jquery_calendar.module in jQuery World Calendars API 7
Same filename and directory in other branches
Implements necessary hooks, API and helpers for jQuery World Calendars.
- Implement hook_library().
jquery_calendar.moduleView source
* @file
* Implements necessary hooks, API and helpers for jQuery World Calendars.
* @todo
* - Implement hook_library().
* Implements hook_permission().
function jquery_calendar_permission() {
return array(
'administer jquery calendar' => array(
'title' => 'Administer jQuery Calendar API',
'description' => 'Administer jQuery Calendar API configuration options.',
* Implements hook_menu().
function jquery_calendar_menu() {
$items = array();
// Administration form:
$items['admin/config/user-interface/jquery-calendar'] = array(
'title' => 'jQuery Calendar API',
'description' => 'Configuration options for jQuery World Calendars.',
'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'page arguments' => array(
'access arguments' => array(
'administer jquery calendar',
'file' => 'jquery_calendar.admin.inc',
// Settings default tab:
$items['admin/config/user-interface/jquery-calendar/settings'] = array(
'title' => 'Settings',
'weight' => 0,
// Demonstration tab:
$items['admin/config/user-interface/jquery-calendar/demo'] = array(
'title' => 'Demonstration',
'description' => 'jQuery World Calendar demonstration.',
'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'page arguments' => array(
'access arguments' => array(
'administer jquery calendar',
'file' => 'jquery_calendar.admin.inc',
'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
'weight' => 10,
return $items;
* API function to include specified jQuery Calendar
* library components while trying to take care of dups n' deps.
* @param $components
* Library components that should be loaded on the page.
* Either a string with a single filename or comma-separated
* filenames. Also it accepts an array of filenames.
* Allowed values are:
* - all: contains base, plus and datepicker components together.
* - base
* - plus
* - picker
* - picker.ext
* - validation
* - taiwan
* - thai
* - julian
* - persian
* - islamic
* - hebrew
* - ethiopian
* - coptic
* - mayan
* @param $locales
* Library localization files that should be loaded on the page.
* This can be an array, a single string or a comma-separated one.
* Note that compressions for these components are not available.
* If passed empty automatically adds the languages that are enabled in site
* Allowed values are:
* - lang: contains all Gregorian calendar locales.
* - picker.lang: contains all datepicker locales.
* - taiwan-zh-TW
* - thai-th
* - persian-fa
* - islamic-ar
* - hebrew-he
* - ethiopian-am
* - gregorian-af
* - gregorian-sq
* - gregorian-ar
* - gregorian-hy
* - gregorian-az
* - gregorian-eu
* - gregorian-bs
* - gregorian-bg
* - gregorian-ca
* - gregorian-zh-HK
* - gregorian-zh-CN
* - gregorian-zh-TW
* - gregorian-hr
* - gregorian-cs
* - gregorian-da
* - gregorian-nl
* - gregorian-nl-BE
* - gregorian-en-GB
* - gregorian-eo
* - gregorian-et
* - gregorian-fo
* - gregorian-fa
* - gregorian-fi
* - gregorian-fr
* - gregorian-fr-CH
* - gregorian-gl
* - gregorian-de
* - gregorian-de-CH
* - gregorian-el
* - gregorian-gu
* - gregorian-he
* - gregorian-hu
* - gregorian-is
* - gregorian-id
* - gregorian-it
* - gregorian-ja
* - gregorian-ko
* - gregorian-lv
* - gregorian-lt
* - gregorian-mk
* - gregorian-ms
* - gregorian-no
* - gregorian-pl
* - gregorian-pt-BR
* - gregorian-ro
* - gregorian-ru
* - gregorian-sr
* - gregorian-sr-SR
* - gregorian-sk
* - gregorian-sl
* - gregorian-es
* - gregorian-es-AR
* - gregorian-sv
* - gregorian-ta
* - gregorian-th
* - gregorian-ar
* - gregorian-uk
* - gregorian-ur
* - gregorian-vi
* - picker-af
* - picker-sq
* - picker-ar
* - picker-hy
* - picker-az
* - picker-eu
* - picker-bs
* - picker-bg
* - picker-ca
* - picker-zh-HK
* - picker-zh-CN
* - picker-zh-TW
* - picker-hr
* - picker-cs
* - picker-da
* - picker-nl
* - picker-nl-BE
* - picker-en-GB
* - picker-eo
* - picker-et
* - picker-fo
* - picker-fa
* - picker-fi
* - picker-fr
* - picker-fr-CH
* - picker-gl
* - picker-de
* - picker-de-CH
* - picker-el
* - picker-gu
* - picker-he
* - picker-hu
* - picker-is
* - picker-id
* - picker-it
* - picker-ja
* - picker-ko
* - picker-lv
* - picker-lt
* - picker-mk
* - picker-ms
* - picker-no
* - picker-pl
* - picker-pt-BR
* - picker-ro
* - picker-ru
* - picker-sr
* - picker-sr-SR
* - picker-sk
* - picker-sl
* - picker-es
* - picker-es-AR
* - picker-sv
* - picker-ta
* - picker-th
* - picker-ar
* - picker-uk
* - picker-ur
* - picker-vi
* @param $theme
* Datepicker theme.
* @param $compression
* Compression level:
* - normal
* - min
* - pack
* @see http://keith-wood.name/calendars.html
* @see http://keith-wood.name/calendarsPicker.html
* @todo: Add validation API for component availability.
function jquery_calendar_add($components = array(), $locales = array(), $theme = '', $compression = '') {
static $loaded = array(
'files' => array(),
// Add current lang to drupal js settings to be used by data pickers on runtime when nessesary
global $language;
$thelang = $language->language;
$js_variables = array(
'lang' => $thelang,
'jquery_calendar' => $js_variables,
), "setting");
$compression = !empty($compression) ? $compression : variable_get('jquery_calendar_compression_level');
// Convert input parameters to array.
list($components, $locales) = _jquery_calendar_input_to_array($components, $locales);
// Check if there's any additional locale available:
$site_locales = function_exists('locale_language_list') ? locale_language_list('name', TRUE) : NULL;
if ($site_locales && empty($locales)) {
foreach ($site_locales as $name => $title) {
if ($name == 'en') {
$locales[] = 'gregorian-' . $name;
if (in_array('picker', $components)) {
$locales[] = 'picker-' . $name;
if (in_array('persian', $components) && $name == 'fa') {
$locales[] = 'persian-' . $name;
if (in_array('thai', $components) && $name == 'th') {
$locales[] = 'thai-' . $name;
if (in_array('taiwan', $components) && $name == 'zh-TW') {
$locales[] = 'taiwan-' . $name;
if (in_array('islamic', $components) && $name == 'ar') {
$locales[] = 'islamic-' . $name;
if (in_array('hebrew', $components) && $name == 'he') {
$locales[] = 'hebrew-' . $name;
if (in_array('ethiopian', $components) && $name == 'am') {
$locales[] = 'ethiopian-' . $name;
// Clean locales and append 'em to components.
$length = count($locales);
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i) {
// Remove the gregorian prefix from locale packages.
if (strpos($locales[$i], 'gregorian') !== FALSE) {
$locales[$i] = str_replace('gregorian', '', $locales[$i]);
// Merge components and locales.
$components = array_merge($components, $locales);
// See if we should add all of the library components.
if (!isset($loaded['all']) && in_array('all', $components)) {
$loaded['all'] = $loaded['base'] = $loaded['plus'] = $loaded['picker'] = $loaded['files']['base'] = $loaded['files']['plus'] = $loaded['files']['picker'] = TRUE;
elseif (!isset($loaded['base'])) {
$loaded['base'] = TRUE;
// Fulfill dependencies & load library components.
foreach ($components as $component) {
if ($component == 'picker' && !isset($loaded['plus'])) {
$loaded['plus'] = TRUE;
elseif (($component == 'picker.ext' || $component == 'validation') && !isset($loaded['picker'])) {
$loaded['picker'] = TRUE;
// Load the component itself.
if (!isset($loaded['files'][$component])) {
$path = _jquery_calendar_component_path($component, $compression);
// If the component file exists,
// include and set appropriate flags.
if (file_exists($path)) {
$loaded[$component] = TRUE;
$loaded['files'][$component] = $path;
// Add datepicker themes, if required.
// TODO: Add themeroller and jQuery.UI support.
if (isset($loaded['picker'])) {
// Override the default theme, if necessary.
$theme = !empty($theme) ? $theme : variable_get('jquery_calendar_datepicker_theme');
// Add datepicker theme style.
$path = _jquery_calendar_component_path('picker', '', 'css', "{$theme}.calendars");
* Helper function to build a library component path.
* @param $component
* Library component name.
* @param $compression
* Compression level.
* @param $extension
* Component file extension.
* @param $prefix
* Component filename prefix.
* @return
* Library component path.
function _jquery_calendar_component_path($component, $compression, $extension = 'js', $prefix = 'jquery.calendars') {
$path = _jquery_calendar_path() . '/' . $prefix;
// Fix compression level if required.
$compression = $compression == 'normal' || empty($compression) || strpos($component, '-') !== FALSE ? '' : '.' . $compression;
// Fix component name if required.
if ($component[0] != '-') {
$component = empty($component) || $component == 'base' ? '' : '.' . $component;
return $path . $component . $compression . '.' . $extension;
* Helper function to get the library path using Libraries module API.
* @param $library
* Library name to return its path.
* @param $filename
* A library filename to check its existence as an additional condition.
* @return
* Either the library path or FALSE on fail.
* @see libraries_get_path()
* @see http://drupal.org/project/libraries
function _jquery_calendar_path($library = 'jquery.calendars', $filename = '') {
// Get library path via Libraries API.
$path = libraries_get_path($library);
// Scan the given path to see if it's that proper one.
$directory = file_scan_directory($path, '/.*/', array(
'recurse' => FALSE,
// Check that the specified file exists in the given directory.
$exists = !empty($filename) ? file_exists($path . '/' . $filename) : TRUE;
// If all is set, return the path.
if (is_dir($path) && $exists && !empty($directory)) {
return $path;
// Or #fail.
return FALSE;
* Helper function that checks module requirements.
* @return
* An array as per required by hook_requirements().
function _jquery_calendar_requirements_check() {
if (!defined('REQUIREMENT_OK')) {
define('REQUIREMENT_OK', 0);
if (!defined('REQUIREMENT_ERROR')) {
$t = get_t();
$requirements = array(
'jquery_calendar' => array(
'title' => $t('jQuery Calendar API'),
'value' => $t('Not installed correctly.'),
// Check jQuery Calendars.
if (!_jquery_calendar_path('jquery.calendars')) {
$requirements['jquery_calendar']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_ERROR;
$requirements['jquery_calendar']['description'] = $t('The <a href="!library">jQuery World Calendars</a> plugin is missing. <a href="!download">Download</a> the library and extract it to <code>sites/all/libraries/</code> directory. Also you need to rename the extracted directory to <strong>jquery.calendars</strong>.', array(
'!library' => 'http://keith-wood.name/calendars.html',
'!download' => 'http://keith-wood.name/zip/jquery.calendars.package-1.1.2.zip',
else {
$requirements['jquery_calendar']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_OK;
$requirements['jquery_calendar']['value'] = $t('Installed correctly.');
return $requirements;
* Internal helper to collect all datepicker themes.
* @return
* An array of datepicker theme component names.
function _jquery_calendar_datepicker_themes() {
$themes = array();
$files = file_scan_directory(_jquery_calendar_path(), '/.css/', array(
'key' => 'name',
'recurse' => FALSE,
foreach ($files as $key => $file) {
// Exluclude jQuery UI themes, for now.
if (drupal_substr($key, 0, 2) == 'ui') {
// Loadup the array.
$name = str_replace('.calendars.picker', '', $key);
$themes[$name] = ucwords($name) . ' - ' . $file->name;
return $themes;
* Internal helper to convert a mixed-formatted input to an array.
* @param
* Unlimited input parameters.
* @return
* An array of input arrays.
function _jquery_calendar_input_to_array() {
$arrays = array();
$args = func_get_args();
foreach ($args as $arg) {
if (is_array($arg)) {
$arg = array_map('trim', $arg);
else {
$arg = strpos($arg, ',') !== FALSE ? array_map('trim', explode(',', $arg)) : array(
$arrays[] = array_filter($arg);
return $arrays;
Name![]() |
Description |
jquery_calendar_add | API function to include specified jQuery Calendar library components while trying to take care of dups n' deps. |
jquery_calendar_menu | Implements hook_menu(). |
jquery_calendar_permission | Implements hook_permission(). |
_jquery_calendar_component_path | Helper function to build a library component path. |
_jquery_calendar_datepicker_themes | Internal helper to collect all datepicker themes. |
_jquery_calendar_input_to_array | Internal helper to convert a mixed-formatted input to an array. |
_jquery_calendar_path | Helper function to get the library path using Libraries module API. |
_jquery_calendar_requirements_check | Helper function that checks module requirements. |