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6 calls to sOAuthUtil::urlencode_rfc3986() in jQuery social stream 7.2

sOAuthRequest::get_signature_base_string in ./
Returns the base string of this request
sOAuthRequest::to_header in ./
builds the Authorization: header
sOAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1::build_signature in ./
Build up the signature NOTE: The output of this function MUST NOT be urlencoded. the encoding is handled in sOAuthRequest when the final request is serialized
sOAuthSignatureMethod_PLAINTEXT::build_signature in ./
oauth_signature is set to the concatenated encoded values of the Consumer Secret and Token Secret, separated by a '&' character (ASCII code 38), even if either secret is empty. The result MUST be encoded again.
sOAuthToken::to_string in ./
generates the basic string serialization of a token that a server would respond to request_token and access_token calls with
sOAuthUtil::build_http_query in ./