private function IpGeoLocPluginStyleLeaflet::addMarkerTooltips in IP Geolocation Views & Maps 8
Form part definition.
1 call to IpGeoLocPluginStyleLeaflet::addMarkerTooltips()
- IpGeoLocPluginStyleLeaflet::buildOptionsForm in src/
Plugin/ views/ style/ IpGeoLocPluginStyleLeaflet.php - Provide a form to edit options for this plugin.
- src/
Plugin/ views/ style/ IpGeoLocPluginStyleLeaflet.php, line 466
- IpGeoLocPluginStyleLeaflet
- Views Style plugin extension for Leaflet (if enabled).
private function addMarkerTooltips(&$form, $fields, &$weight) {
$form['tooltips'] = [
'#title' => $this
->t('Marker tooltips'),
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#collapsible' => TRUE,
'#collapsed' => empty($this->options['tooltips']['marker_tooltip']),
'#description' => $this
->t('In addition to balloons, which pop up when markers are <em>clicked</em>, you can have tooltips. A tooltip is a short text that appears when you <em>hover</em> over a marker.'),
'#weight' => $weight++,
$note_polygons = $this
->t('Applies to markers. If you want tooltips for lines and polygons too, please use this selector in combination with <a href="@url_leaflet_label">Leaflet Label</a>.', [
'@url_leaflet_label' => '',
$form['tooltips']['marker_tooltip'] = [
'#title' => $this
->t('Views field to populate tooltips'),
'#type' => 'select',
// '#multiple' => TRUE,
// '#size' => 6,.
'#default_value' => $this->options['tooltips']['marker_tooltip'],
'#options' => $fields,
'#description' => $this
->t('Example: "Content: Title"') . '<br/>' . $note_polygons,