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JsonApiDefaultsFunctionalTest.php in JSON:API Extras 8.3


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namespace Drupal\Tests\jsonapi_defaults\Functional;

use Drupal\Component\Serialization\Json;
use Drupal\jsonapi\Query\OffsetPage;
use Drupal\jsonapi_extras\Entity\JsonapiResourceConfig;
use Drupal\Tests\jsonapi_extras\Functional\JsonApiExtrasFunctionalTestBase;
use function GuzzleHttp\Psr7\parse_query;

 * The test class for the JSON API Defaults functionality.
 * @group jsonapi_extras
class JsonApiDefaultsFunctionalTest extends JsonApiExtrasFunctionalTestBase {

   * The value for the override of the page limit.

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static $modules = [

   * Test the GET method.
  public function testRead() {
      ->createDefaultContent(4, 5, TRUE, TRUE, static::IS_NOT_MULTILINGUAL);

    // 1. Apply default filters and includes on a resource and a related
    // resource.
    $response = $this
    $parsed_response = Json::decode($response);
      ->assertArrayHasKey('data', $parsed_response);
      ->assertCount(1, $parsed_response['data']);
      ->assertEquals(3, $parsed_response['data'][0]['attributes']['internalId']);
      ->assertArrayHasKey('included', $parsed_response);
      ->assertGreaterThan(0, count($parsed_response['included']));

    // Make sure related resources don't fail.
    $response = $this
      ->drupalGet('/api/articles/' . $this->nodes[0]
      ->uuid() . '/owner');
    $parsed_response = Json::decode($response);
      ->assertArrayHasKey('data', $parsed_response);
      ->assertEquals('user--user', $parsed_response['data']['type']);

    // 2. Merge default filters with explicit filters.
    $response = $this
      ->drupalGet('/api/articles', [
      'query' => [
        'filter' => [
          'i' => [
            'condition' => [
              'path' => 'internalId',
              'value' => '2',
    $parsed_response = Json::decode($response);
      ->assertArrayHasKey('data', $parsed_response);

    // internalId cannot be 2 and 3 at the same time.
      ->assertCount(0, $parsed_response['data']);

    // 3. Override the default includes.
    $response = $this
      ->drupalGet('/api/articles', [
      'query' => [
        'include' => '',
    $parsed_response = Json::decode($response);
      ->assertArrayNotHasKey('included', $parsed_response);

    // 4. Using the default sorting check the order.
    // Unset filters of resource config in this test as those limit the results.
      'default_filter' => [],
    $response = $this
    $parsed_response = Json::decode($response);

    // Check if order is as expected.
      ->assertEquals('d', $parsed_response['data'][0]['attributes']['title']);
      ->assertEquals('c', $parsed_response['data'][1]['attributes']['title']);
      ->assertEquals('b', $parsed_response['data'][2]['attributes']['title']);
      ->assertEquals('a', $parsed_response['data'][3]['attributes']['title']);

    // 5. Override default sorting with explicit sorting.
    $response = $this
      ->drupalGet('/api/articles', [
      'query' => [
        'sort' => [
          'title' => [
            'path' => 'title',
            'direction' => 'ASC',
    $parsed_response = Json::decode($response);

    // Check if order changed as expected.
      ->assertEquals('a', $parsed_response['data'][0]['attributes']['title']);
      ->assertEquals('b', $parsed_response['data'][1]['attributes']['title']);
      ->assertEquals('c', $parsed_response['data'][2]['attributes']['title']);
      ->assertEquals('d', $parsed_response['data'][3]['attributes']['title']);

   * Checks standard pagination and page limit overrides.
   * @throws \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageException
  public function testPagination() {

    /** @var \Drupal\Component\Serialization\JsonapiResourceConfig $resource_config */

    // Unset filters of resource config in this test as those limit the results.
      'default_filter' => [],
      ->createDefaultContent(300, 1, FALSE, TRUE, static::IS_NOT_MULTILINGUAL);

    // 1. Check pagination using default page limit of jsonapi.
    $response = $this
      ->assertPagination(Json::decode($response), OffsetPage::SIZE_MAX);

    // 2. Check with an increased page limit.
      'page_limit' => static::PAGE_LIMIT_OVERRIDE_VALUE,
    $response = $this
      ->drupalGet('/api/articles', [
      'query' => [
        'page[limit]' => static::PAGE_LIMIT_OVERRIDE_VALUE,
      ->assertPagination(Json::decode($response), static::PAGE_LIMIT_OVERRIDE_VALUE);

    // 3. Make sure query values higher than the configured limit won't yield
    // more results.
    $query_override = static::PAGE_LIMIT_OVERRIDE_VALUE + OffsetPage::SIZE_MAX;
    $response = $this
      ->drupalGet('/api/articles', [
      'query' => [
        'page[limit]' => $query_override,
    $response = Json::decode($response);
      ->assertArrayHasKey('data', $response);
      ->assertNotEqual(count($response['data']), $query_override);
      ->assertEqual(count($response['data']), static::PAGE_LIMIT_OVERRIDE_VALUE);

   * Checks if pagination links on a jsonapi response are working as expected.
   * @param array $jsonapi_response
   *   The parsed response from the jsonapi endpoint.
   * @param int $page_limit
   *   Limit for amount of items displayed per page.
  protected function assertPagination(array $jsonapi_response, $page_limit) {
      ->assertArrayHasKey('data', $jsonapi_response);
      ->assertCount($page_limit, $jsonapi_response['data']);
    $first_node_uuid = $jsonapi_response['data'][0]['attributes']['internalId'];
      ->assertArrayHasKey('links', $jsonapi_response);
      ->assertArrayHasKey('next', $jsonapi_response['links']);
      ->assertArrayNotHasKey('prev', $jsonapi_response['links']);
      ->assertPagerLink($jsonapi_response['links']['next']['href'], 1, $page_limit);
    $response = $this
    $jsonapi_response = Json::decode($response);
      ->assertCount($page_limit, $jsonapi_response['data']);
      ->assertNotEqual($first_node_uuid, $jsonapi_response['data'][0]['attributes']['internalId']);
      ->assertArrayHasKey('next', $jsonapi_response['links']);
      ->assertArrayHasKey('prev', $jsonapi_response['links']);
      ->assertPagerLink($jsonapi_response['links']['next']['href'], 2, $page_limit);
      ->assertPagerLink($jsonapi_response['links']['prev']['href'], 0, $page_limit);

   * Asserts a pager link with a given url.
   * @param string $url
   *   The url of the checked pager link.
   * @param int $page
   *   The page number the link is pointing to.
   * @param int $page_limit
   *   Limit for amount of items displayed per page.
  protected function assertPagerLink($url, $page, $page_limit) {
    $query = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY);
    $query_params = parse_query($query);
      ->assertArrayHasKey('page[limit]', $query_params);
      ->assertArrayHasKey('page[offset]', $query_params);
      ->assertEquals($query_params['page[offset]'], $page * $page_limit);
      ->assertEquals($query_params['page[limit]'], $page_limit);

   * Sets given key value combination on a resource config entity.
   * @param array $values
   *   Combination of keys and values to set on the resource config.
   * @throws \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageException
  protected function setResouceConfigValue(array $values) {
    $resource_config = JsonapiResourceConfig::load('node--article');
    foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
        ->setThirdPartySetting('jsonapi_defaults', $key, $value);

   * Creates the JSON API Resource Config entities to override the resources.
  protected static function overrideResources() {

    // Override paths and fields in the articles resource.
      'id' => 'node--article',
      'third_party_settings' => [
        'jsonapi_defaults' => [
          'default_filter' => [
            'filter:nidFilter#condition#path' => 'internalId',
            'filter:nidFilter#condition#value' => 3,
          'default_sorting' => [
            'sort:title#path' => 'title',
            'sort:title#direction' => 'DESC',
          // @todo Change this to 'tags.vid'.
          'default_include' => [
      'disabled' => FALSE,
      'path' => 'articles',
      'resourceType' => 'articles',
      'resourceFields' => [
        'nid' => [
          'fieldName' => 'nid',
          'publicName' => 'internalId',
          'enhancer' => [
            'id' => '',
          'disabled' => FALSE,
        'uuid' => [
          'fieldName' => 'uuid',
          'publicName' => 'uuid',
          'enhancer' => [
            'id' => '',
          'disabled' => TRUE,
        'vid' => [
          'fieldName' => 'vid',
          'publicName' => 'vid',
          'enhancer' => [
            'id' => '',
          'disabled' => TRUE,
        'langcode' => [
          'fieldName' => 'langcode',
          'publicName' => 'langcode',
          'enhancer' => [
            'id' => '',
          'disabled' => TRUE,
        'type' => [
          'fieldName' => 'type',
          'publicName' => 'contentType',
          'enhancer' => [
            'id' => '',
          'disabled' => FALSE,
        'status' => [
          'fieldName' => 'status',
          'publicName' => 'isPublished',
          'enhancer' => [
            'id' => '',
          'disabled' => FALSE,
        'title' => [
          'fieldName' => 'title',
          'publicName' => 'title',
          'enhancer' => [
            'id' => '',
          'disabled' => FALSE,
        'uid' => [
          'fieldName' => 'uid',
          'publicName' => 'owner',
          'enhancer' => [
            'id' => '',
          'disabled' => FALSE,
        'created' => [
          'fieldName' => 'created',
          'publicName' => 'createdAt',
          'enhancer' => [
            'id' => 'date_time',
            'settings' => [
              'dateTimeFormat' => 'Y-m-d\\TH:i:sO',
          'disabled' => FALSE,
        'changed' => [
          'fieldName' => 'changed',
          'publicName' => 'updatedAt',
          'enhancer' => [
            'id' => 'date_time',
            'settings' => [
              'dateTimeFormat' => 'Y-m-d\\TH:i:sO',
          'disabled' => FALSE,
        'promote' => [
          'fieldName' => 'promote',
          'publicName' => 'isPromoted',
          'enhancer' => [
            'id' => '',
          'disabled' => FALSE,
        'sticky' => [
          'fieldName' => 'sticky',
          'publicName' => 'sticky',
          'enhancer' => [
            'id' => '',
          'disabled' => TRUE,
        'revision_timestamp' => [
          'fieldName' => 'revision_timestamp',
          'publicName' => 'revision_timestamp',
          'enhancer' => [
            'id' => '',
          'disabled' => TRUE,
        'revision_uid' => [
          'fieldName' => 'revision_uid',
          'publicName' => 'revision_uid',
          'enhancer' => [
            'id' => '',
          'disabled' => TRUE,
        'revision_log' => [
          'fieldName' => 'revision_log',
          'publicName' => 'revision_log',
          'enhancer' => [
            'id' => '',
          'disabled' => TRUE,
        'revision_translation_affected' => [
          'fieldName' => 'revision_translation_affected',
          'publicName' => 'revision_translation_affected',
          'enhancer' => [
            'id' => '',
          'disabled' => TRUE,
        'default_langcode' => [
          'fieldName' => 'default_langcode',
          'publicName' => 'default_langcode',
          'enhancer' => [
            'id' => '',
          'disabled' => TRUE,
        'path' => [
          'fieldName' => 'path',
          'publicName' => 'path',
          'enhancer' => [
            'id' => '',
          'disabled' => FALSE,
        'body' => [
          'fieldName' => 'body',
          'publicName' => 'body',
          'enhancer' => [
            'id' => 'nested',
            'settings' => [
              'path' => 'value',
          'disabled' => FALSE,
        'field_link' => [
          'fieldName' => 'field_link',
          'publicName' => 'link',
          'enhancer' => [
            'id' => 'uuid_link',
          'disabled' => FALSE,
        'field_timestamp' => [
          'fieldName' => 'field_timestamp',
          'publicName' => 'timestamp',
          'enhancer' => [
            'id' => 'date_time',
            'settings' => [
              'dateTimeFormat' => 'Y-m-d\\TH:i:sO',
          'disabled' => FALSE,
        'comment' => [
          'fieldName' => 'comment',
          'publicName' => 'comment',
          'enhancer' => [
            'id' => '',
          'disabled' => FALSE,
        'field_image' => [
          'fieldName' => 'field_image',
          'publicName' => 'image',
          'enhancer' => [
            'id' => '',
          'disabled' => FALSE,
        'field_recipes' => [
          'fieldName' => 'field_recipes',
          'publicName' => 'recipes',
          'enhancer' => [
            'id' => '',
          'disabled' => FALSE,
        'field_tags' => [
          'fieldName' => 'field_tags',
          'publicName' => 'tags',
          'enhancer' => [
            'id' => '',
          'disabled' => FALSE,



Namesort descending Description
JsonApiDefaultsFunctionalTest The test class for the JSON API Defaults functionality.