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public function IpGeoLocViewsPluginStyle::pluginStyleRenderFields in IP Geolocation Views & Maps 8

Perform token replacement, convert timestamps to date strings etc.

Store the rendered rows on the object passed in, which will typically be an instance of class views_plugin_style or subclass. Note that fields that have their Exclude box ticked, won't be rendered, Typical candidates for exclusion are the latitude and longitude fields.


string $views_plugin_style: The views plugin style.


src/Services/IpGeoLocViewsPluginStyle.php, line 1087


Class IpGeoLocViewsPluginStyle.




public function pluginStyleRenderFields($views_plugin_style) {
  if (!$views_plugin_style
    ->usesFields() || isset($views_plugin_style->rendered_fields)) {
  $rendered_fields = [];
  $field_ids = array_keys($views_plugin_style->view->field);
  $differentiator = $views_plugin_style->options['differentiator']['differentiator_field'];
  $latitude = trim($views_plugin_style->options['ip_geoloc_views_plugin_latitude']);
  $longitude = trim($views_plugin_style->options['ip_geoloc_views_plugin_longitude']);
  foreach ($views_plugin_style->view->result as $i => &$row) {

    // God knows why we need this...
    // $views_plugin_style->view->row_index = $i;.
    foreach ($field_ids as $field_id) {
      $field = $views_plugin_style->view->field[$field_id];

      // theme() also renders the tokens that may be used in the balloon fields.
      $field_value = $field

      // Add the special 'views_' fields that normally aren't in the results
      // set to the row, if required for the $differentiator or lat/lon that
      // have math expressions applied through the Views UI.
      $special_field_id = 'views_' . $field_id;
      if (($special_field_id == $differentiator || $special_field_id == $latitude || $special_field_id == $longitude) && empty($row->{$special_field_id})) {
        $row->{$special_field_id}[] = $field_value;

      // If Excluded is ticked, we don't style and add the field to the
      // rendered_fields.
      if (!$field->options['exclude']) {
        $styled_field_value = $this
          ->pluginStyleAddLabelAndStyling($field, $field_value);
        $rendered_fields[$i][$field_id] = $styled_field_value;

  // unset($views_plugin_style->view->row_index);.
  return $rendered_fields;