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namespace Drupal\jsonapi\JsonApiResource in JSON:API 8.2

Classsort descending Location Description
Data src/JsonApiResource/Data.php Represents the `data` and `included` objects of a top-level object.
ErrorCollection src/JsonApiResource/ErrorCollection.php To be used when the primary data is `errors`.
IncludedData src/JsonApiResource/IncludedData.php Represents the included member of a JSON:API document.
JsonApiDocumentTopLevel src/JsonApiResource/JsonApiDocumentTopLevel.php Represents a JSON:API document's "top level".
LabelOnlyResourceObject src/JsonApiResource/LabelOnlyResourceObject.php Value object decorating a ResourceObject; only its label is available.
Link src/JsonApiResource/Link.php Represents an RFC8288 based link.
LinkCollection src/JsonApiResource/LinkCollection.php Contains a set of JSON:API Link objects.
NullIncludedData src/JsonApiResource/NullIncludedData.php Use when there are no included resources but a Data object is required.
OmittedData src/JsonApiResource/OmittedData.php Represents resource data that should be omitted from the JSON:API document.
RelationshipData src/JsonApiResource/RelationshipData.php Represents the data of a relationship object or relationship document.
ResourceIdentifier src/JsonApiResource/ResourceIdentifier.php Represents a JSON:API resource identifier object.
ResourceIdentifierInterface src/JsonApiResource/ResourceIdentifierInterface.php An interface for identifying a related resource.
ResourceIdentifierTrait src/JsonApiResource/ResourceIdentifierTrait.php Used to associate an object like an exception to a particular resource.
ResourceObject src/JsonApiResource/ResourceObject.php Represents a JSON:API resource object.
ResourceObjectData src/JsonApiResource/ResourceObjectData.php Represents the primary data for individual and collection documents.