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public function IpGeoLocAPI::getLocationByIp in IP Geolocation Views & Maps 8

Returns the location details associated with the supplied IP address.

Performs a lookup in IPGV&M's own database to see if the supplied IP address has visited already and if so returns their location details (as an array). If the IP address is not yet in the IP geolocation database, then retrieve lat/long using either Smart IP or GeoIP API (if enabled) and reverse-geocode the lat/long (if the Google Maps service is enabled) into a location. If the third argument is TRUE, then store the new location.


string $ip_address: The IP address to locate.

bool $resample: if set to TRUE, ignore any existing location data for this IP address and retrieve the latest.

bool $store: if TRUE, store the new or resampled location on the db.

bool|null $reverse_geocode: applies only when the supplied IP address is not yet on the database or $resample=TRUE; use TRUE, FALSE or NULL; TRUE will produce greater detail in the location returned; if NULL or omitted the value is taken from the tick box on the IP Geolocation configuration page. Reverse-geocoding is subject to a Google-imposed limit of 2500 calls per day from the same server IP address.

Return value

array location as an array


src/Services/IpGeoLocAPI.php, line 444


Class IpGeoAPI to interact with other modules.




public function getLocationByIp($ip_address, $resample = FALSE, $store = FALSE, $reverse_geocode = NULL) {
  $location = $resample ? NULL : db_query('SELECT * FROM {ip_geoloc} WHERE ip_address = :ip_address', [
    ':ip_address' => $ip_address,
  if (empty($location)) {
    $location = [
      'ip_address' => $ip_address,
    if (ip_geoloc_use_smart_ip_if_enabled($location) || ip_geoloc_use_geoip_api_if_enabled($location)) {
      if (!isset($reverse_geocode)) {
        $reverse_geocode = $this->config
          ->get('ip_geoloc_google_to_reverse_geocode') ? $this->config
          ->get('ip_geoloc_google_to_reverse_geocode') : FALSE;
      if ($reverse_geocode && isset($location['latitude']) && isset($location['longitude'])) {
        if ($google_address = $this
          ->reverseGeocode($location['latitude'], $location['longitude'])) {

          // Should we clear out whatever Smart IP or GeoIP put in the $location
          // to avoid fields contradicting eachother? Eg. Google normally
          // returns 'locality', whereas Smart IP and GeoIP return 'city'.
          // $location = array('ip_address' => $ip_address);.
          ip_geoloc_flatten_google_address($google_address, $location);
      if ($store) {

        // Calls drupal_alter().
      else {
        drupal_alter('get_ip_geolocation', $location);
  return $location;