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jquery-countdown-layout.tpl.php in jQuery Countdown 6


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 * We use this template file to provide overridable layouts described here:
 * jquery.countdown supports various placeholder vars.
 * Placeholder:
 * {desc} = description
 * {sep}
 * {xy}
 *  x  = can be:
 *       y = years
 *       o = months
 *       w = weeks
 *       d = days
 *       h = hours
 *       m = minutes
 *       s = seconds
 *   y = can be:
 *       n   = period value
 *       nn  = period value with min. of 2 digits
 *       nnn = period value with min. 3 digits
 *       l   = periodic label
 *       0-1000 = units digets 1 for one digit, 10 for tens digits, 100 for hundred digits, 1000 for thousands digits
 * If you need to exclude entire sections when the period value is zero and you have specified the period as optional,
 * surround these sections with '{x<}' and '{x>}', where x is the same as above.
 *  Example:
 *  {yn} = Year with min. of 1 digit.
 * Warning!:
 * the content will be submitted directly as jquery countdown javascript option.
 * Your layout can just be simple text, or can contain HTML markup as well.
 * You can even embed your HTML within the countdown division/span and reference it from there.
 * You can´t include css or js here or it will break your javascript. I have you warned ;)
<span class="jquery_countdown_testlayout">
  {yn} {yl} {on} {ol} {wn} {wl} {dn} {dl} {hn} {hl} {mn} {ml} {sn} {sl}