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job_scheduler.module in Job Scheduler 7.2

Main file for the Job Scheduler.


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 * @file
 * Main file for the Job Scheduler.

 * Implements hook_help().
 * @codingStandardsIgnoreStart
function job_scheduler_help($path, $arg) {
  switch ($path) {
    case 'admin/help#job_scheduler':
      $output = '<h3>' . t('About') . '</h3>';
      $output .= '<p>' . t('Simple API for scheduling tasks once at a predetermined time or periodically at a fixed interval.') . '</p>';
      $output .= '<h3>' . t('Usage') . '</h3>';
      $output .= '<p>' . t('Declare scheduler.') . '</p>';
      $output .= '<xmp>' . 'function example_cron_job_scheduler_info() {
  $schedulers - array();
  $schedulers[\'example_unpublish\'] - array(
    \'worker callback\' -> \'example_unpublish_nodes\',
  return $schedulers;
}' . '</xmp>';
      $output .= '<p>' . t('Add a job.') . '</p>';
      $output .= '<xmp>' . '$job - array(
  \'type\' -> \'story\',
  \'id\' -> 12,
  \'period\' -> 3600,
  \'periodic\' -> TRUE,
JobScheduler::get(\'example_unpublish\')->set($job);' . '</xmp>';

      $output .= '<p>' . t('Work off a job.') . '</p>';
      $output .= '<xmp>' . 'function example_unpublish_nodes($job) {
  // Do stuff.
}' . '</xmp>';
      $output .= '<p>' . t('Remove a job.') . '</p>';
      $output .= '<xmp>' . '$job - array(
  \'type\' -> \'story\',
  \'id\' -> 12,
JobScheduler::get(\'example_unpublish\')->remove($job);' . '</xmp>';
      $output .= '<p>' . t('Optionally jobs can declared together with a schedule in a: hook_cron_job_scheduler_info().') . '</p>';
      $output .= '<xmp>' . 'function example_cron_job_scheduler_info() {
  $schedulers - array();
  $schedulers[\'example_unpublish\'] - array(
    \'worker callback\' -> \'example_unpublish_nodes\',
    \'jobs\' -> array(
        \'type\' -> \'story\',
        \'id\' -> 12,
        \'period\' -> 3600,
        \'periodic\' -> TRUE,
  return $schedulers;
}' . '</xmp>';
      $output .= '<p>' . t("Jobs can have a 'crontab' instead of a period. Crontab syntax are Unix-like formatted crontab lines.") . '</p>';
      $output .= '<p>' . t('Example of job with crontab.') . '</p>';
      $output .= '<p>' . t("This will create a job that will be triggered from monday to friday, from january to july, every two hours.") . '</p>';
      $output .= '<xmp>' . 'function example_cron_job_scheduler_info() {
  $schedulers - array();
  $schedulers[\'example_unpublish\'] - array(
    \'worker callback\' -> \'example_unpublish_nodes\',
    \'jobs\' -> array(
        \'type\' -> \'story\',
        \'id\' -> 12,
        \'crontab\' -> \'0 */2 * january-july mon-fri\',
        \'periodic\' -> TRUE,
  return $schedulers;
}' . '</xmp>';
      $output .= '<p>' . t('Read more about crontab syntax: <a href="@url_crontab_sintax" target="blank">@url_crontab_sintax</a>', array(
        '@url_crontab_sintax' => '',
      )) . '</p>';
      return $output;

// @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd

 * Collects and returns scheduler info.
 * @param string $name
 *   Name of the schedule.
 * @see hook_cron_job_scheduler_info()
 * @return array
 *   Information for the schedule if $name, all the information if not
function job_scheduler_info($name = NULL) {
  $info =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
  if (!$info) {
    $info = module_invoke_all('cron_job_scheduler_info');
    drupal_alter('cron_job_scheduler_info', $info);
  if ($name) {
    return isset($info[$name]) ? $info[$name] : NULL;
  else {
    return $info;

 * Implements hook_cron().
function job_scheduler_cron() {

  // Reschedule all jobs if requested.
  if (variable_get('job_scheduler_rebuild_all', FALSE)) {
    foreach (job_scheduler_info() as $name => $info) {
      job_scheduler_rebuild_scheduler($name, $info);
    variable_set('job_scheduler_rebuild_all', FALSE);

  // Reschedule stuck periodic jobs after one hour.
    'scheduled' => 0,
    ->condition('scheduled', REQUEST_TIME - 3600, '<')
    ->condition('periodic', 1)

  // Query and dispatch scheduled jobs.
  // Process a maximum of 200 jobs in a maximum of 30 seconds.
  $start = time();
  $total = $failed = 0;
  $jobs = db_select('job_schedule', NULL, array(
    'fetch' => PDO::FETCH_ASSOC,
    ->condition('scheduled', 0)
    ->condition('next', REQUEST_TIME, '<=')
    ->orderBy('next', 'ASC')
    ->range(0, 200)
  foreach ($jobs as $job) {
    $job['data'] = unserialize($job['data']);
    try {
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      watchdog('job_scheduler', $e
        ->getMessage(), array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);

      // Drop jobs that have caused exceptions.
    if (time() > $start + 30) {

  // If any jobs were processed, log how much time we spent processing.
  if ($total || $failed) {
    watchdog('job_scheduler', 'Finished processing scheduled jobs (!time, !total total, !failed failed).', array(
      '!time' => format_interval(time() - $start),
      '!total' => $total,
      '!failed' => $failed,

 * Implements hook_modules_enabled().
function job_scheduler_modules_enabled($modules) {

 * Implements hook_modules_disabled().
function job_scheduler_modules_disabled($modules) {

 * Rebuild scheduled information after enable/disable modules.
 * @todo What should we do about missing ones when disabling their module?
function job_scheduler_rebuild_all() {
  variable_set('job_scheduler_rebuild_all', TRUE);

 * Rebuild a single scheduler.
function job_scheduler_rebuild_scheduler($name, $info) {
  if (!empty($info['jobs'])) {
    $scheduler = JobScheduler::get($name);
    foreach ($info['jobs'] as $job) {
      if (!$scheduler
        ->check($job)) {

 * Implements hook_cron_queue_info().
 * Provide queue worker information for jobs declared in
 * hook_cron_job_scheduler_info().
function job_scheduler_cron_queue_info() {
  $queue = array();
  foreach (job_scheduler_info() as $info) {
    if (!empty($info['jobs']) && !empty($info['queue name'])) {
      $queue[$info['queue name']] = array(
        'worker callback' => 'job_scheduler_cron_queue_worker',
        // Some reasonable default as we don't know.
        'time' => 60,
  return $queue;

 * Execute job worker from queue.
 * Providing our own worker has the advantage that we can reschedule the job or
 * take care of cleanup
 * Note that as we run the execute() action, the job won't be queued again this
 * time.
function job_scheduler_cron_queue_worker($job) {
  try {
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    watchdog('job_scheduler', $e
      ->getMessage(), array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);

    // Drop jobs that have caused exceptions.


Namesort descending Description
job_scheduler_cron Implements hook_cron().
job_scheduler_cron_queue_info Implements hook_cron_queue_info().
job_scheduler_cron_queue_worker Execute job worker from queue.
job_scheduler_help Implements hook_help().
job_scheduler_info Collects and returns scheduler info.
job_scheduler_modules_disabled Implements hook_modules_disabled().
job_scheduler_modules_enabled Implements hook_modules_enabled().
job_scheduler_rebuild_all Rebuild scheduled information after enable/disable modules.
job_scheduler_rebuild_scheduler Rebuild a single scheduler.