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RegisterSerializationClassesCompilerPass.php in JSON:API 8


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namespace Drupal\jsonapi\DependencyInjection\Compiler;

use Drupal\serialization\RegisterSerializationClassesCompilerPass as DrupalRegisterSerializationClassesCompilerPass;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Reference;

 * Adds services tagged JSON API-only normalizers to the Serializer.
 * Services tagged with 'jsonapi_normalizer_do_not_use_removal_imminent' will be
 * added to the JSON API serializer. As should be clear by the service tag,
 * *no* extensions should provide these services. They will not work in the
 * future. The proper way to affect JSON API output is to implement DataType
 * level normalizers and/or implement computed entity fields.
 * @see jsonapi.api.php
 * @internal
class RegisterSerializationClassesCompilerPass extends DrupalRegisterSerializationClassesCompilerPass {

   * The service ID.
   * @const string
  const OVERRIDDEN_SERVICE_ID = 'jsonapi.serializer_do_not_use_removal_imminent';

   * The service tag that only JSON API normalizers should use.
   * @const string
  const OVERRIDDEN_SERVICE_TAG = 'jsonapi_normalizer_do_not_use_removal_imminent';

   * The ID for the JSON API format.
   * @const string
  const FORMAT = 'api_json';

   * Adds services to the JSON API Serializer.
   * This code is copied from the class parent with two modifications. The
   * service id has been changed and the service tag has been updated.
   * ID: 'serializer' -> 'jsonapi.serializer_do_not_use_removal_imminent'
   * Tag: 'normalizer' -> 'jsonapi_normalizer_do_not_use_removal_imminent'
   * @param \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder $container
   *   The container to process.
  public function process(ContainerBuilder $container) {
    $definition = $container

    // Retrieve registered Normalizers and Encoders from the container.
    foreach ($container
      ->findTaggedServiceIds(static::OVERRIDDEN_SERVICE_TAG) as $id => $attributes) {

      // Normalizers are not an API: mark private.

      // If there is a BC key present, pass this to determine if the normalizer
      // should be skipped.
      if (isset($attributes[0]['bc']) && $this
        ->normalizerBcSettingIsEnabled($attributes[0]['bc'], $attributes[0]['bc_config_name'])) {
      $priority = isset($attributes[0]['priority']) ? $attributes[0]['priority'] : 0;
      $normalizers[$priority][] = new Reference($id);
    foreach ($container
      ->findTaggedServiceIds('encoder') as $id => $attributes) {

      // Encoders are not an API: mark private.
      $priority = isset($attributes[0]['priority']) ? $attributes[0]['priority'] : 0;
      $encoders[$priority][] = new Reference($id);

    // Add the registered Normalizers and Encoders to the Serializer.
    if (!empty($normalizers)) {
        ->replaceArgument(0, $this
    if (!empty($encoders)) {
        ->replaceArgument(1, $this

    // Set the JSON API format and format_provider.
      ->setParameter(static::OVERRIDDEN_SERVICE_ID . '.formats', [
      ->setParameter(static::OVERRIDDEN_SERVICE_ID . '.format_providers', [
      static::FORMAT => 'jsonapi',



Namesort descending Description
RegisterSerializationClassesCompilerPass Adds services tagged JSON API-only normalizers to the Serializer.