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jquery_countdown_timer.api.php in jQuery Countdown Timer 7


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 * jQuery Countdown timer api

 * Implements hook_jquery_countdown_timer_date_alter().
 * @param  [string] &$date   a string based representation of a date
 * @param  [mixed] $context optional value that can provide additional context
 *  an example of using this could be custom invoking the attachment of the timer
 *  to a node form, and passing the node in question into the invoking. This could
 *  allow the node to actually influence the time that's shown via fields.
 *  Default for the context variable is NULL unless otherwise passed in.
function hook_jquery_countdown_timer_date_alter(&$date, $context) {

  // example of using a node-field to dictate the time to show
  if ($context != NULL && isset($node->field_time)) {
    $date = $node->field_time['und'][0]['value'];