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JuiceboxConfCase.php in Juicebox HTML5 Responsive Image Galleries 8.2

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  1. 8.3 tests/src/Functional/JuiceboxConfCase.php


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namespace Drupal\Tests\juicebox\Functional;

use Drupal\file\Entity\File;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\Html;

 * Tests gallery-specific configuration logic for Juicebox galleries.
 * @group Juicebox
class JuiceboxConfCase extends JuiceboxCaseTestBase {

   * Modules to install.
   * @var array
  public static $modules = [

   * Define setup tasks.
  public function setUp() {

    // Create and login user.
    $this->webUser = $this
      'access content',
      'access administration pages',
      'administer site configuration',
      'administer content types',
      'administer nodes',
      'administer node fields',
      'administer node display',
      'bypass node access',

    // Prep a node with an image/file field and create a test entity.

    // Activte the field formatter for our new node instance.

    // Create a test node.

    // Start all cases as an anon user.

   * Test common Lite configuration logic for a Juicebox formatter.
  public function testConfigLite() {
    $node = $this->node;

    // Check control case as anon user without custom configuration. This will
    // also prime the cache in order to test cache tag invalidation once the
    // settings are altered.
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node
      'gallerywidth' => '100%',
      'galleryheight' => '100%',
      'backgroundcolor' => '#222222',
    ]), '{}'), 'Expected default configuration options found in Drupal.settings.');
      ->drupalGet('juicebox/xml/field/node/' . $node
      ->id() . '/' . $this->instFieldName . '/full');
      ->assertRaw('<juicebox gallerywidth="100%" galleryheight="100%" backgroundcolor="#222222" textcolor="rgba(255,255,255,1)" thumbframecolor="rgba(255,255,255,.5)" showopenbutton="TRUE" showexpandbutton="TRUE" showthumbsbutton="TRUE" usethumbdots="FALSE" usefullscreenexpand="FALSE">', 'Expected default configuration options set in XML.');

    // Alter settings to contain custom values.
      ->drupalGet('admin/structure/types/manage/' . $this->instBundle . '/display');
      ->submitForm([], $this->instFieldName . '_settings_edit', 'entity-view-display-edit-form');
    $edit = [
      'fields[' . $this->instFieldName . '][settings_edit_form][settings][jlib_galleryWidth]' => '50%',
      'fields[' . $this->instFieldName . '][settings_edit_form][settings][jlib_galleryHeight]' => '200px',
      'fields[' . $this->instFieldName . '][settings_edit_form][settings][jlib_backgroundColor]' => 'red',
      'fields[' . $this->instFieldName . '][settings_edit_form][settings][jlib_textColor]' => 'green',
      'fields[' . $this->instFieldName . '][settings_edit_form][settings][jlib_thumbFrameColor]' => 'blue',
      'fields[' . $this->instFieldName . '][settings_edit_form][settings][jlib_showOpenButton]' => FALSE,
      'fields[' . $this->instFieldName . '][settings_edit_form][settings][jlib_showExpandButton]' => FALSE,
      'fields[' . $this->instFieldName . '][settings_edit_form][settings][jlib_showThumbsButton]' => FALSE,
      'fields[' . $this->instFieldName . '][settings_edit_form][settings][jlib_useThumbDots]' => TRUE,
      'fields[' . $this->instFieldName . '][settings_edit_form][settings][jlib_useFullscreenExpand]' => TRUE,
      ->submitForm($edit, 'Save');
      ->assertText(t('Your settings have been saved.'), 'Gallery configuration changes saved.');

    // Now check the resulting XML again as an anon user.

    // Check for correct embed markup.
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node
      'gallerywidth' => '50%',
      'galleryheight' => '200px',
      'backgroundcolor' => 'red',
    ]), '{}'), 'Expected custom Lite configuration options found in Drupal.settings.');

    // Check for correct XML.
      ->drupalGet('juicebox/xml/field/node/' . $node
      ->id() . '/' . $this->instFieldName . '/full');
      ->assertRaw('<juicebox gallerywidth="50%" galleryheight="200px" backgroundcolor="red" textcolor="green" thumbframecolor="blue" showopenbutton="FALSE" showexpandbutton="FALSE" showthumbsbutton="FALSE" usethumbdots="TRUE" usefullscreenexpand="TRUE">', 'Expected custom Lite configuration options set in XML.');

   * Test common Pro configuration logic for a Juicebox formatter.
  public function testConfigPro() {
    $node = $this->node;

    // Do a set of control requests as an anon user that will also prime any
    // caches.
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node
      ->assertResponse(200, 'Control request of test node was successful.');
      ->drupalGet('juicebox/xml/field/node/' . $node
      ->id() . '/' . $this->instFieldName . '/full');
      ->assertResponse(200, 'Control request of XML was successful.');

    // Set new manual options and also add a manual customization that's
    // intended to override a custom Lite option.
      ->drupalGet('admin/structure/types/manage/' . $this->instBundle . '/display');
      ->submitForm([], $this->instFieldName . '_settings_edit', 'entity-view-display-edit-form');
    $edit = [
      'fields[' . $this->instFieldName . '][settings_edit_form][settings][jlib_showExpandButton]' => FALSE,
      'fields[' . $this->instFieldName . '][settings_edit_form][settings][manual_config]' => "sHoWoPeNbUtToN=\"FALSE\"\nshowexpandbutton=\"TRUE\"\ngallerywidth=\"50%\"\nmyCustomSetting=\"boomsauce\"",
      ->submitForm($edit, 'Save');
      ->assertText(t('Your settings have been saved.'), 'Gallery configuration changes saved.');

    // Check for correct embed markup.
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node
      'gallerywidth' => '50%',
      'galleryheight' => '100%',
      'backgroundcolor' => '#222222',
    ]), '{}'), 'Expected custom configuration options found in Drupal.settings.');

    // Check for correct XML.
      ->drupalGet('juicebox/xml/field/node/' . $node
      ->id() . '/' . $this->instFieldName . '/full');
      ->assertRaw('<juicebox gallerywidth="50%" galleryheight="100%" backgroundcolor="#222222" textcolor="rgba(255,255,255,1)" thumbframecolor="rgba(255,255,255,.5)" showopenbutton="FALSE" showexpandbutton="TRUE" showthumbsbutton="TRUE" usethumbdots="FALSE" usefullscreenexpand="FALSE" mycustomsetting="boomsauce">', 'Expected custom Pro configuration options set in XML.');

   * Test common Advanced configuration logic for a Juicebox formatter.
  public function testConfigAdvanced() {
    $node = $this->node;

    // Get the urls to the main image with and without "large" styling.
    $uri = File::load($node->{$this->instFieldName}[0]->target_id)
    $test_image_url = file_create_url($uri);
    $test_image_url_formatted = entity_load('image_style', 'juicebox_medium')

    // Check control case without custom configuration.
      ->drupalGet('juicebox/xml/field/node/' . $node
      ->id() . '/' . $this->instFieldName . '/full');
      ->assertRaw('linkTarget="_blank"', 'Default linkTarget setting found.');
      ->assertRaw('linkURL="' . $test_image_url, 'Test unstyled image found in XML');

    // Set new advanced options.
      ->drupalGet('admin/structure/types/manage/' . $this->instBundle . '/display');
      ->submitForm([], $this->instFieldName . '_settings_edit', 'entity-view-display-edit-form');
    $edit = [
      'fields[' . $this->instFieldName . '][settings_edit_form][settings][image_style]' => 'juicebox_medium',
      'fields[' . $this->instFieldName . '][settings_edit_form][settings][linkurl_source]' => 'image_styled',
      'fields[' . $this->instFieldName . '][settings_edit_form][settings][linkurl_target]' => '_self',
      'fields[' . $this->instFieldName . '][settings_edit_form][settings][custom_parent_classes]' => 'my-custom-wrapper',
      ->submitForm($edit, 'Save');
      ->assertText(t('Your settings have been saved.'), 'Gallery configuration changes saved.');

    // Check case with custom configuration.
      ->drupalGet('juicebox/xml/field/node/' . $node
      ->id() . '/' . $this->instFieldName . '/full');
      ->assertRaw('linkTarget="_self"', 'Updated linkTarget setting found in XML.');
      ->assertRaw('linkURL="' . Html::escape($test_image_url_formatted), 'Test styled image found in XML for linkURL.');

    // Also check for custom class in embed code.
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node
      ->assertRaw('class="juicebox-parent my-custom-wrapper"', 'Custom class found in embed code.');



Namesort descending Description
JuiceboxConfCase Tests gallery-specific configuration logic for Juicebox galleries.