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public function JuiceboxGallery::getJavascriptVars in Juicebox HTML5 Responsive Image Galleries 7.2

Get the variables needed to instantiate a new JS Juicebox. These values can be used as direct constructor inputs for a new juicebox object.


string $xml_url: The URL to the Juicebox XML for this gallery.

Return value

array An associative array of properties that can be used as direct constructor inputs for a new JS Juicebox object.

Overrides JuiceboxGalleryInterface::getJavascriptVars

1 call to JuiceboxGallery::getJavascriptVars()
JuiceboxGallery::renderJavascript in includes/
Get the javascript code for a Juicebox gallery once images and options have been added.


includes/, line 271
A php-only set of methods to create the script and markup components of a Juicebox gallery.


Class to generate the script and markup for a Juicebox gallery.


public function getJavascriptVars($xml_url) {
  $vars = array(
    'configUrl' => $xml_url,
    'containerId' => $this

  // Add options that need to be loaded immediately (before XML is available).
  $load_before_xml = array(
  $current_options = $this
  foreach ($load_before_xml as $key => $option) {
    if (!empty($current_options[$option])) {
      $vars[$option] = $current_options[$option];
  return $vars;