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public function JuiceboxGalleryDecorator::renderJavascript in Juicebox HTML5 Responsive Image Galleries 7.2

Get the javascript code for a Juicebox gallery once images and options have been added.


string $xml_url: The URL to the Juicebox XML for this gallery.

boolean $add_script_tags: Whether-or-not to add <script> tags to wrap the output.

boolean $jquery_defer: Whether-or-not to defer the execution of the javascript until after the DOM is ready using jQuery(document).ready. This can be useful if the code will be included inline before the main Juicebox library. Requires that the jQuery library is already included.

Return value

string Javascript code describing a gallery.

Overrides JuiceboxGalleryInterface::renderJavascript


includes/, line 122
Base decorator class for a Juicebox Gallery.


Base decorator class for a Juicebox Gallery.


public function renderJavascript($xml_url, $add_script_tags = FALSE, $jquery_defer = FALSE) {
  return $this->gallery
    ->renderJavascript($xml_url, $add_script_tags, $jquery_defer);