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6 methods override ResourceTestBase::testRelated() in JSON:API 8.2

BlockContentTest::testRelated in tests/src/Functional/BlockContentTest.php
Tests GETing related resource of an individual resource.
CommentTest::testRelated in tests/src/Functional/CommentTest.php
Tests GETing related resource of an individual resource.
ItemTest::testRelated in tests/src/Functional/ItemTest.php
Tests GETing related resource of an individual resource.
MenuLinkContentTest::testRelated in tests/src/Functional/MenuLinkContentTest.php
Tests GETing related resource of an individual resource.
MessageTest::testRelated in tests/src/Functional/MessageTest.php
Tests GETing related resource of an individual resource.
TermTest::testRelated in tests/src/Functional/TermTest.php
Tests GETing related resource of an individual resource.