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janrain_capture_screens.module in Janrain Registration 7.2

Janrain Capture Admin Screens Module


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 * @file
 * Janrain Capture Admin Screens Module

 * Implements hook_menu_alter().
function janrain_capture_screens_menu_alter(&$items) {
  $items['admin/config/people/janrain_capture/screens'] = array(
    'title' => t('Screens'),
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer site configuration',
    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
    'weight' => -40,
    'file' => '',
    'file path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'janrain_capture_screens'),

 * Gets the appropriate Janrain screen file.
 * @param string $screen_name
 *   Janrain screen name.
 *   @see _janrain_capture_get_screens()
 * @return string|bool
 *   Janrain screen uri if file found, FALSE if not.
function _janrain_capture_get_screen_file($screen_name) {

  // Serve updated screen if availible.
  $screen_machine_name = _janrain_capture_get_screen_machine_name($screen_name);
  $updated_screen = variable_get("janrain_capture_screen_{$screen_machine_name}");
  $updated_screen_remote_url = trim(variable_get("janrain_capture_screen_{$screen_machine_name}_remote_url", ''));
  $updated_screen_remote_fid = variable_get('janrain_capture_screen_' . $screen_machine_name . '_remote_fid');
  $screen_fid = $updated_screen_remote_url && $updated_screen_remote_fid ? $updated_screen_remote_fid : $updated_screen;
  if ($screen_fid) {
    if ($file = file_load($screen_fid)) {
      return $file->uri;

  // Serve default shipped screen if not.
  $module_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'janrain_capture');
  $file_path = "{$module_path}/janrain-capture-screens/{$screen_name}";
  return file_exists($file_path) ? $file_path : FALSE;

 * Helper function to get the list of available Janrain capture screens.
 * @return array
 *   Availible Janrain Capture screens.
function _janrain_capture_get_screens() {
  $screens = array(
  return $screens;

 * Gets a machine name for a screen.
 * Replaces dots and slashes with underscores.
 * @param string $screen_name
 *   Janrain capture screen name.
 *   @see _janrain_capture_get_screens()
 * @return string
 *   Screen machine name which can be used as a form element key.
function _janrain_capture_get_screen_machine_name($screen_name) {
  return str_replace(array(
  ), '_', $screen_name);

 * Gets a santized file name for a screen and removes directories.
 * Replaces slashes with underscores.
 * @param string $screen_name
 *   Janrain capture screen name.
 *   @see _janrain_capture_get_screens()
 * @return string
 *   Screen file name which retains the file extension.
function _janrain_capture_get_screen_file_name($screen_name) {
  return str_replace(array(
  ), '_', $screen_name);

 * Implements hook_cron().
 * Refreshes the locally cached remote screens.
function janrain_capture_screens_cron() {
  $screens = _janrain_capture_get_screens();
  foreach ($screens as $screen) {
    $screen_machine_name = _janrain_capture_get_screen_machine_name($screen);
    $screen_remote_fid = variable_get('janrain_capture_screen_' . $screen_machine_name . '_remote_fid');
    $screen_remote_url = trim(variable_get('janrain_capture_screen_' . $screen_machine_name . '_remote_url', ''));
    if ($screen_remote_url && $screen_remote_fid && ($file = file_load($screen_remote_fid)) && $file->timestamp < REQUEST_TIME - 3 * 3600) {

 * Refreshes a locally cached janrain capture screen.
 * @param string $screen
 *   The name of the screen that needs refreshing.
 * @param string $screen_content
 *   Optional parameter, which may hold the screen's content. If not set, then
 *   the content will be fetched from the remote URL.
function janrain_capture_screens_local_screen_data_refresh($screen, $screen_content = NULL) {
  $screen_machine_name = _janrain_capture_get_screen_machine_name($screen);
  if (!isset($screen_content)) {
    $screen_remote_url = trim(variable_get('janrain_capture_screen_' . $screen_machine_name . '_remote_url', ''));
    if ($screen_remote_url) {
      $response = drupal_http_request($screen_remote_url);
      if ($response->code == 200) {
        $screen_content = $response->data;

  // Load the current screen content to see if there is a change.
  $screen_remote_fid = variable_get('janrain_capture_screen_' . $screen_machine_name . '_remote_fid');
  $current_screen_content = '';
  if ($screen_remote_fid && ($file = file_load($screen_remote_fid))) {
    $current_screen_content = file_get_contents($file->uri);
  if (isset($screen_content) && (!$screen_remote_fid || md5($screen_content) != md5($current_screen_content))) {
    $file = file_save_data($screen_content, 'public://janrain_capture_screens/cache/' . _janrain_capture_get_screen_file_name($screen), FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE);
    if (!$screen_remote_fid && $file) {
      variable_set('janrain_capture_screen_' . $screen_machine_name . '_remote_fid', $file->fid);


Namesort descending Description
janrain_capture_screens_cron Implements hook_cron().
janrain_capture_screens_local_screen_data_refresh Refreshes a locally cached janrain capture screen.
janrain_capture_screens_menu_alter Implements hook_menu_alter().
_janrain_capture_get_screens Helper function to get the list of available Janrain capture screens.
_janrain_capture_get_screen_file Gets the appropriate Janrain screen file.
_janrain_capture_get_screen_file_name Gets a santized file name for a screen and removes directories.
_janrain_capture_get_screen_machine_name Gets a machine name for a screen.