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public static function JQueryColorpicker::processElement in Jquery Colorpicker 8


src/Element/JQueryColorpicker.php, line 107


Provides a jQuery colorpicker form element.




public static function processElement(&$element, FormStateInterface $form_state, &$complete_form) {
  $element['#id'] = Html::getUniqueID('edit-' . implode('-', $element['#parents']));

  // Decide what background to use to render the element. In order to ensure
  // the background exists, we create an array of the two possibilities, that
  // we will use to compare the value submitted in the Form API definition.
  $backgrounds = [

  // Now we check to see if the value in the Form API definition is valid.
  // If it is, we use it, if it's not, we use a default value.
  $background = isset($element['#jquery_colorpicker_background']) && in_array($element['#jquery_colorpicker_background'], $backgrounds) ? $element['#jquery_colorpicker_background'] : 'select.png';

  // Since we know the background, we can then get the URL of it to pass to
  // the javascript function.
  $background_url = file_create_url('libraries/jquery_colorpicker/images/' . $background);

  // Next we determine what the default value for the form element is. This
  // will also be passed to the javascript function.
  $element['#attached']['drupalSettings']['jqueryColorpicker']['elements'][$element['#id']]['background'] = $background_url;
  return $element;