null;

   * @var KalturaSearchProviderType
  public $searchSource = null;

   * @var KalturaMediaType
  public $mediaType = null;

   * Use this field to pass dynamic data for searching
   * For example - if you set this field to "mymovies_$partner_id"
   * The $partner_id will be automatically replcaed with your real partner Id
   * @var string
  public $extraData = null;

   * @var string
  public $authData = null;

class KalturaSearchAuthData extends KalturaObjectBase {

   * The authentication data that further should be used for search
   * @var string
  public $authData = null;

   * Login URL when user need to sign-in and authorize the search
   * @var string
  public $loginUrl = null;

   * Information when there was an error
   * @var string
  public $message = null;

class KalturaSearchResult extends KalturaSearch {

   * @var string
  public $id = null;

   * @var string
  public $title = null;

   * @var string
  public $thumbUrl = null;

   * @var string
  public $description = null;

   * @var string
  public $tags = null;

   * @var string
  public $url = null;

   * @var string
  public $sourceLink = null;

   * @var string
  public $credit = null;

   * @var KalturaLicenseType
  public $licenseType = null;

   * @var string
  public $flashPlaybackType = null;

class KalturaSearchResultResponse extends KalturaObjectBase {

   * @var KalturaSearchResultArray
   * @readonly
  public $objects;

   * @var bool
   * @readonly
  public $needMediaInfo = null;

class KalturaStartWidgetSessionResponse extends KalturaObjectBase {

   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $partnerId = null;

   * @var string
   * @readonly
  public $ks = null;

   * @var string
   * @readonly
  public $userId = null;

class KalturaStatsEvent extends KalturaObjectBase {

   * @var string
  public $clientVer = null;

   * @var KalturaStatsEventType
  public $eventType = null;

   * the client's timestamp of this event
   * @var float
  public $eventTimestamp = null;

   * a unique string generated by the client that will represent the client-side session: the primary component will pass it on to other components that sprout from it
   * @var string
  public $sessionId = null;

   * @var int
  public $partnerId = null;

   * @var string
  public $entryId = null;

   * the UV cookie - creates in the operational system and should be passed on ofr every event
   * @var string
  public $uniqueViewer = null;

   * @var string
  public $widgetId = null;

   * @var int
  public $uiconfId = null;

   * the partner's user id
   * @var string
  public $userId = null;

   * the timestamp along the video when the event happend
   * @var int
  public $currentPoint = null;

   * the duration of the video in milliseconds - will make it much faster than quering the db for each entry
   * @var int
  public $duration = null;

   * will be retrieved from the request of the user
   * @var string
   * @readonly
  public $userIp = null;

   * the time in milliseconds the event took
   * @var int
  public $processDuration = null;

   * the id of the GUI control - will be used in the future to better understand what the user clicked
   * @var string
  public $controlId = null;

   * true if the user ever used seek in this session
   * @var bool
  public $seek = null;

   * timestamp of the new point on the timeline of the video after the user seeks
   * @var int
  public $newPoint = null;

   * the referrer of the client
   * @var string
  public $referrer = null;

   * will indicate if the event is thrown for the first video in the session
   * @var bool
  public $isFirstInSession = null;

class KalturaUiConf extends KalturaObjectBase {

   * @var string
   * @readonly
  public $id = null;

   * Name of the uiConf, this is not a primary key
   * @var string
  public $name = null;

   * @var string
  public $description = null;

   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $partnerId = null;

   * @var KalturaUiConfObjType
  public $objType = null;

   * @var string
   * @readonly
  public $objTypeAsString = null;

   * @var int
  public $width = null;

   * @var int
  public $height = null;

   * @var string
  public $htmlParams = null;

   * @var string
  public $swfUrl = null;

   * @var string
   * @readonly
  public $confFilePath = null;

   * @var string
  public $confFile = null;

   * @var string
  public $confFileFeatures = null;

   * @var string
  public $confVars = null;

   * @var bool
  public $useCdn = null;

   * @var string
  public $tags = null;

   * @var string
  public $swfUrlVersion = null;

   * Entry creation date as Unix timestamp (In seconds)
   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $createdAt = null;

   * Entry creation date as Unix timestamp (In seconds)
   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $updatedAt = null;

   * @var KalturaUiConfCreationMode
  public $creationMode = null;

class KalturaUiConfFilter extends KalturaFilter {

   * @var string
  public $idEqual = null;

   * @var string
  public $idIn = null;

   * @var string
  public $nameLike = null;

   * @var string
  public $tagsMultiLikeOr = null;

   * @var string
  public $tagsMultiLikeAnd = null;

   * @var int
  public $createdAtGreaterThanOrEqual = null;

   * @var int
  public $createdAtLessThanOrEqual = null;

   * @var int
  public $updatedAtGreaterThanOrEqual = null;

   * @var int
  public $updatedAtLessThanOrEqual = null;

class KalturaUiConfListResponse extends KalturaObjectBase {

   * @var KalturaUiConfArray
   * @readonly
  public $objects;

   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $totalCount = null;

class KalturaUiConfOrderBy {
  const CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt";
  const CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt";

class KalturaUser extends KalturaObjectBase {

   * @var string
  public $id = null;

   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $partnerId = null;

   * @var string
  public $screenName = null;

   * @var string
  public $fullName = null;

   * @var string
  public $email = null;

   * @var int
  public $dateOfBirth = null;

   * @var string
  public $country = null;

   * @var string
  public $state = null;

   * @var string
  public $city = null;

   * @var string
  public $zip = null;

   * @var string
  public $thumbnailUrl = null;

   * @var string
  public $description = null;

   * @var string
  public $tags = null;

   * Admin tags can be updated only by using an admin session
   * @var string
  public $adminTags = null;

   * @var KalturaGender
  public $gender = null;

   * @var KalturaUserStatus
  public $status = null;

   * Creation date as Unix timestamp (In seconds)
   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $createdAt = null;

   * Last update date as Unix timestamp (In seconds)
   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $updatedAt = null;

   * Can be used to store various partner related data as a string
   * @var string
  public $partnerData = null;

   * @var int
  public $indexedPartnerDataInt = null;

   * @var string
  public $indexedPartnerDataString = null;

   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $storageSize = null;

class KalturaUserFilter extends KalturaFilter {

   * @var string
  public $idEqual = null;

   * @var string
  public $idIn = null;

   * @var int
  public $partnerIdEqual = null;

   * @var string
  public $screenNameLike = null;

   * @var string
  public $screenNameStartsWith = null;

   * @var string
  public $emailLike = null;

   * @var string
  public $emailStartsWith = null;

   * @var string
  public $tagsMultiLikeOr = null;

   * @var string
  public $tagsMultiLikeAnd = null;

   * @var int
  public $createdAtGreaterThanOrEqual = null;

   * @var int
  public $createdAtLessThanOrEqual = null;

class KalturaUserListResponse extends KalturaObjectBase {

   * @var KalturaUserArray
   * @readonly
  public $objects;

   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $totalCount = null;

class KalturaUserOrderBy {
  const CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt";
  const CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt";

class KalturaWidget extends KalturaObjectBase {

   * @var string
   * @readonly
  public $id = null;

   * @var string
  public $sourceWidgetId = null;

   * @var string
   * @readonly
  public $rootWidgetId = null;

   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $partnerId = null;

   * @var string
  public $entryId = null;

   * @var int
  public $uiConfId = null;

   * @var KalturaWidgetSecurityType
  public $securityType = null;

   * @var int
  public $securityPolicy = null;

   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $createdAt = null;

   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $updatedAt = null;

   * Can be used to store various partner related data as a string
   * @var string
  public $partnerData = null;

   * @var string
   * @readonly
  public $widgetHTML = null;

class KalturaWidgetFilter extends KalturaFilter {

   * @var string
  public $idEqual = null;

   * @var string
  public $idIn = null;

   * @var string
  public $sourceWidgetIdEqual = null;

   * @var string
  public $rootWidgetIdEqual = null;

   * @var int
  public $partnerIdEqual = null;

   * @var string
  public $entryIdEqual = null;

   * @var int
  public $uiConfIdEqual = null;

   * @var int
  public $createdAtGreaterThanOrEqual = null;

   * @var int
  public $createdAtLessThanOrEqual = null;

   * @var int
  public $updatedAtGreaterThanOrEqual = null;

   * @var int
  public $updatedAtLessThanOrEqual = null;

   * @var string
  public $partnerDataLike = null;

class KalturaWidgetListResponse extends KalturaObjectBase {

   * @var KalturaWidgetArray
   * @readonly
  public $objects;

   * @var int
   * @readonly
  public $totalCount = null;

class KalturaWidgetOrderBy {
  const CREATED_AT_ASC = "+createdAt";
  const CREATED_AT_DESC = "-createdAt";

class KalturaMediaService extends KalturaServiceBase {
  function __construct(KalturaClient $client) {
  function addFromUrl(KalturaMediaEntry $mediaEntry, $url) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "mediaEntry", $mediaEntry
      ->addParam($kparams, "url", $url);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("media", "addFromUrl", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaMediaEntry");
    return $resultObject;
  function addFromSearchResult(KalturaMediaEntry $mediaEntry = null, KalturaSearchResult $searchResult = null) {
    $kparams = array();
    if ($mediaEntry !== null) {
        ->addParam($kparams, "mediaEntry", $mediaEntry
    if ($searchResult !== null) {
        ->addParam($kparams, "searchResult", $searchResult
      ->queueServiceActionCall("media", "addFromSearchResult", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaMediaEntry");
    return $resultObject;
  function addFromUploadedFile(KalturaMediaEntry $mediaEntry, $uploadTokenId) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "mediaEntry", $mediaEntry
      ->addParam($kparams, "uploadTokenId", $uploadTokenId);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("media", "addFromUploadedFile", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaMediaEntry");
    return $resultObject;
  function addFromRecordedWebcam(KalturaMediaEntry $mediaEntry, $webcamTokenId) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "mediaEntry", $mediaEntry
      ->addParam($kparams, "webcamTokenId", $webcamTokenId);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("media", "addFromRecordedWebcam", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaMediaEntry");
    return $resultObject;
  function get($entryId, $version = -1) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "entryId", $entryId);
      ->addParam($kparams, "version", $version);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("media", "get", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaMediaEntry");
    return $resultObject;
  function update($entryId, KalturaMediaEntry $mediaEntry) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "entryId", $entryId);
      ->addParam($kparams, "mediaEntry", $mediaEntry
      ->queueServiceActionCall("media", "update", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaMediaEntry");
    return $resultObject;
  function delete($entryId) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "entryId", $entryId);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("media", "delete", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "null");
    return $resultObject;
  function listAction(KalturaMediaEntryFilter $filter = null, KalturaFilterPager $pager = null) {
    $kparams = array();
    if ($filter !== null) {
        ->addParam($kparams, "filter", $filter
    if ($pager !== null) {
        ->addParam($kparams, "pager", $pager
      ->queueServiceActionCall("media", "list", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaMediaListResponse");
    return $resultObject;
  function upload($fileData) {
    $kparams = array();
    $kfiles = array();
      ->addParam($kfiles, "fileData", $fileData);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("media", "upload", $kparams, $kfiles);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "string");
    return $resultObject;
  function updateThumbnail($entryId, $timeOffset) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "entryId", $entryId);
      ->addParam($kparams, "timeOffset", $timeOffset);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("media", "updateThumbnail", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaMediaEntry");
    return $resultObject;
  function updateThumbnailJpeg($entryId, $fileData) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "entryId", $entryId);
    $kfiles = array();
      ->addParam($kfiles, "fileData", $fileData);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("media", "updateThumbnailJpeg", $kparams, $kfiles);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaMediaEntry");
    return $resultObject;
  function requestConversion($entryId, $fileFormat) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "entryId", $entryId);
      ->addParam($kparams, "fileFormat", $fileFormat);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("media", "requestConversion", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "int");
    return $resultObject;
  function flag(KalturaModerationFlag $moderationFlag) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "moderationFlag", $moderationFlag
      ->queueServiceActionCall("media", "flag", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "null");
    return $resultObject;
  function reject($entryId) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "entryId", $entryId);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("media", "reject", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "null");
    return $resultObject;
  function approve($entryId) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "entryId", $entryId);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("media", "approve", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "null");
    return $resultObject;
  function listFlags($entryId, KalturaFilterPager $pager = null) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "entryId", $entryId);
    if ($pager !== null) {
        ->addParam($kparams, "pager", $pager
      ->queueServiceActionCall("media", "listFlags", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaModerationFlagListResponse");
    return $resultObject;

class KalturaMixingService extends KalturaServiceBase {
  function __construct(KalturaClient $client) {
  function add(KalturaMixEntry $mixEntry) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "mixEntry", $mixEntry
      ->queueServiceActionCall("mixing", "add", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaMixEntry");
    return $resultObject;
  function get($entryId, $version = -1) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "entryId", $entryId);
      ->addParam($kparams, "version", $version);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("mixing", "get", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaMixEntry");
    return $resultObject;
  function update($entryId, KalturaMixEntry $mixEntry) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "entryId", $entryId);
      ->addParam($kparams, "mixEntry", $mixEntry
      ->queueServiceActionCall("mixing", "update", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaMixEntry");
    return $resultObject;
  function delete($entryId) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "entryId", $entryId);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("mixing", "delete", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "null");
    return $resultObject;
  function listAction(KalturaMixEntryFilter $filter = null, KalturaFilterPager $pager = null) {
    $kparams = array();
    if ($filter !== null) {
        ->addParam($kparams, "filter", $filter
    if ($pager !== null) {
        ->addParam($kparams, "pager", $pager
      ->queueServiceActionCall("mixing", "list", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaMixListResponse");
    return $resultObject;
  function cloneAction($entryId) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "entryId", $entryId);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("mixing", "clone", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaMixEntry");
    return $resultObject;
  function appendMediaEntry($mixEntryId, $mediaEntryId) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "mixEntryId", $mixEntryId);
      ->addParam($kparams, "mediaEntryId", $mediaEntryId);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("mixing", "appendMediaEntry", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaMixEntry");
    return $resultObject;
  function requestFlattening($entryId, $fileFormat, $version = -1) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "entryId", $entryId);
      ->addParam($kparams, "fileFormat", $fileFormat);
      ->addParam($kparams, "version", $version);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("mixing", "requestFlattening", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "int");
    return $resultObject;
  function getMixesByMediaId($mediaEntryId) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "mediaEntryId", $mediaEntryId);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("mixing", "getMixesByMediaId", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "array");
    return $resultObject;
  function getReadyMediaEntries($mixId, $version = -1) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "mixId", $mixId);
      ->addParam($kparams, "version", $version);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("mixing", "getReadyMediaEntries", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "array");
    return $resultObject;

class KalturaDocumentService extends KalturaServiceBase {
  function __construct(KalturaClient $client) {
  function addFromUploadedFile(KalturaDocumentEntry $documentEntry, $uploadTokenId) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "documentEntry", $documentEntry
      ->addParam($kparams, "uploadTokenId", $uploadTokenId);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("document", "addFromUploadedFile", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaDocumentEntry");
    return $resultObject;
  function get($entryId, $version = -1) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "entryId", $entryId);
      ->addParam($kparams, "version", $version);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("document", "get", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaDocumentEntry");
    return $resultObject;
  function update($entryId, KalturaDocumentEntry $documentEntry) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "entryId", $entryId);
      ->addParam($kparams, "documentEntry", $documentEntry
      ->queueServiceActionCall("document", "update", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaDocumentEntry");
    return $resultObject;
  function delete($entryId) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "entryId", $entryId);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("document", "delete", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "null");
    return $resultObject;
  function listAction(KalturaDocumentEntryFilter $filter = null, KalturaFilterPager $pager = null) {
    $kparams = array();
    if ($filter !== null) {
        ->addParam($kparams, "filter", $filter
    if ($pager !== null) {
        ->addParam($kparams, "pager", $pager
      ->queueServiceActionCall("document", "list", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaDocumentListResponse");
    return $resultObject;
  function upload($fileData) {
    $kparams = array();
    $kfiles = array();
      ->addParam($kfiles, "fileData", $fileData);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("document", "upload", $kparams, $kfiles);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "string");
    return $resultObject;
  function convertPptToSwf($entryId) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "entryId", $entryId);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("document", "convertPptToSwf", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "string");
    return $resultObject;

class KalturaDataService extends KalturaServiceBase {
  function __construct(KalturaClient $client) {
  function add(KalturaDataEntry $dataEntry) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "dataEntry", $dataEntry
      ->queueServiceActionCall("data", "add", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaDataEntry");
    return $resultObject;
  function get($entryId, $version = -1) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "entryId", $entryId);
      ->addParam($kparams, "version", $version);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("data", "get", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaDataEntry");
    return $resultObject;
  function update($entryId, KalturaDataEntry $documentEntry) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "entryId", $entryId);
      ->addParam($kparams, "documentEntry", $documentEntry
      ->queueServiceActionCall("data", "update", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaDataEntry");
    return $resultObject;
  function delete($entryId) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "entryId", $entryId);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("data", "delete", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "null");
    return $resultObject;
  function listAction(KalturaDataEntryFilter $filter = null, KalturaFilterPager $pager = null) {
    $kparams = array();
    if ($filter !== null) {
        ->addParam($kparams, "filter", $filter
    if ($pager !== null) {
        ->addParam($kparams, "pager", $pager
      ->queueServiceActionCall("data", "list", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaDataListResponse");
    return $resultObject;

class KalturaBaseEntryService extends KalturaServiceBase {
  function __construct(KalturaClient $client) {
  function addFromUploadedFile(KalturaBaseEntry $entry, $uploadTokenId, $type = -1) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "entry", $entry
      ->addParam($kparams, "uploadTokenId", $uploadTokenId);
      ->addParam($kparams, "type", $type);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("baseentry", "addFromUploadedFile", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaBaseEntry");
    return $resultObject;
  function get($entryId, $version = -1) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "entryId", $entryId);
      ->addParam($kparams, "version", $version);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("baseentry", "get", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaBaseEntry");
    return $resultObject;
  function getByIds($entryIds) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "entryIds", $entryIds);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("baseentry", "getByIds", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "array");
    return $resultObject;
  function delete($entryId) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "entryId", $entryId);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("baseentry", "delete", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "null");
    return $resultObject;
  function listAction(KalturaBaseEntryFilter $filter = null, KalturaFilterPager $pager = null) {
    $kparams = array();
    if ($filter !== null) {
        ->addParam($kparams, "filter", $filter
    if ($pager !== null) {
        ->addParam($kparams, "pager", $pager
      ->queueServiceActionCall("baseentry", "list", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaBaseEntryListResponse");
    return $resultObject;
  function upload($fileData) {
    $kparams = array();
    $kfiles = array();
      ->addParam($kfiles, "fileData", $fileData);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("baseentry", "upload", $kparams, $kfiles);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "string");
    return $resultObject;
  function updateThumbnailJpeg($entryId, $fileData) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "entryId", $entryId);
    $kfiles = array();
      ->addParam($kfiles, "fileData", $fileData);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("baseentry", "updateThumbnailJpeg", $kparams, $kfiles);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaMediaEntry");
    return $resultObject;
  function flag(KalturaModerationFlag $moderationFlag) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "moderationFlag", $moderationFlag
      ->queueServiceActionCall("baseentry", "flag", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "null");
    return $resultObject;
  function reject($entryId) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "entryId", $entryId);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("baseentry", "reject", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "null");
    return $resultObject;
  function approve($entryId) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "entryId", $entryId);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("baseentry", "approve", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "null");
    return $resultObject;
  function listFlags($entryId, KalturaFilterPager $pager = null) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "entryId", $entryId);
    if ($pager !== null) {
        ->addParam($kparams, "pager", $pager
      ->queueServiceActionCall("baseentry", "listFlags", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaModerationFlagListResponse");
    return $resultObject;

class KalturaSessionService extends KalturaServiceBase {
  function __construct(KalturaClient $client) {
  function start($secret, $userId = "", $type = 0, $partnerId = -1, $expiry = 86400, $privileges = null) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "secret", $secret);
      ->addParam($kparams, "userId", $userId);
      ->addParam($kparams, "type", $type);
      ->addParam($kparams, "partnerId", $partnerId);
      ->addParam($kparams, "expiry", $expiry);
      ->addParam($kparams, "privileges", $privileges);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("session", "start", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "string");
    return $resultObject;
  function startWidgetSession($widgetId, $expiry = 86400) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "widgetId", $widgetId);
      ->addParam($kparams, "expiry", $expiry);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("session", "startWidgetSession", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaStartWidgetSessionResponse");
    return $resultObject;

class KalturaUiConfService extends KalturaServiceBase {
  function __construct(KalturaClient $client) {
  function add(KalturaUiConf $uiConf) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "uiConf", $uiConf
      ->queueServiceActionCall("uiconf", "add", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaUiConf");
    return $resultObject;
  function update($id, KalturaUiConf $uiConf) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "id", $id);
      ->addParam($kparams, "uiConf", $uiConf
      ->queueServiceActionCall("uiconf", "update", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaUiConf");
    return $resultObject;
  function get($id) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "id", $id);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("uiconf", "get", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaUiConf");
    return $resultObject;
  function delete($id) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "id", $id);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("uiconf", "delete", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "null");
    return $resultObject;
  function cloneAction($id) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "id", $id);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("uiconf", "clone", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaUiConf");
    return $resultObject;
  function listAction(KalturaUiConfFilter $filter = null, KalturaFilterPager $pager = null) {
    $kparams = array();
    if ($filter !== null) {
        ->addParam($kparams, "filter", $filter
    if ($pager !== null) {
        ->addParam($kparams, "pager", $pager
      ->queueServiceActionCall("uiconf", "list", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaUiConfListResponse");
    return $resultObject;

class KalturaPlaylistService extends KalturaServiceBase {
  function __construct(KalturaClient $client) {
  function add(KalturaPlaylist $playlist, $updateStats = false) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "playlist", $playlist
      ->addParam($kparams, "updateStats", $updateStats);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("playlist", "add", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaPlaylist");
    return $resultObject;
  function get($id, $version = -1) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "id", $id);
      ->addParam($kparams, "version", $version);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("playlist", "get", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaPlaylist");
    return $resultObject;
  function update($id, KalturaPlaylist $playlist, $updateStats = false) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "id", $id);
      ->addParam($kparams, "playlist", $playlist
      ->addParam($kparams, "updateStats", $updateStats);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("playlist", "update", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaPlaylist");
    return $resultObject;
  function delete($id) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "id", $id);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("playlist", "delete", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "null");
    return $resultObject;
  function listAction(KalturaPlaylistFilter $filter = null, KalturaFilterPager $pager = null) {
    $kparams = array();
    if ($filter !== null) {
        ->addParam($kparams, "filter", $filter
    if ($pager !== null) {
        ->addParam($kparams, "pager", $pager
      ->queueServiceActionCall("playlist", "list", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaPlaylistListResponse");
    return $resultObject;
  function execute($id, $detailed = false) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "id", $id);
      ->addParam($kparams, "detailed", $detailed);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("playlist", "execute", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "array");
    return $resultObject;
  function executeFromContent($playlistType, $playlistContent, $detailed = false) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "playlistType", $playlistType);
      ->addParam($kparams, "playlistContent", $playlistContent);
      ->addParam($kparams, "detailed", $detailed);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("playlist", "executeFromContent", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "array");
    return $resultObject;
  function getStatsFromContent($playlistType, $playlistContent) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "playlistType", $playlistType);
      ->addParam($kparams, "playlistContent", $playlistContent);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("playlist", "getStatsFromContent", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaPlaylist");
    return $resultObject;

class KalturaUserService extends KalturaServiceBase {
  function __construct(KalturaClient $client) {
  function add(KalturaUser $user) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "user", $user
      ->queueServiceActionCall("user", "add", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaUser");
    return $resultObject;
  function update($userId, KalturaUser $user) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "userId", $userId);
      ->addParam($kparams, "user", $user
      ->queueServiceActionCall("user", "update", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaUser");
    return $resultObject;
  function get($userId) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "userId", $userId);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("user", "get", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaUser");
    return $resultObject;
  function delete($userId) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "userId", $userId);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("user", "delete", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaUser");
    return $resultObject;
  function listAction(KalturaUserFilter $filter = null, KalturaFilterPager $pager = null) {
    $kparams = array();
    if ($filter !== null) {
        ->addParam($kparams, "filter", $filter
    if ($pager !== null) {
        ->addParam($kparams, "pager", $pager
      ->queueServiceActionCall("user", "list", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaUserListResponse");
    return $resultObject;

class KalturaWidgetService extends KalturaServiceBase {
  function __construct(KalturaClient $client) {
  function add(KalturaWidget $widget) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "widget", $widget
      ->queueServiceActionCall("widget", "add", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaWidget");
    return $resultObject;
  function update($id, KalturaWidget $widget) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "id", $id);
      ->addParam($kparams, "widget", $widget
      ->queueServiceActionCall("widget", "update", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaWidget");
    return $resultObject;
  function get($id) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "id", $id);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("widget", "get", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaWidget");
    return $resultObject;
  function cloneAction(KalturaWidget $widget) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "widget", $widget
      ->queueServiceActionCall("widget", "clone", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaWidget");
    return $resultObject;
  function listAction(KalturaWidgetFilter $filter = null, KalturaFilterPager $pager = null) {
    $kparams = array();
    if ($filter !== null) {
        ->addParam($kparams, "filter", $filter
    if ($pager !== null) {
        ->addParam($kparams, "pager", $pager
      ->queueServiceActionCall("widget", "list", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaWidgetListResponse");
    return $resultObject;

class KalturaSearchService extends KalturaServiceBase {
  function __construct(KalturaClient $client) {
  function search(KalturaSearch $search, KalturaFilterPager $pager = null) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "search", $search
    if ($pager !== null) {
        ->addParam($kparams, "pager", $pager
      ->queueServiceActionCall("search", "search", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaSearchResultResponse");
    return $resultObject;
  function getMediaInfo(KalturaSearchResult $searchResult) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "searchResult", $searchResult
      ->queueServiceActionCall("search", "getMediaInfo", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaSearchResult");
    return $resultObject;
  function searchUrl($mediaType, $url) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "mediaType", $mediaType);
      ->addParam($kparams, "url", $url);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("search", "searchUrl", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaSearchResult");
    return $resultObject;
  function externalLogin($searchSource, $userName, $password) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "searchSource", $searchSource);
      ->addParam($kparams, "userName", $userName);
      ->addParam($kparams, "password", $password);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("search", "externalLogin", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaSearchAuthData");
    return $resultObject;

class KalturaPartnerService extends KalturaServiceBase {
  function __construct(KalturaClient $client) {
  function register(KalturaPartner $partner, $cmsPassword = "") {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "partner", $partner
      ->addParam($kparams, "cmsPassword", $cmsPassword);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("partner", "register", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaPartner");
    return $resultObject;
  function update(KalturaPartner $partner, $allowEmpty = false) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "partner", $partner
      ->addParam($kparams, "allowEmpty", $allowEmpty);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("partner", "update", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaPartner");
    return $resultObject;
  function getSecrets($partnerId, $adminEmail, $cmsPassword) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "partnerId", $partnerId);
      ->addParam($kparams, "adminEmail", $adminEmail);
      ->addParam($kparams, "cmsPassword", $cmsPassword);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("partner", "getSecrets", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaPartner");
    return $resultObject;
  function getInfo() {
    $kparams = array();
      ->queueServiceActionCall("partner", "getInfo", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaPartner");
    return $resultObject;
  function getUsage($year = "", $month = 1, $resolution = "days") {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "year", $year);
      ->addParam($kparams, "month", $month);
      ->addParam($kparams, "resolution", $resolution);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("partner", "getUsage", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaPartnerUsage");
    return $resultObject;

class KalturaAdminUserService extends KalturaServiceBase {
  function __construct(KalturaClient $client) {
  function updatepassword($email, $password, $newEmail = "", $newPassword = "") {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "email", $email);
      ->addParam($kparams, "password", $password);
      ->addParam($kparams, "newEmail", $newEmail);
      ->addParam($kparams, "newPassword", $newPassword);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("adminuser", "updatepassword", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaAdminUser");
    return $resultObject;
  function resetPassword($email) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "email", $email);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("adminuser", "resetPassword", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "null");
    return $resultObject;
  function login($email, $password) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "email", $email);
      ->addParam($kparams, "password", $password);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("adminuser", "login", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "string");
    return $resultObject;

class KalturaSystemService extends KalturaServiceBase {
  function __construct(KalturaClient $client) {
  function ping() {
    $kparams = array();
      ->queueServiceActionCall("system", "ping", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "boolean");
    return $resultObject;

class KalturaBulkUploadService extends KalturaServiceBase {
  function __construct(KalturaClient $client) {
  function add($conversionProfileId, $csvFileData) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "conversionProfileId", $conversionProfileId);
    $kfiles = array();
      ->addParam($kfiles, "csvFileData", $csvFileData);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("bulkupload", "add", $kparams, $kfiles);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaBulkUpload");
    return $resultObject;
  function get($id) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "id", $id);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("bulkupload", "get", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaBulkUpload");
    return $resultObject;
  function listAction(KalturaFilterPager $pager = null) {
    $kparams = array();
    if ($pager !== null) {
        ->addParam($kparams, "pager", $pager
      ->queueServiceActionCall("bulkupload", "list", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaBulkUploadListResponse");
    return $resultObject;

class KalturaNotificationService extends KalturaServiceBase {
  function __construct(KalturaClient $client) {
  function getClientNotification($entryId, $type) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "entryId", $entryId);
      ->addParam($kparams, "type", $type);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("notification", "getClientNotification", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaClientNotification");
    return $resultObject;

class KalturaBatchService extends KalturaServiceBase {
  function __construct(KalturaClient $client) {
  function addImportJob(KalturaBatchJob $importJob) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "importJob", $importJob
      ->queueServiceActionCall("batch", "addImportJob", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaBatchJob");
    return $resultObject;
  function getExclusiveImportJobs($processorLocation, $pocessorName, $maxExecutionTime, $numberOfJobs, $partnerGroups) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "processorLocation", $processorLocation);
      ->addParam($kparams, "pocessorName", $pocessorName);
      ->addParam($kparams, "maxExecutionTime", $maxExecutionTime);
      ->addParam($kparams, "numberOfJobs", $numberOfJobs);
      ->addParam($kparams, "partnerGroups", $partnerGroups);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("batch", "getExclusiveImportJobs", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "array");
    return $resultObject;
  function updateExclusiveImportJob($id, $processorLocation, $pocessorName, KalturaBatchJob $importJob, $entryStatus = null) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "id", $id);
      ->addParam($kparams, "processorLocation", $processorLocation);
      ->addParam($kparams, "pocessorName", $pocessorName);
      ->addParam($kparams, "importJob", $importJob
      ->addParam($kparams, "entryStatus", $entryStatus);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("batch", "updateExclusiveImportJob", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaBatchJob");
    return $resultObject;
  function freeExclusiveImportJob($id, $processorLocation, $pocessorName) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "id", $id);
      ->addParam($kparams, "processorLocation", $processorLocation);
      ->addParam($kparams, "pocessorName", $pocessorName);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("batch", "freeExclusiveImportJob", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaBatchJob");
    return $resultObject;
  function addPreConvertJob(KalturaBatchJob $preConvertJob) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "preConvertJob", $preConvertJob
      ->queueServiceActionCall("batch", "addPreConvertJob", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaBatchJob");
    return $resultObject;
  function getExclusivePreConvertJobs($processorLocation, $pocessorName, $maxExecutionTime, $numberOfJobs, $partnerGroups) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "processorLocation", $processorLocation);
      ->addParam($kparams, "pocessorName", $pocessorName);
      ->addParam($kparams, "maxExecutionTime", $maxExecutionTime);
      ->addParam($kparams, "numberOfJobs", $numberOfJobs);
      ->addParam($kparams, "partnerGroups", $partnerGroups);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("batch", "getExclusivePreConvertJobs", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "array");
    return $resultObject;
  function updateExclusivePreConvertJob($id, $processorLocation, $pocessorName, KalturaBatchJob $preConvertJob, $entryStatus = null) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "id", $id);
      ->addParam($kparams, "processorLocation", $processorLocation);
      ->addParam($kparams, "pocessorName", $pocessorName);
      ->addParam($kparams, "preConvertJob", $preConvertJob
      ->addParam($kparams, "entryStatus", $entryStatus);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("batch", "updateExclusivePreConvertJob", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaBatchJob");
    return $resultObject;
  function freeExclusivePreConvertJob($id, $processorLocation, $pocessorName) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "id", $id);
      ->addParam($kparams, "processorLocation", $processorLocation);
      ->addParam($kparams, "pocessorName", $pocessorName);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("batch", "freeExclusivePreConvertJob", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaBatchJob");
    return $resultObject;
  function createNotification(KalturaNotification $notificationJob) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "notificationJob", $notificationJob
      ->queueServiceActionCall("batch", "createNotification", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "null");
    return $resultObject;
  function getExclusiveNotificationJobs($processorLocation, $pocessorName, $maxExecutionTime, $numberOfJobs, $partnerGroups) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "processorLocation", $processorLocation);
      ->addParam($kparams, "pocessorName", $pocessorName);
      ->addParam($kparams, "maxExecutionTime", $maxExecutionTime);
      ->addParam($kparams, "numberOfJobs", $numberOfJobs);
      ->addParam($kparams, "partnerGroups", $partnerGroups);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("batch", "getExclusiveNotificationJobs", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaBatchGetExclusiveNotificationJobsResponse");
    return $resultObject;
  function updateExclusiveNotificationJob($id, $processorLocation, $pocessorName, KalturaNotification $notificationJob) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "id", $id);
      ->addParam($kparams, "processorLocation", $processorLocation);
      ->addParam($kparams, "pocessorName", $pocessorName);
      ->addParam($kparams, "notificationJob", $notificationJob
      ->queueServiceActionCall("batch", "updateExclusiveNotificationJob", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaNotification");
    return $resultObject;
  function freeExclusiveNotificationJob($id, $processorLocation, $pocessorName, KalturaNotification $notificationJob = null) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "id", $id);
      ->addParam($kparams, "processorLocation", $processorLocation);
      ->addParam($kparams, "pocessorName", $pocessorName);
    if ($notificationJob !== null) {
        ->addParam($kparams, "notificationJob", $notificationJob
      ->queueServiceActionCall("batch", "freeExclusiveNotificationJob", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaBatchJob");
    return $resultObject;
  function addMailJob(KalturaMailJob $mailJob) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "mailJob", $mailJob
      ->queueServiceActionCall("batch", "addMailJob", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "null");
    return $resultObject;
  function getExclusiveMailJobs($processorLocation, $pocessorName, $maxExecutionTime, $numberOfJobs, $partnerGroups) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "processorLocation", $processorLocation);
      ->addParam($kparams, "pocessorName", $pocessorName);
      ->addParam($kparams, "maxExecutionTime", $maxExecutionTime);
      ->addParam($kparams, "numberOfJobs", $numberOfJobs);
      ->addParam($kparams, "partnerGroups", $partnerGroups);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("batch", "getExclusiveMailJobs", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "array");
    return $resultObject;
  function updateExclusiveMailJob($id, $processorLocation, $pocessorName, KalturaMailJob $mailJob) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "id", $id);
      ->addParam($kparams, "processorLocation", $processorLocation);
      ->addParam($kparams, "pocessorName", $pocessorName);
      ->addParam($kparams, "mailJob", $mailJob
      ->queueServiceActionCall("batch", "updateExclusiveMailJob", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaMailJob");
    return $resultObject;
  function freeExclusiveMailJob($id, $processorLocation, $pocessorName) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "id", $id);
      ->addParam($kparams, "processorLocation", $processorLocation);
      ->addParam($kparams, "pocessorName", $pocessorName);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("batch", "freeExclusiveMailJob", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaMailJob");
    return $resultObject;

class KalturaReportService extends KalturaServiceBase {
  function __construct(KalturaClient $client) {
  function getGraph() {
    $kparams = array();
      ->queueServiceActionCall("report", "getGraph", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaReportGraph");
    return $resultObject;
  function getGraphs($reportType, KalturaReportInputFilter $reportInputFilter, $dimension = null, $objectIds = null) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "reportType", $reportType);
      ->addParam($kparams, "reportInputFilter", $reportInputFilter
      ->addParam($kparams, "dimension", $dimension);
      ->addParam($kparams, "objectIds", $objectIds);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("report", "getGraphs", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "array");
    return $resultObject;
  function getTotal($reportType, KalturaReportInputFilter $reportInputFilter, $objectIds = null) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "reportType", $reportType);
      ->addParam($kparams, "reportInputFilter", $reportInputFilter
      ->addParam($kparams, "objectIds", $objectIds);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("report", "getTotal", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaReportTotal");
    return $resultObject;
  function getTable($reportType, KalturaReportInputFilter $reportInputFilter, KalturaFilterPager $pager, $order = null, $objectIds = null) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "reportType", $reportType);
      ->addParam($kparams, "reportInputFilter", $reportInputFilter
      ->addParam($kparams, "pager", $pager
      ->addParam($kparams, "order", $order);
      ->addParam($kparams, "objectIds", $objectIds);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("report", "getTable", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaReportTable");
    return $resultObject;
  function getUrlForReportAsCsv($reportTitle, $reportText, $headers, $reportType, KalturaReportInputFilter $reportInputFilter, $dimension = null, KalturaFilterPager $pager = null, $order = null, $objectIds = null) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "reportTitle", $reportTitle);
      ->addParam($kparams, "reportText", $reportText);
      ->addParam($kparams, "headers", $headers);
      ->addParam($kparams, "reportType", $reportType);
      ->addParam($kparams, "reportInputFilter", $reportInputFilter
      ->addParam($kparams, "dimension", $dimension);
    if ($pager !== null) {
        ->addParam($kparams, "pager", $pager
      ->addParam($kparams, "order", $order);
      ->addParam($kparams, "objectIds", $objectIds);
      ->queueServiceActionCall("report", "getUrlForReportAsCsv", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "string");
    return $resultObject;

class KalturaConversionProfileService extends KalturaServiceBase {
  function __construct(KalturaClient $client) {
  function addCurrent(KalturaConversionProfile $conversionProfile) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "conversionProfile", $conversionProfile
      ->queueServiceActionCall("conversionprofile", "addCurrent", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaConversionProfile");
    return $resultObject;
  function getCurrent() {
    $kparams = array();
      ->queueServiceActionCall("conversionprofile", "getCurrent", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaConversionProfile");
    return $resultObject;

class KalturaStatsService extends KalturaServiceBase {
  function __construct(KalturaClient $client) {
  function collect(KalturaStatsEvent $event) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "event", $event
      ->queueServiceActionCall("stats", "collect", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "null");
    return $resultObject;
  function reportKceError(KalturaCEError $kalturaCEError) {
    $kparams = array();
      ->addParam($kparams, "kalturaCEError", $kalturaCEError
      ->queueServiceActionCall("stats", "reportKceError", $kparams);
    if ($this->client
      ->isMultiRequest()) {
      return null;
    $resultObject = $this->client
      ->validateObjectType($resultObject, "KalturaCEError");
    return $resultObject;

class KalturaClient extends KalturaClientBase {

   * Media service lets you upload and manage media files (images / videos & audio)
   * @var KalturaMediaService
  public $media = null;

   * A Mix is an XML unique format invented by Kaltura, it allows the user to create a mix of videos and images, in and out points, transitions, text overlays, soundtrack, effects and much more...
   * Mixing service lets you create a new mix, manage its metadata and make basic manipulations.
   * @var KalturaMixingService
  public $mixing = null;

   * Document service lets you upload and manage document files
   * @var KalturaDocumentService
  public $document = null;

   * Data service lets you manage data content (textual content)
   * @var KalturaDataService
  public $data = null;

   * Base Entry Service
   * @var KalturaBaseEntryService
  public $baseEntry = null;

   * Session service
   * @var KalturaSessionService
  public $session = null;

   * UiConf service lets you create and manage your UIConfs for the various flash components
   * This service is used by the KMC-ApplicationStudio
   * @var KalturaUiConfService
  public $uiConf = null;

   * Playlist service lets you create,manage and play your playlists
   * Playlists could be static (containing a fixed list of entries) or dynamic (baseed on a filter)
   * @var KalturaPlaylistService
  public $playlist = null;

   * Manage partner users on Kaltura's side
   * The userId in kaltura is the unique Id in the partner's system, and the [partnerId,Id] couple are unique key in kaltura's DB
   * @var KalturaUserService
  public $user = null;

   * widget service for full widget management
   * @var KalturaWidgetService
  public $widget = null;

   * Search service allows you to search for media in various media providers
   * This service is being used mostly by the CW component
   * @var KalturaSearchService
  public $search = null;

   * partner service allows you to change/manage your partner personal details and settings as well
   * @var KalturaPartnerService
  public $partner = null;

   * adminuser service
   * @var KalturaAdminUserService
  public $adminUser = null;

   * System Service
   * @var KalturaSystemService
  public $system = null;

   * Bulk Upload Service
   * @var KalturaBulkUploadService
  public $bulkUpload = null;

   * Notification Service
   * @var KalturaNotificationService
  public $notification = null;

   * batch service lets you handle different batch process from remote machines.
   * As oppesed to other ojects in the system, locking mechanism is critical in this case.
   * For this reason the GetExclusiveXXX , UpdateExclusiveXXX and FreeExclusiveXXX actions are important for the system's intergity.
   * In general - updating batch object should be done only using the UpdateExclusiveXXX which in turn can be called only after
   * acuiring a batch objet properly (using  GetExclusiveXXX).
   * If an object was aquired and should be returned to the pool in it's initial state - use the FreeExclusiveXXX action
   * @var KalturaBatchService
  public $batch = null;

   * api for getting reports data by the report type and some inputFilter
   * @var KalturaReportService
  public $report = null;

   * Conversion Profile Service
   * @var KalturaConversionProfileService
  public $conversionProfile = null;

   * Stats Service
   * @var KalturaStatsService
  public $stats = null;
  public function __construct(KalturaConfiguration $config) {
    $this->media = new KalturaMediaService($this);
    $this->mixing = new KalturaMixingService($this);
    $this->document = new KalturaDocumentService($this);
    $this->data = new KalturaDataService($this);
    $this->baseEntry = new KalturaBaseEntryService($this);
    $this->session = new KalturaSessionService($this);
    $this->uiConf = new KalturaUiConfService($this);
    $this->playlist = new KalturaPlaylistService($this);
    $this->user = new KalturaUserService($this);
    $this->widget = new KalturaWidgetService($this);
    $this->search = new KalturaSearchService($this);
    $this->partner = new KalturaPartnerService($this);
    $this->adminUser = new KalturaAdminUserService($this);
    $this->system = new KalturaSystemService($this);
    $this->bulkUpload = new KalturaBulkUploadService($this);
    $this->notification = new KalturaNotificationService($this);
    $this->batch = new KalturaBatchService($this);
    $this->report = new KalturaReportService($this);
    $this->conversionProfile = new KalturaConversionProfileService($this);
    $this->stats = new KalturaStatsService($this);



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