kaltura.module in Kaltura 6
Same filename and directory in other branches
kaltura integration module - core functions
kaltura.moduleView source
* @file
* kaltura integration module - core functions
* load kaltura stuff
$GLOBALS['_kaltura_client_folder'] = drupal_get_path('module', 'kaltura') . '/kaltura_client/';
module_load_include('php', 'kaltura', 'kaltura_client/kaltura_client');
module_load_include('php', 'kaltura', 'kaltura_client/kaltura_logger');
module_load_include('php', 'kaltura', 'kaltura_client/kaltura_settings');
module_load_include('php', 'kaltura', 'kaltura_client/kaltura_helpers');
module_load_include('php', 'kaltura', 'kaltura_client/kaltura_notification_client');
drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path("module", "kaltura") . "/style/kaltura.css");
drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path("module", "kaltura") . "/js/kaltura.js");
drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path("module", "kaltura") . "/js/swfobject.js");
if (variable_get('kaltura_partner_id', '') != '') {
$server_url = variable_get('kaltura_server_url', '') != '' ? variable_get('kaltura_server_url', '') : KalturaSettings_SERVER_URL;
$GLOBALS['_kaltura_thumbnail_base_url'] = $server_url . '/p/' . variable_get('kaltura_partner_id', '') . '/sp/' . variable_get('kaltura_subp_id', '') . '/thumbnail';
* Implementation of hook_perm().
function kaltura_perm() {
return array(
'administer kaltura',
'access kaltura widgets',
* Implementation of hook_menu().
function kaltura_menu() {
$items = array();
$items['admin/settings/kaltura'] = array(
'title' => 'Kaltura',
'file' => 'includes/kaltura.admin.inc',
'description' => 'List of Kaltura administration pages.',
'page callback' => 'kaltura_settings_main',
'access arguments' => array(
'administer kaltura',
$items['admin/settings/kaltura/general'] = array(
'title' => 'Server Integration Settings',
'file' => 'includes/kaltura.admin.inc',
'description' => 'Kaltura\'s server integration settings.',
'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'page arguments' => array(
'access arguments' => array(
'administer kaltura',
'weight' => -10,
$items['admin/settings/kaltura/kaltura_credits_settings'] = array(
'title' => 'Kaltura Credits Settings',
'file' => 'includes/kaltura.admin.inc',
'description' => 'Kaltura Credits Settings',
'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'page arguments' => array(
'access arguments' => array(
'administer kaltura',
'weight' => 10,
$items['admin/settings/kaltura/import'] = array(
'title' => 'Importing Entries from Kaltura to Drupal',
'file' => 'includes/kaltura.admin.inc',
'description' => 'import your partner\'s entries from kaltura\'s server to drupal, as nodes',
'page callback' => 'kaltura_import_entries_page',
'access arguments' => array(
'administer kaltura',
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
'weight' => 0,
$items['kaltura/notification_handler'] = array(
'title' => 'Drupal Notification Handler',
'file' => 'includes/kaltura.notification.inc',
'page callback' => 'kaltura_notification_handler',
'access callback' => TRUE,
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
$items['kaltura/contribution_wizard/%'] = array(
'title' => 'Contribution Wizard',
'page callback' => 'kaltura_contribution_wizard',
'page arguments' => array(
'access arguments' => array(
'access kaltura widgets',
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
$items['kaltura/simple_editor'] = array(
'title' => 'Simple Editor',
'page callback' => 'kaltura_simple_editor',
'access arguments' => array(
'access kaltura widgets',
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
$items['kaltura/insert_widget'] = array(
'title' => 'Please Wait...',
'page callback' => 'kaltura_insert_widget',
'access callback' => TRUE,
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
$items['kaltura/entries'] = array(
'title' => 'List Of Entries',
'page callback' => 'kaltura_list_entries',
'access callback' => TRUE,
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
return $items;
* Implementation of hook_theme().
function kaltura_theme() {
$themes = array(
'contribution_wizard' => array(
'arguments' => array(
'themeParams' => NULL,
'contribution_wizard_add' => array(
'arguments' => array(
'themeParams' => NULL,
'simple_editor' => array(
'arguments' => array(
'element' => NULL,
'kaltura_modal' => array(
'arguments' => array(
'element' => NULL,
'list_of_entries' => array(
'arguments' => array(
'element' => NULL,
'kaltura_server_status' => array(
'arguments' => array(
'element' => NULL,
'contribution_wizard_field' => array(
'arguments' => array(
'themeParams' => NULL,
'kaltura_maintenance_page' => array(
'arguments' => array(
'text' => NULL,
return $themes;
* Implementation of module_invoke().
* used to call hooks exxposed by kaltura which other module implements
function kaltura_invoke($hook, $data = NULL) {
$hook = 'kaltura_' . $hook;
$return = module_invoke_all($hook, $data);
return $return;
* Implementation of hook_search().
function kaltura_search($op, $keys = NULL) {
switch ($op) {
case 'search':
$query = kaltura_build_search();
$results = db_query($query, $keys);
while ($result = db_fetch_object($results)) {
$kaltura_results[] = array(
'link' => l($result->nid, 'node/' . $result->nid),
'title' => $result->nid,
return $kaltura_results;
* helper function to build the search query on kaltura items
* thought to be more complicated query.
* If we ever need to enhance the query, this is the place.
function kaltura_build_search() {
$q = 'SELECT nid FROM {node_kaltura} WHERE tags LIKE %\'%s\'% OR admin_tags LIKE %\'%s\'%';
return $q;
* Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
* All we do here is to alter the body and teaser fields when a node goes to view mode
* we call our functions to replcae the special "tags", which we create in theme_node_kaltura_*_entryId(), with the embed tag
function kaltura_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $teaser) {
switch ($op) {
case "load":
case "view":
case 'search result':
$node->body = kaltura_replace_tags($node->body, FALSE, TRUE);
case "alter":
$node->body = kaltura_replace_tags($node->body);
$node->teaser = kaltura_replace_tags($node->teaser);
* This function determines in which playedr widget we need to use
* The function exposes a hook "hook_use_uiconf" so other modules can change the widget if they wish to.
* The hook has higher priority over theme, so if a theme widget was specified and a hook returned a widget, the hook
* wins and the theme widget is ignored
function kaltura_use_uiconf($default_uicid, $node_type, $theme_uicid, $media_type = 'roughcut') {
// invoke hook use_widget
$new_uicid = kaltura_invoke('use_uiconf', array(
// if returned $wid from hooks, use it
if ($new_uicid) {
return $new_uicid[0];
// if no module implements the hook, and a theme widget was specified, return theme widget
if ($theme_uicid) {
return $theme_uicid;
// if no $wid from hooks or theme, check for widgets in settings, for specific type (entry, kshow, mix)
$widgets = new KalturaSettings();
if ($node_type == 'mix' || $node_type == 'roughcut') {
$uiconf_type = user_access('edit kaltura mixes') ? 'remix' : 'view';
else {
//$uiconf_type = (user_access('edit kaltura items'))? 'remix': 'view';
$uiconf_type = 'view';
$default = kaltura_default_uiconf_by_type($media_type);
$widget = variable_get('kaltura_' . $media_type . '_' . $node_type . '_widget', $default);
if ($widgets->kdp_widgets[$media_type][$widget][$uiconf_type . '_uiconf'] != 'XXX') {
$ui_conf = $widgets->kdp_widgets[$media_type][$widget][$uiconf_type . '_uiconf'];
if ($ui_conf) {
return $ui_conf;
// if settings widget for specified type is XXX => not defined, use default
return $default_uicid;
* helper function that returns the default UICONF ID according to kaltura_settings.php file
function kaltura_default_uiconf_by_type($media_type) {
switch ($media_type) {
case 'audio':
$default = KalturaSettings_DEFAULT_AUDIO_PLAYER_UICONF;
case 'viewplaylist':
case 'video':
$default = KalturaSettings_DEFAULT_VIDEO_PLAYER_UICONF;
case 'roughcut':
$default = KalturaSettings_DEFAULT_RC_PLAYER_UICONF;
case 'comment':
$default = KalturaSettings_DEFAULT_COMMENT_PLAYER_UICONF;
return $default;
* callback function for the kaltura/entries URL
function kaltura_list_entries() {
global $pager_page_array, $pager_total;
$args = func_get_args();
if ($args[0] == 'allow-insert' && $args[1]) {
drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'kaltura') . '/style/kaltura.css', 'all');
$allow_insert = TRUE;
$field_name = $args[1];
$media_types = new KalturaSettings();
$title = 'Kaltura Content';
$filter_media = '';
if ($_GET['filter']) {
$filter_media = 'AND knode.kaltura_media_type = ' . db_escape_string($_GET['filter']);
$title .= ' (filter by - ' . $media_types->media_types_map[$_GET['filter']] . ')';
$node_count = db_fetch_object(db_query(db_rewrite_sql('SELECT COUNT(node.nid) c FROM {node} node LEFT JOIN {node_kaltura} knode on node.nid = knode.nid WHERE type like \'kaltura%\' AND status > 0 ' . $filter_media, 'node', 'nid')));
$pager_total[0] = ceil($node_count->c / 20);
if ($_GET['page']) {
$start = 20 * (int) $_GET['page'];
$pager_page_array[0] = $_GET['page'];
else {
$start = 0;
$get_all = 'SELECT node.nid,node.title,node.type,knode.kaltura_entryId,knode.kaltura_thumbnail_url FROM {node} node ' . 'LEFT JOIN {node_kaltura} knode on node.nid = knode.nid WHERE (type = \'kaltura_entry\' OR type = \'kaltura_mix\') ' . $filter_media . ' AND status > 0 ORDER BY nid DESC LIMIT ' . $start . ', 20';
$result = db_query(db_rewrite_sql($get_all, 'node', 'nid'));
while ($node_nid = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$nodes[$node_nid->nid] = $node_nid;
$html = theme("list_of_entries", $nodes, $allow_insert, $field_name);
$pager = '';
if (ceil($node_count->c / 20) > 1) {
$pager = theme('pager', NULL, 20, 0, array(), ceil($node_count->c / 20));
if ($allow_insert && $field_name) {
$html = '<div id="media-upload-header">
<ul id="sidemenu">
<li id="tab-kaltura"><a href="' . $_GET['cwurl'] . '">Add Interactive Video</a></li>
<li id="tab-kaltura_browse"><a class="current" href="' . url('kaltura/entries/allow-insert/' . $field_id) . '">Browse Interactive Videos</a></li>
<li><a href="#" onclick="window.top.kalturaCloseModalBox();return false;">Close</a></li>
</div><div class="ktitle"><h3>' . $title . '</h3></div>' . $html;
$js = '$(document).ready(function() { ' . PHP_EOL . 'window.top.document.getElementById("kaltura_modal_iframe").className += " remove_overflow"; ';
$js .= PHP_EOL . 'window.top.document.getElementById("kaltura_modal_iframe").scrolling = "";';
$js .= PHP_EOL . 'window.top.document.getElementById("modalbox").style.height = "500px";';
$js .= PHP_EOL . 'window.top.document.getElementById("kaltura_modal_iframe").height = "500";';
$js .= PHP_EOL . 'window.top.document.getElementById("modalbox").className += " white_bg"; });';
echo theme('kaltura_modal', array(
'flashEmbed' => $html . '<div class="kaltura_pager">' . $pager . '</div>',
'javascript' => $js,
return $html . $pager;
* function to render the HTML for the kaltura/entries page
function theme_list_of_entries($arr_nodes_nids, $allow_insert = FALSE, $field_name = '') {
$url_option = array(
'query' => array(
'cwurl' => $_GET['cwurl'],
$filter = 'Show only: ' . l('All', $_GET['q'], $url_option) . ' | ' . l('Videos', $_GET['q'], array(
'query' => array(
'filter' => '1',
'cwurl' => $_GET['cwurl'],
)) . ' | ';
$filter .= l('Photos', $_GET['q'], array(
'query' => array(
'filter' => '2',
'cwurl' => $_GET['cwurl'],
)) . ' | ' . l('Remixes', $_GET['q'], array(
'query' => array(
'filter' => '6',
'cwurl' => $_GET['cwurl'],
$filter .= ' | ' . l('Audio', $_GET['q'], array(
'query' => array(
'filter' => '5',
'cwurl' => $_GET['cwurl'],
$str = '<div id="kaltura_entries_page" class="' . ($allow_insert ? 'minimal_mode' : '') . '"><div class="kfilter">' . $filter . '</div><ul>';
if (is_array($arr_nodes_nids) && count($arr_nodes_nids)) {
foreach ($arr_nodes_nids as $nid => $dets) {
$str .= '<li class="kentry"><div class="kentry_title">' . l($dets->title, 'node/' . $nid, array(
'attributes' => array(
'target' => '_blank',
)) . '</div>' . PHP_EOL;
$str .= '<div class="kentry_thumb">' . theme('node_' . $dets->type . '_thumbnail_url', $dets, 0, $nosize = TRUE) . '</div>';
if ($allow_insert) {
$str .= '<input type="button" class="kentry_add" value="" title="Insert" onclick="add_existing_media(\'' . $field_name . '\', \'' . $dets->kaltura_entryId . '\');" />';
$str .= '</li>';
else {
$str .= '<div>None</div>' . PHP_EOL;
$str .= '</div><div class="clear-block"></div>';
global $_kaltura_thumbnail_base_url;
if ($allow_insert) {
$str .= '<script>
function add_existing_media(field_id, entry) {
field = window.top.document.getElementById(field_id);
field.value = entry;
update_field_thumbs(field, \'' . $_kaltura_thumbnail_base_url . '\');
return $str;
* helper function to add the result from a notification or API call to the entry_data field
function kaltura_add_result_to_entry_data($eid, $result, $replace = TRUE) {
if (!$replace) {
$get_current_data = 'SELECT kaltura_entry_data FROM {node_kaltura} WHERE kaltura_entryId = \'%s\'';
$row = db_query($get_current_data, $eid);
$data = db_fetch_object($row);
$real_data = unserialize($data->kaltura_entry_data);
$real_data[] = $result;
$set_new_data = 'UPDATE {node_kaltura} SET kaltura_entry_data = \'%s\' WHERE kaltura_entryId = \'%s\'';
$row = db_query($set_new_data, serialize($real_data), $eid);
* Implementation of hook_cron().
function kaltura_cron() {
// get all entries from node_kaltura table,
// use the getEntries service to retrieve the data of entries
$get_entries = 'SELECT kaltura_entryId FROM {node_kaltura} node_kaltura LEFT JOIN {node} node ON node.nid = node_kaltura.nid WHERE node.status = 1';
$entries = db_query($get_entries);
while ($entry = db_fetch_object($entries)) {
$all_entries[] = $entry->kaltura_entryId;
if (is_array($all_entries) && count($all_entries)) {
$my_entries = implode(',', $all_entries);
$result = kaltura_get_entries($my_entries);
else {
$result = FALSE;
// if we got a good result, we update the entry data in the DB
if ($result !== FALSE) {
foreach ($result['entries'] as $key => $entry) {
$update_entry = 'UPDATE {node_kaltura} SET kstatus = %d, kaltura_views = %d, kaltura_plays = %d, kaltura_rank = %d, kaltura_total_rank = %d,
kaltura_duration = %d, kaltura_votes = %d, kaltura_thumbnail_url = \'%s\' WHERE kaltura_entryId = \'%s\'';
if ($entry['duration']) {
$duration = $entry['duration'];
else {
$duration = (int) ($entry['length_in_msecs'] / 1000);
$updated = db_query($update_entry, $entry['status'], $entry['views'], $entry['plays'], $entry['rank'], $entry['totalRank'], $duration, $entry['votes'], $entry['thumbnailUrl'], $entry['id']);
* helper function to call the getEntries service
function kaltura_get_entries($entries) {
$kaltura_client = KalturaHelpers::getKalturaClient();
$session_user = KalturaHelpers::getSessionUser();
$result = $kaltura_client
->getEntries($session_user, $entries, ',', 1);
if ($result['result']) {
return $result['result'];
return FALSE;
* Implementation of hook_help().
function kaltura_help($path, $arg) {
switch ($path) {
case 'admin/help#kaltura':
return kaltura_get_help_html('general');
* helper function to load HTML content for Drupal's help pages
function kaltura_get_help_html($page) {
switch ($page) {
case 'general':
$filename = 'kaltura_general_help';
case 'crossdomain':
$filename = 'kaltura_cd_help';
$help_html = file_get_contents(drupal_get_path('module', 'kaltura') . '/kaltura_help/' . $filename . '.html');
return $help_html;
* helper function that gets a widgetId, calls Kaltura's getWidget service and returns the embed code of the widget
function katura_fetch_widget_html($widget_id) {
$session_user = KalturaHelpers::getSessionUser();
$kaltura_client = KalturaHelpers::getKalturaClient();
$result = $kaltura_client
->getWidget($session_user, $widget_id, 1);
$embbed = $result['result']['widget']['widgetHtml'];
return $embbed;
* define the settings form for choosing a default player
function kaltura_choose_player($as_single_form, $type, $node_type, $return_widget_html = FALSE) {
global $base_path;
if (variable_get('kaltura_partner_id', '') == '') {
drupal_set_message(t('You must configure partner\'s details first.'), 'error');
return $form;
if ($as_single_form) {
$form['kaltura_widgets_information'] = array(
'#value' => t('Select which player you want to use in default view for kaltura items'),
$widgets = new KalturaSettings();
$pid = variable_get('kaltura_partner_id', '');
foreach ($widgets->kdp_widgets[$type] as $skins => $confs) {
if ($return_widget_html) {
$embbed = katura_fetch_widget_html('_' . $pid . '_' . $confs['remix_uiconf']);
$options[$skins] = $skins . ': ' . ($return_widget_html ? $embbed : '<br /><img src="' . $base_path . drupal_get_path('module', 'kaltura') . '/images/' . $confs['preview_image'] . '" />');
$default = kaltura_default_uiconf_by_type($type);
$form['default_widget'] = array(
'#title' => t('available widgets'),
'#type' => 'radios',
'#options' => $options,
'#attributes' => array(
"class" => "player-preview-option",
'#default_value' => variable_get('kaltura_' . $type . '_' . $node_type . '_widget', $default),
if ($as_single_form) {
return system_settings_form($form);
else {
return $form;
* function to choose to what URL the user will be redirected to after AddEntry in the CW
* This function exposes a hook_cw_destination()
function kaltura_cw_destination() {
$url = kaltura_invoke('cw_destination', $data = NULL);
if ($url) {
return $url[0];
$url = url('kaltura/entries');
return $url;
* include another file with mostly theme'ing functions
include_once 'includes/kaltura.themeing.inc';
* Implementation of hook_block().
function kaltura_block($op = 'list', $delta = 0, $edit = array()) {
if ($op == 'list') {
$blocks[0] = array(
'info' => t('Upload media block'),
'weight' => 0,
'status' => 0,
return $blocks;
elseif ($op == 'configure' && $delta == 0) {
elseif ($op == 'save' && $delta == 0) {
elseif ($op == 'view') {
switch ($delta) {
case 0:
if (user_access('create kaltura items')) {
$block = array(
'subject' => t('Upload Media'),
'content' => kaltura_upload_block(),
return $block;
* returns the upload block content
function kaltura_upload_block() {
$cw_vars = array(
'kshow_id' => -2,
'navigate_back' => 0,
$vars = kaltura_format_cw_vars($cw_vars);
return '<input type="button" onclick="kalturaInitModalBox(\'' . url("kaltura/contribution_wizard/" . $vars) . '\');" value="Click to Upload Media" />';
function kaltura_format_cw_vars($vars = array()) {
$str = urlencode(serialize($vars));
return $str;
* helper function to get a node id for a given entryId/kshowId
function kaltura_get_node_for_mix($show_id) {
$get_q = 'SELECT nid FROM {node_kaltura} WHERE kaltura_entryId = \'%s\'';
$result = db_query($get_q, $show_id);
$obj = db_fetch_object($result);
return $obj->nid;