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public function JwtPathAuthTest::testPathAdmin in JSON Web Token Authentication (JWT) 8

Test admin form updates and actual path auth.


tests/src/Functional/JwtPathAuthTest.php, line 83


Tests path-based authentication.




public function testPathAdmin() {
  $url = Url::fromRoute('jwt_path_auth.config_form');
  $edit = [
    'allowed_path_prefixes' => "/system/files/\nzzz",
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, 'Save configuration');
    ->assertText('Paths must start with a slash.');
  $edit = [
    'allowed_path_prefixes' => "/system/files/\r\n/foo/zzz/ \r\n/entity/file/",
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, 'Save configuration');
  $config = $this
  $expected = [
    ->assertSame($expected, $config

  /** @var \Drupal\Core\File\FileSystemInterface $file_system */
  $file_system = $this->container

  // A temporary private file can be access by the creator.
  // @see file_file_download().
  $file = $this
    ->createPrivateFile('drupal.txt', $this->adminUser
    ->id(), 0);

  // Make sure the logged-in user can access the file.
  $file_real_path = $file_system

  // Make sure the logged-in user can access the REST resource. The path
  // should be '/entity/file/' . $file->id().
  $options = [
    'query' => [
      '_format' => 'json',
  $file_rest_url = Url::fromRoute('rest.entity.file.GET', [
    'file' => $file
  ], $options);

  // Expect a 403 when not authenticated.

  // When Drupal is in a subdirectory (such as testbot) any
  // path in the JWT other than a "/" must bre prefixed with the base
  // path - the system does not expect the client to know where Drupal
  // is actually installed in terms of path hierarchy.
  $base_url = $this->container

  /** @var \Drupal\jwt\Transcoder\JwtTranscoderInterface $transcoder */
  $transcoder = $this->container
  $jwt = new JsonWebToken();
  ], $this->adminUser
  ], '/');
  $token = $transcoder
    ->assertSame('private://drupal.txt', $file
  $options = [
    'query' => [
      'jwt' => $token,

  // Make a real request with the token in the query string.
    ->createFileUrl(), $options);

  // If the path claim on the JWT doesn't match, access should be denied.
  $jwt = new JsonWebToken();
  ], $this->adminUser
  ], $base_url . '/foo/');
  $token = $transcoder
  $options = [
    'query' => [
      'jwt' => $token,
    ->createFileUrl(), $options);

  // Making a REST api request with no JWT should be denied.
  $options = [
    'query' => [
      '_format' => 'json',
  $file_rest_url = Url::fromRoute('rest.entity.file.GET', [
    'file' => $file
  ], $options);

  // Token path does not match, should still be 403.
  $options = [
    'query' => [
      '_format' => 'json',
      'jwt' => $token,
  $file_rest_url = Url::fromRoute('rest.entity.file.GET', [
    'file' => $file
  ], $options);

  // Create a new token matching the request path prefix.
  $jwt = new JsonWebToken();
  ], $this->adminUser
  ], $base_url . '/entity/');
  $token = $transcoder
  $options = [
    'query' => [
      '_format' => 'json',
      'jwt' => $token,
  $file_rest_url = Url::fromRoute('rest.entity.file.GET', [
    'file' => $file
  ], $options);
  $json = $this
  $data = json_decode($json, TRUE);
    ->uuid(), $data['uuid'][0]['value']);

  // If the user is blocked, the JWT should stop working.