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jsonapi_extras.schema.yml in JSON:API Extras 8.3



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  1. jsonapi_extras.jsonapi_resource_config.*:
  2. type: config_entity
  3. label: 'JSON:API Resource Config'
  4. mapping:
  5. id:
  6. type: string
  7. label: 'Original Resource ID.'
  8. disabled:
  9. type: boolean
  10. label: 'Disabled'
  11. description: 'Is the resource disabled?'
  12. path:
  13. type: string
  14. label: 'Path'
  15. description: 'The path for the resource.'
  16. resourceType:
  17. type: string
  18. label: 'Type'
  19. description: 'The value for the resource type.'
  20. resourceFields:
  21. type: sequence
  22. label: 'Fields'
  23. sequence:
  24. type: jsonapi_extras.resource_field
  25. jsonapi_extras.resource_field:
  26. type: mapping
  27. mapping:
  28. disabled:
  29. type: boolean
  30. label: 'Disabled'
  31. description: 'Is the field disabled?'
  32. fieldName:
  33. type: string
  34. label: 'Entity field name'
  35. publicName:
  36. type: string
  37. label: 'Public attribute name'
  38. enhancer:
  39. type: mapping
  40. label: 'Enhancer plugin'
  41. description: 'A plugin that carries additional (de)normalization tasks.'
  42. mapping:
  43. id:
  44. type: string
  45. description: 'The enhancer plugin ID'
  46. settings:
  47. type: jsonapi_extras.enhancer_plugin.[]
  48. jsonapi_extras.enhancer_plugin.date_time:
  49. type: mapping
  50. mapping:
  51. dateTimeFormat:
  52. type: string
  53. jsonapi_extras.enhancer_plugin.nested:
  54. type: mapping
  55. mapping:
  56. path:
  57. type: string
  58. jsonapi_extras.settings:
  59. type: config_object
  60. label: 'JSON:API Extras settings'
  61. mapping:
  62. path_prefix:
  63. type: string
  64. label: 'Path prefix'
  65. description: 'The path prefix for JSON:API'
  66. include_count:
  67. type: boolean
  68. label: 'Include count in collection responses'
  69. description: 'If activated, all collection responses will return a total record count for the provided query.'