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10 calls to SerializerDecorator::relay() in JSON:API Extras 8.3

SerializerDecorator::decode in src/SerializerDecorator.php
Decodes a string into PHP data.
SerializerDecorator::denormalize in src/SerializerDecorator.php
Denormalizes data back into an object of the given class.
SerializerDecorator::deserialize in src/SerializerDecorator.php
Deserializes data into the given type.
SerializerDecorator::encode in src/SerializerDecorator.php
Encodes data into the given format.
SerializerDecorator::normalize in src/SerializerDecorator.php
Normalizes an object into a set of arrays/scalars.
SerializerDecorator::serialize in src/SerializerDecorator.php
Serializes data in the appropriate format.
SerializerDecorator::supportsDecoding in src/SerializerDecorator.php
Checks whether the deserializer can decode from given format.
SerializerDecorator::supportsDenormalization in src/SerializerDecorator.php
Checks whether the given class is supported for denormalization by this normalizer.
SerializerDecorator::supportsEncoding in src/SerializerDecorator.php
Checks whether the serializer can encode to given format.
SerializerDecorator::supportsNormalization in src/SerializerDecorator.php
Checks whether the given class is supported for normalization by this normalizer.