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protected function JuiceboxXmlViewsStyle::getJuiceboxFromData in Juicebox HTML5 Responsive Image Galleries 7.2

Helper to get a Juicebox gallery from a view.


array $field: An view object to extract a gallery object from.

Return value

boolean Returns a Juicebox gallery object if a gallery is both found a built. Return NULL if no gallery can be extracted.

1 call to JuiceboxXmlViewsStyle::getJuiceboxFromData()
JuiceboxXmlViewsStyle::getXml in plugins/
Get the XML based on loaded data.


plugins/, line 92
Juicebox XML loader that's used to load (and build via loaded methods) the XML associated with a Drupal views style formatter plugin.


Class to load and build the XML associated with a Drupal views style formatter plugin.


protected function getJuiceboxFromData($view) {

  // Within this context if the gallery has been initialized we know it has
  // also been built (as both happen together within the formatter's render()
  // method).
  if (isset($view->style_plugin->juicebox) && $view->style_plugin->juicebox
    ->isInitialized()) {
    return $view->style_plugin->juicebox;
  return NULL;