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protected function ResourceTestBase::assertResourceResponse in JSON:API 8.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 tests/src/Functional/ResourceTestBase.php \Drupal\Tests\jsonapi\Functional\ResourceTestBase::assertResourceResponse()

Asserts that a resource response has the given status code and body.


int $expected_status_code: The expected response status.

array|null|false $expected_document: The expected document or NULL if there should not be a response body. FALSE in case this should not be asserted.

\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface $response: The response to assert.

string[]|false $expected_cache_tags: (optional) The expected cache tags in the X-Drupal-Cache-Tags response header, or FALSE if that header should be absent. Defaults to FALSE.

string[]|false $expected_cache_contexts: (optional) The expected cache contexts in the X-Drupal-Cache-Contexts response header, or FALSE if that header should be absent. Defaults to FALSE.

string|false $expected_page_cache_header_value: (optional) The expected X-Drupal-Cache response header value, or FALSE if that header should be absent. Possible strings: 'MISS', 'HIT'. Defaults to FALSE.

string|false $expected_dynamic_page_cache_header_value: (optional) The expected X-Drupal-Dynamic-Cache response header value, or FALSE if that header should be absent. Possible strings: 'MISS', 'HIT'. Defaults to FALSE.

19 calls to ResourceTestBase::assertResourceResponse()
CommentTest::testPostIndividualSkipCommentApproval in tests/src/Functional/CommentTest.php
Tests POSTing a comment with and without 'skip comment approval'.
FileUploadTest::testPostFileUpload in tests/src/Functional/FileUploadTest.php
Tests using the file upload POST route; needs second request to "use" file.
NodeTest::testGetIndividual in tests/src/Functional/NodeTest.php
Tests GETting an individual resource, plus edge cases to ensure good DX.
NodeTest::testPatchPath in tests/src/Functional/NodeTest.php
Tests PATCHing a node's path with and without 'create url aliases'.
NodeTest::testPostNonExistingAuthor in tests/src/Functional/NodeTest.php
Creating relationships to missing resources should be 404 per JSON:API 1.1.

... See full list


tests/src/Functional/ResourceTestBase.php, line 697


Subclass this for every JSON:API resource type.




protected function assertResourceResponse($expected_status_code, $expected_document, ResponseInterface $response, $expected_cache_tags = FALSE, $expected_cache_contexts = FALSE, $expected_page_cache_header_value = FALSE, $expected_dynamic_page_cache_header_value = FALSE) {
    ->assertSame($expected_status_code, $response
    ->getStatusCode(), var_export(Json::decode((string) $response
    ->getBody()), TRUE));
  if ($expected_status_code === 204) {

    // DELETE responses should not include a Content-Type header. But Apache
    // sets it to 'text/html' by default. We also cannot detect the presence
    // of Apache either here in the CLI. For now having this documented here
    // is all we can do.

    /* $this->assertSame(FALSE, $response->hasHeader('Content-Type')); */
      ->assertSame('', (string) $response
  else {
    ], $response
    if ($expected_document !== FALSE) {
      $response_document = Json::decode((string) $response
      if ($expected_document === NULL) {
      else {
          ->assertSameDocument($expected_document, $response_document);

  // Expected cache tags: X-Drupal-Cache-Tags header.
    ->assertSame($expected_cache_tags !== FALSE, $response
  if (is_array($expected_cache_tags)) {
      ->assertSame($expected_cache_tags, explode(' ', $response

  // Expected cache contexts: X-Drupal-Cache-Contexts header.
    ->assertSame($expected_cache_contexts !== FALSE, $response
  if (is_array($expected_cache_contexts)) {
    $optimized_expected_cache_contexts = \Drupal::service('cache_contexts_manager')
      ->assertSame($optimized_expected_cache_contexts, explode(' ', $response

  // Expected Page Cache header value: X-Drupal-Cache header.
  if ($expected_page_cache_header_value !== FALSE) {
      ->assertSame($expected_page_cache_header_value, $response
  else {

  // Expected Dynamic Page Cache header value: X-Drupal-Dynamic-Cache header.
  if ($expected_dynamic_page_cache_header_value !== FALSE) {
      ->assertSame($expected_dynamic_page_cache_header_value, $response
  else {