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JSON:API Resources Architecture in JSON:API Resources 8


The JSON:API Resources module provides an integration with Drupal core's JSON:API module, which is itself an implementation of the JSON:API specification. Drupal core's JSON:API does not allow modules to create their own URLs that leverage JSON:API. This module provides such an API. It may in future be merged into Drupal core itself, at which point it will become obsolete.

Modules may define their own JSON:API compliant routes by defining routes as usual in a module.routing.yml file. However, instead of providing a _controller route default, they should specify a _jsonapi_resource route default instead. The object referenced by the _jsonapi_resource route default is known as a JSON:API resource processor.

Every JSON:API resource processor must extend the \Drupal\jsonapi_resources\Resource\ResourceBase class or one of its children. In future, an interface may be added to allow for processors which do not extend this class. For now, it exists so that this module can add and change methods as needed while this module's use-case is explored and its approach is validated.

Backwards Compatibility

Much of the code in this module belongs to the Unstable namespace. All code in this namespace is reserved for internal purposes and is not part of this module's public PHP API. Modules should not depend on any of this code. If some new behavior is needed, or some behavior needs to be alterable/overridable, please open a feature request issue in this module's issue queue.

Code that is *outside* the Unstable namespace *is* considered part of this module's public PHP API. Modules may depend on any classes and methods outside of the Unstable namespace. All attempts will be made to ensure that no breaking changes are introduced in minor or patch releases of this module.

See also


./jsonapi_resources.api.php, line 8
Documentation related to JSON:API Resources.