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15 uses of JANRAIN_CAPTURE_VERSION_DEFAULT in Janrain Registration 7.3

JanrainCaptureApi::__construct in includes/
Retrives API access credentials from settings.
janrain_capture_form_user_profile_form_alter in includes/
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
janrain_capture_menu in ./janrain_capture.module
Implements hook_menu().
janrain_capture_oauth in includes/
Callback for the janrain_capture/oauth menu item. This serves as the redirect_uri Capture redirects the user to and performs the authentication.
janrain_capture_page_build in ./janrain_capture.module
Implements hook_page_build().
janrain_capture_render_logout_link in ./janrain_capture.module
Generates a 'Logout' link for Janrain Capture.
janrain_capture_share_js in ./janrain_capture.module
Adds share widget JS to the page.
janrain_capture_signin_link in ./janrain_capture.module
Returns a render array for the 'Register / Sign in' link for Janrain Capture.
janrain_capture_sync_account in ./janrain_capture.module
Modifies the user account with values from the Janrain Capture profile array.
janrain_capture_ui_get_settings in janrain_capture_ui/janrain_capture_ui.module
Settings menu item callback
janrain_capture_ui_menu in janrain_capture_ui/janrain_capture_ui.module
Implements hook_menu().
janrain_capture_ui_version_settings in janrain_capture_ui/
Sets the Capture version.
janrain_capture_url in ./janrain_capture.module
Returns the full URL of a specified CaptureUI screen
janrain_capture_url_outbound_alter in ./janrain_capture.module
Implements hook_url_outbound_alter().
janrain_capture_user_view in includes/
Implementation of hook_user_view to customize profile view