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dynamic_ajax_php.php in jCarousel 6


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// Array indexes are 0-based, jCarousel positions are 1-based.
$first = max(0, intval($_GET['first']) - 1);
$last = max($first + 1, intval($_GET['last']) - 1);
$length = $last - $first + 1;

// ---
$images = array(
$total = count($images);
$selected = array_slice($images, $first, $length);

// ---
header('Content-Type: text/xml');
echo '<data>';

// Return total number of images so the callback
// can set the size of the carousel.
echo '  <total>' . $total . '</total>';
foreach ($selected as $img) {
  echo '  <image>' . $img . '</image>';
echo '</data>';