public function FormsTest::testForms in JSON Web Token Authentication (JWT) 8
Tests that the JWT list and forms work as expected.
- modules/
users_jwt/ tests/ src/ Functional/ FormsTest.php, line 56
- FormsTest
- Simple test to ensure that user pages and forms work.
public function testForms() {
// Loading another user's page should fail.
->drupalGet(Url::fromRoute('users_jwt.key_list', [
'user' => $this->adminUser
->drupalGet(Url::fromRoute('users_jwt.key_list', [
'user' => $this->user
->assertText('No keys found.');
->clickLink('Generate Key');
->assertText('When you click the button, a new key will be generated');
->submitForm([], 'Generate');
// The test browser sees the response content.
$generated_private_key = $this
self::assertNotFalse(\mb_strpos($generated_private_key, '-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----'));
->drupalGet(Url::fromRoute('users_jwt.key_list', [
'user' => $this->user
->assertNoText('No keys found.');
->assertText('-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----');
->assertCacheTag('users_jwt:' . $this->user
/** @var \Drupal\users_jwt\UsersJwtKeyRepositoryInterface $key_repository */
$key_repository = $this->container
$keys = $key_repository
self::assertCount(1, $keys);
$generated_key = end($keys);
// Sleep to make sure the time changes for the next key ID.
->clickLink('Add Key');
$path = drupal_get_path('module', 'users_jwt') . '/tests/fixtures/users_jwt_rsa1-public.pem';
$public_key = file_get_contents($path);
$path = drupal_get_path('module', 'users_jwt') . '/tests/fixtures/users_jwt_rsa1-private.pem';
$private_key1 = file_get_contents($path);
$path = drupal_get_path('module', 'users_jwt') . '/tests/fixtures/users_jwt_rsa2-private.pem';
$private_key2 = file_get_contents($path);
$edit = [
'pubkey' => $this
->submitForm($edit, 'Save');
->assertText('This does not look like a PEM formatted RSA public key');
$edit = [
'pubkey' => $public_key,
->submitForm($edit, 'Save');
$keys = $key_repository
self::assertCount(2, $keys);
$submitted_key = end($keys);
// Allowed to access the normal user's keys page.
$url = Url::fromRoute('users_jwt.key_list', [
'user' => $this->user
$iat = \Drupal::time()
$good_payload = [
'iat' => $iat,
'exp' => $iat + 1000,
'drupal' => [
'uid' => $this->user
// Verify requests work with the generated/submitted keys.
foreach ([
] as $header_name) {
$url = Url::fromRoute('users_jwt.key_list', [
'user' => $this->user
// When changing header name we need to reset the session.
$token = JWT::encode($good_payload, $generated_private_key, 'RS256', $generated_key->id);
$headers = [
$header_name => 'UsersJwt ' . $token,
->drupalGet($url, [], $headers);
$token = JWT::encode($good_payload, $private_key1, 'RS256', $submitted_key->id);
$headers = [
$header_name => 'UsersJwt ' . $token,
->drupalGet($url, [], $headers);
// Invalid key ID.
$token = JWT::encode($good_payload, $private_key1, 'RS256', 'wxyz');
$headers = [
$header_name => 'UsersJwt ' . $token,
->drupalGet($url, [], $headers);
// Invalid private key.
$token = JWT::encode($good_payload, $private_key2, 'RS256', $submitted_key->id);
$headers = [
$header_name => 'UsersJwt ' . $token,
->drupalGet($url, [], $headers);
// Invalid private key, public page.
$token = JWT::encode($good_payload, $private_key2, 'RS256', $submitted_key->id);
$headers = [
$header_name => 'UsersJwt ' . $token,
->drupalGet('<front>', [], $headers);