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protected static function EntityResource::getPagerLinks in JSON:API 8.2

Get the pager links for a given request object.


\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request: The request object.

\Drupal\jsonapi\Query\OffsetPage $page_param: The current pagination parameter for the requested collection.

array $link_context: An associative array with extra data to build the links.

Return value

\Drupal\jsonapi\JsonApiResource\LinkCollection An LinkCollection, with:

  • a 'next' key if it is not the last page;
  • 'prev' and 'first' keys if it's not the first page.
1 call to EntityResource::getPagerLinks()
EntityResource::respondWithCollection in src/Controller/EntityResource.php
Respond with an entity collection.


src/Controller/EntityResource.php, line 1247


Process all entity requests.




protected static function getPagerLinks(Request $request, OffsetPage $page_param, array $link_context = []) {
  $pager_links = new LinkCollection([]);
  if (!empty($link_context['total_count']) && !($total = (int) $link_context['total_count'])) {
    return $pager_links;

  /* @var \Drupal\jsonapi\Query\OffsetPage $page_param */
  $offset = $page_param
  $size = $page_param
  if ($size <= 0) {
    $cacheability = (new CacheableMetadata())
    throw new CacheableBadRequestHttpException($cacheability, sprintf('The page size needs to be a positive integer.'));
  $query = (array) $request->query

  // Check if this is not the last page.
  if ($link_context['has_next_page']) {
    $next_url = static::getRequestLink($request, static::getPagerQueries('next', $offset, $size, $query));
    $pager_links = $pager_links
      ->withLink('next', new Link(new CacheableMetadata(), $next_url, [
    if (!empty($total)) {
      $last_url = static::getRequestLink($request, static::getPagerQueries('last', $offset, $size, $query, $total));
      $pager_links = $pager_links
        ->withLink('last', new Link(new CacheableMetadata(), $last_url, [

  // Check if this is not the first page.
  if ($offset > 0) {
    $first_url = static::getRequestLink($request, static::getPagerQueries('first', $offset, $size, $query));
    $pager_links = $pager_links
      ->withLink('first', new Link(new CacheableMetadata(), $first_url, [
    $prev_url = static::getRequestLink($request, static::getPagerQueries('prev', $offset, $size, $query));
    $pager_links = $pager_links
      ->withLink('prev', new Link(new CacheableMetadata(), $prev_url, [
  return $pager_links;