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protected function JuiceboxGallery::filterMarkup in Juicebox HTML5 Responsive Image Galleries 7.2

Filter markup for valid display in a Juicebox gallery.

Some markup that validates fine via external filters will not be syntactically valid once rendered within Juicebox. This is because Juicebox will wrap titles and captions in block-level tags, like <p>, making any block-level elements they contain invalid. This filter accommodates for this and is meant to be applied AFTER any external filters. Note that this process does NOT do any sanitization.


string $markup: The markup to be filtered after it has been processed externally.

Return value

string Valid filtered markup ready for display in a Juicebox gallery.

1 call to JuiceboxGallery::filterMarkup()
JuiceboxGallery::getImages in includes/
Getter method for the gallery images.


includes/, line 352
A php-only set of methods to create the script and markup components of a Juicebox gallery.


Class to generate the script and markup for a Juicebox gallery.


protected function filterMarkup($markup) {

  // Set inline html5 elements that are safe in a Juicebox gallery. Ref:
  $valid_elements = "<a><abbr><area><audio><b><bdi><bdo><br><button><canvas><cite><code><data><del><dfn><em><embed><i><iframe><img><input><ins><kbd><keygen><label><link><map><mark><math><meta><meter><noscript><object><output><progress><q><ruby><s><samp><script><select><small><span><strong><sub><sup><svg><template><textarea><time><u><var><video><wbr>";

  // Add some html4 additions for legacy support.
  // Ref:
  $valid_elements .= "<acronym><basefont><big><font><rp><rt><strike><tt>";
  $markup = strip_tags($markup, $valid_elements);

  // Also remove newlines to keep the output concise.
  $markup = str_replace(array(
  ), '', $markup);
  return $markup;