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protected function EntityNormalizer::prepareInput in JSON:API 8

Prepares the input data to create the entity.


array $data: The input data to modify.

\Drupal\jsonapi\ResourceType\ResourceType $resource_type: Contains the info about the resource type.

Return value

array The modified input data.

1 call to EntityNormalizer::prepareInput()
EntityNormalizer::denormalize in src/Normalizer/EntityNormalizer.php
Denormalizes data back into an object of the given class.


src/Normalizer/EntityNormalizer.php, line 234


Converts the Drupal entity object to a JSON API array structure.




protected function prepareInput(array $data, ResourceType $resource_type) {
  $data_internal = [];

  // Translate the public fields into the entity fields.
  foreach ($data as $public_field_name => $field_value) {

    // Skip any disabled field.
    if (!$resource_type
      ->isFieldEnabled($public_field_name)) {
    $internal_name = $resource_type
    if ($resource_type
      ->getDeserializationTargetClass() instanceof FieldableEntityInterface) {

      // If $field_value contains items (recognizable by numerical array keys
      // which Drupal's Field API calls "deltas"), then it already is itemized;
      // it's not using the simplified JSON structure that JSON:API generates.
      $is_already_itemized = is_array($field_value) && array_reduce(array_keys($field_value), function ($carry, $index) {
        return $carry && is_numeric($index);
      }, TRUE);
      $itemized_data = $is_already_itemized ? $field_value : [
        0 => $field_value,
      try {
        $field_item = $this
          ->getFieldItemInstance($resource_type, $internal_name);
        foreach ($itemized_data as $delta => $field_item_value) {
            ->checkForSerializedStrings($field_item_value, get_class($field_item), $field_item);
          $serialized_property_names = $this

          // Explicitly serialize the input, unlike properties that rely on
          // being automatically serialized, manually managed serialized
          // properties expect to receive serialized input.
          if (is_array($field_item_value)) {
            foreach ($serialized_property_names as $serialized_property_name) {
              if (!empty($field_item_value[$serialized_property_name])) {
                $itemized_data[$delta][$serialized_property_name] = serialize($field_item_value[$serialized_property_name]);
          elseif (in_array($field_item
            ->getMainPropertyName(), $serialized_property_names, TRUE)) {
            $itemized_data[$delta] = serialize($field_item_value);
      } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {

        // The field does not exist, so there is no processing to be done. A
        // helpful error will be shown by EntityResource::createIndividual() or
        // EntityResource::patchIndividual().
      $data_internal[$internal_name] = $is_already_itemized ? $itemized_data : $itemized_data[0];
    else {
      $data_internal[$internal_name] = $field_value;
  return $data_internal;