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isbn.module in ISBN Field 6

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 6.0 isbn.module
  2. 7 isbn.module

Defines ISBN field types.


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 * @file
 * Defines ISBN field types.
define('ISSN_8_DIGIT', 8);
define('ISBN_10_DIGIT', 10);
define('ISBN_13_DIGIT', 13);
define('ISBN_NO_VALIDATION', 0);
define('ISBN_JS_VALIDATION', 2);

 * Implementation of hook_menu().
function isbn_menu() {
  $items['isbn/validate'] = array(
    'title' => 'ISBN Validate',
    'page callback' => 'isbn_validate_ajax',
    'access callback' => TRUE,
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
  return $items;

 * Ajax callback function for validating an ISBN
function isbn_validate_ajax($isbn_format, $isbn_number) {
  drupal_json(isbn_validate_number($isbn_number, $isbn_format));
function isbn_validate_number($number, $format) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'isbn');
  $number = isbn_clean($number);
  $validate_function = "isbn_validate_{$format}";
  $return = $validate_function($number);

  //Set invalid message.
  if ($return['valid'] == false && !isset($return['message'])) {
    $return['message'] = 'confirmFailure';
    $length = strlen($number);
    if ($length < $format) {
      $return['message'] = 'notEnoughDigits';
    elseif ($length > $format) {
      $return['message'] = 'tooManyDigits';
  return $return;
function isbn_validate_10($number) {
  return array(
    'valid' => ISN_checksum_OK($number, ISBN_10_DIGIT),
function isbn_validate_8($number) {
  return array(
    'valid' => ISN_checksum_OK($number, ISSN_8_DIGIT),
function isbn_validate_13($string) {
  $return['valid'] = _isbn_validate_13($string);

  //Invalidate if not 978 or 979
  $prefix = substr($string, 0, 3);
  if ($prefix !== "978" && $prefix !== "979") {
    $return['valid'] = false;
    $return['message'] = 'missingPrefix13';
  return $return;

 * Validator for 13 digit ISBNs
 * from
function _isbn_validate_13($string) {
  settype($string, 'string');
  if (strlen($string) != 13) {
    return false;
  $stack = 0;
  $even = false;
  for ($i = 12; $i >= 0; $i--) {
    if ($even === true) {
      $stack += $string[$i] * 3;
      $even = false;
    else {
      $stack += $string[$i];
      $even = true;
  if ($stack % 10 == 0) {
    return true;
  return false;

 * Implementation of hook_theme().
function isbn_theme() {
  return array(
    'isbn_field' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'element' => NULL,
    'isbn_formatter_default' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'element' => NULL,
    'isbn_formatter_raw' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'element' => NULL,
    'isbn_formatter_clean' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'element' => NULL,

 * Implementation of hook_field_info().
function isbn_field_info() {
  return array(
    'isbn' => array(
      'label' => t('ISBN Number'),
      'description' => t('Stores an ISBN number in the database.'),

 * Implementation of hook_field_settings().
function isbn_field_settings($op, $field) {
  switch ($op) {
    case 'form':
      $form = array();
      $form['isbn_format'] = array(
        '#type' => 'radios',
        '#title' => t('ISBN Number Format'),
        '#default_value' => is_numeric($field['isbn_format']) ? $field['isbn_format'] : ISSN_8_DIGIT,
        '#options' => array(
          ISSN_8_DIGIT => t('ISSN 8 Digit'),
          ISBN_10_DIGIT => t('ISBN 10 Digit'),
          ISBN_13_DIGIT => t('ISBN 13 Digit'),
      $form['isbn_validation'] = array(
        '#type' => 'radios',
        '#title' => t('ISBN Validation'),
        '#default_value' => is_numeric($field['isbn_validation']) ? $field['isbn_validation'] : ISBN_NO_VALIDATION,
        '#options' => array(
          ISBN_NO_VALIDATION => t('No validation'),
          ISBN_SUBMIT_VALIDATION => t('Validation on Submit (confirms check digit)'),
          ISBN_JS_VALIDATION => t('Validation with Javascript (Confirms check digit.  Also validates on Submit)'),
      return $form;
    case 'save':
      return array(
    case 'database columns':
      $columns['value'] = array(
        'type' => 'varchar',
        'length' => 20,
        'not null' => FALSE,
        'sortable' => TRUE,
        'views' => TRUE,
      return $columns;
    case 'views data':

 * Implementation of hook_field().
function isbn_field($op, &$node, $field, &$items, $teaser, $page) {
  switch ($op) {
    case 'validate':
      if (is_array($items)) {
        foreach ($items as $delta => $item) {
          $error_element = isset($item['_error_element']) ? $item['_error_element'] : '';
          if (is_array($item) && isset($item['_error_element'])) {
          if (!empty($item['value'])) {

            //VALIDATE ISBN HERE
            if ($field['isbn_validation'] != ISBN_NO_VALIDATION) {
              $valid = isbn_validate_number($item['value'], $field['isbn_format']);

              //               if (!$valid) {
              //                 form_set_error($error_element, t('ISBN/ISSN Validation Failed'));
              if (!isset($valid) || $valid['valid'] == false) {
                switch ($valid['message']) {
                  case 'confirmSuccess':
                    form_set_error($error_element, t('Valid ISBN/ISSN number.'));
                  case 'confirmFailure':
                    form_set_error($error_element, t('Not a valid ISBN/ISSN Number.'));
                  case 'notEnoughDigits':
                    form_set_error($error_element, t('Not Enough Digits!  '));
                  case 'tooManyDigits':
                    form_set_error($error_element, t('Too Many Digits!  '));
                  case 'requiredDigits':
                    form_set_error($error_element, t(' digits are required.'));
                  case 'missingPrefix13':
                    form_set_error($error_element, t('13 Digit ISBNs need to begin with 978 or 979.'));
                    form_set_error($error_element, t('ISBN/ISSN Validation Failed'));

              //              }
      return $items;
    case 'sanitize':
      foreach ($items as $delta => $item) {
        $isbn_formatted = isbn_clean($item['value'], $field['isbn_format']);
        $items[$delta]['clean'] = $isbn_formatted;

 * Implementation of hook_content_is_empty().
function isbn_content_is_empty($item, $field) {
  if (empty($item['value']) && (string) $item['value'] !== '0') {
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

 * Implementation of hook_field_formatter_info().
function isbn_field_formatter_info() {
  return array(
    'default' => array(
      'label' => t('ISBN: As Entered'),
      'field types' => array(
      'multiple values' => CONTENT_HANDLE_CORE,
    'raw' => array(
      'label' => t('ISBN: As Entered'),
      'field types' => array(
      'multiple values' => CONTENT_HANDLE_CORE,
    'clean' => array(
      'label' => t('ISBN: Clean (no dashes)'),
      'field types' => array(
      'multiple values' => CONTENT_HANDLE_CORE,

 * Theme function for 'default' ISBN field formatter.
function theme_isbn_formatter_default($element) {
  return $element['#item']['value'];

 * Theme function for 'raw' ISBN field formatter.
function theme_isbn_formatter_raw($element) {
  return $element['#item']['value'];

 * Theme function for 'clean' ISBN field formatter
 * Removes dashes and spaces.
function theme_isbn_formatter_clean($element) {
  $string = isbn_clean($element['#item']['value']);
  return $string;

 * Helper function for cleaning dashes and spaces
function isbn_clean($string) {
  return str_replace(array(
    ' ',
  ), '', $string);

 * Implementation of hook_widget_info().
 * Here we indicate that the content module will handle
 * the default value and multiple values for these widgets.
 * Callbacks can be omitted if default handing is used.
 * They're included here just so this module can be used
 * as an example for custom modules that might do things
 * differently.
function isbn_widget_info() {
  return array(
    'isbn_field' => array(
      'label' => t('ISBN field'),
      'field types' => array(
      'multiple values' => CONTENT_HANDLE_CORE,
      'callbacks' => array(
        'default value' => CONTENT_CALLBACK_DEFAULT,

 * Implementation of FAPI hook_elements().
 * Any FAPI callbacks needed for individual widgets can be declared here,
 * and the element will be passed to those callbacks for processing.
 * Drupal will automatically theme the element using a theme with
 * the same name as the hook_elements key.
 * Autocomplete_path is not used by text_widget but other widgets can use it
 * (see nodereference and userreference).
function isbn_elements() {
  return array(
    'isbn_field' => array(
      '#input' => TRUE,
      '#columns' => array(
      '#delta' => 0,
      '#process' => array(
      '#autocomplete_path' => FALSE,

 * Implementation of hook_widget_settings().
function isbn_widget_settings($op, $widget) {
  switch ($op) {
    case 'form':
      return $form;
    case 'save':
      return array();

 * Implementation of hook_widget().
 * Attach a single form element to the form. It will be built out and
 * validated in the callback(s) listed in hook_elements. We build it
 * out in the callbacks rather than here in hook_widget so it can be
 * plugged into any module that can provide it with valid
 * $field information.
 * Content module will set the weight, field name and delta values
 * for each form element. This is a change from earlier CCK versions
 * where the widget managed its own multiple values.
 * If there are multiple values for this field, the content module will
 * call this function as many times as needed.
 * @param $form
 *   the entire form array, $form['#node'] holds node information
 * @param $form_state
 *   the form_state, $form_state['values'][$field['field_name']]
 *   holds the field's form values.
 * @param $field
 *   the field array
 * @param $items
 *   array of default values for this field
 * @param $delta
 *   the order of this item in the array of subelements (0, 1, 2, etc)
 * @return
 *   the form item for a single element for this field
function isbn_widget(&$form, &$form_state, $field, $items, $delta = 0) {
  switch (intval($field['isbn_format'])) {
    case ISSN_8_DIGIT:
      $field_description = t('8 Digit ISSN Numbers only');
    case ISBN_10_DIGIT:
      $field_description = t('10 Digit ISBN Numbers only');
    case ISBN_13_DIGIT:
      $field_description = t('13 Digit ISBN Numbers only');
  $element = array(
    '#type' => $field['widget']['type'],
    '#default_value' => isset($items[$delta]) ? $items[$delta] : '',
    '#isbn_description' => $field_description,
  return $element;

 * FAPI theme for an individual text elements.
 * The textfield or textarea is already rendered by the
 * textfield or textarea themes and the html output
 * lives in $element['#children']. Override this theme to
 * make custom changes to the output.
 * $element['#field_name'] contains the field name
 * $element['#delta]  is the position of this element in the group
function theme_isbn_field($element) {
  return $element['#children'];

 * Process an individual element.
 * Build the form element. When creating a form using FAPI #process,
 * note that $element['#value'] is already set.
 * The $fields array is in $form['#field_info'][$element['#field_name']].
function isbn_field_process($element, $edit, $form_state, $form) {
  $field = $form['#field_info'][$element['#field_name']];
  $field_key = $element['#columns'][0];

  //Add JS for validation
  if ($field['isbn_validation'] == ISBN_JS_VALIDATION) {
    $js_validate_class = 'isbn-validate';
  $element[$field_key] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#default_value' => isset($element['#value'][$field_key]) ? $element['#value'][$field_key] : NULL,
    '#weight' => 0,
    // The following values were set by the content module and need
    // to be passed down to the nested element.
    '#title' => $element['#title'],
    '#description' => $element['#description'],
    '#required' => $element['#required'],
    '#field_name' => $element['#field_name'],
    '#type_name' => $element['#type_name'],
    '#delta' => $element['#delta'],
    '#columns' => $element['#columns'],
    '#attributes' => array(
      'class' => $js_validate_class,
      'isbn-format' => $field['isbn_format'],

  // Used so that hook_field('validate') knows where to flag an error.
  $element['_error_element'] = array(
    '#type' => 'value',
    '#value' => implode('][', array_merge($element['#parents'], array(
  return $element;
function isbn_dynamic_validation() {
  static $complete = FALSE;
  global $user;

  // Only need to do once per page.
  if (!$complete) {

    //drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'isbn') .'/isbn.js', 'module');
    drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'isbn') . '/isbn_attach.js', 'module');
      'isbn' => array(
        'validateURL' => url('isbn/validate'),
        'confirmSuccess' => t('Valid ISBN/ISSN number.'),
        'confirmFailure' => t('Not a valid ISBN/ISSN Number.'),
        'notEnoughDigits' => t('Not Enough Digits!  '),
        'tooManyDigits' => t('Too Many Digits!  '),
        'requiredDigits' => t(' digits are required.'),
        'missingPrefix13' => t('13 Digit ISBNs need to begin with 978 or 979.'),
    ), 'setting');
    $complete = TRUE;

 * Implementation of hook_token_list() 
function isbn_token_list($type = 'all') {
  if ($type == 'field' || $type == 'all') {
    $tokens = array();
    $tokens['isbn']['raw'] = t('Raw, unfiltered ISBN');
    $tokens['isbn']['formatted'] = t('Formatted and filtered ISBN');
    return $tokens;

 * Implementation of hook_token_values().
function isbn_token_values($type, $object = NULL) {
  if ($type == 'field') {
    $item = $object[0];
    $tokens['raw'] = $item['isbn'];
    $tokens['formatted'] = isset($item['view']) ? $item['view'] : '';
    return $tokens;

 * Implementation of hook_content_generate().
function isbn_content_generate($node, $field) {
  $random_isbn = '';
  for ($i = 1; $i <= $field['isbn_format']; $i++) {
    $random_isbn .= mt_rand(0, 9);
  return array(
    'value' => $random_isbn,


Namesort descending Description
isbn_clean Helper function for cleaning dashes and spaces
isbn_content_generate Implementation of hook_content_generate().
isbn_content_is_empty Implementation of hook_content_is_empty().
isbn_elements Implementation of FAPI hook_elements().
isbn_field Implementation of hook_field().
isbn_field_formatter_info Implementation of hook_field_formatter_info().
isbn_field_info Implementation of hook_field_info().
isbn_field_process Process an individual element.
isbn_field_settings Implementation of hook_field_settings().
isbn_menu Implementation of hook_menu().
isbn_theme Implementation of hook_theme().
isbn_token_list Implementation of hook_token_list()
isbn_token_values Implementation of hook_token_values().
isbn_validate_ajax Ajax callback function for validating an ISBN
isbn_widget Implementation of hook_widget().
isbn_widget_info Implementation of hook_widget_info().
isbn_widget_settings Implementation of hook_widget_settings().
theme_isbn_field FAPI theme for an individual text elements.
theme_isbn_formatter_clean Theme function for 'clean' ISBN field formatter Removes dashes and spaces.
theme_isbn_formatter_default Theme function for 'default' ISBN field formatter.
theme_isbn_formatter_raw Theme function for 'raw' ISBN field formatter.
_isbn_validate_13 Validator for 13 digit ISBNs from
